How Are You ACTUALLY Helping?

  • JNCaudill

    August 26, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Teaching our young is so important. Our lil ones enjoying john deere tractors & sand ( just like their dad did – actually his tractors from when he was their age) . I always treasured my time w/my grandparents & great grand parents. I was fortunate to have great grand parents into my adulthood. My grandmother will be 90 in October. Still lives alone & fiesty. 😉

  • potpourri_of_life

    August 26, 2022 at 11:26 am

    I personally scroll past the negative of things I cannot change. Try to maintain a positive outlook, despite when things don’t go as planned. Yet, I don’t bury my head in the sand. Know just enough, yet staying clear of the “fear”. Fear keeps one from being productive.

    The reason I started my youtube channel was to share what I know, what I learn (we are always learning) and my faith. Doing so, has allowed me to focus on the good while providing me a purpose for this moment in time.

    My grandchildren are the most welcomed gift. They know that if something needs to be repaired and mended, that they can come visit Grammy and Grampa to help them along, the same as we did for our daughters.

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 26, 2022 at 11:51 am

    Thank you for your answers. This forum will truly be inspirational to people who read it.

    I am happy to see so many people from all over, actually being the change!

  • JulieDogmom

    August 26, 2022 at 12:55 pm

    I’m always trying to do better today than I did yesterday. There is always something to think about, prioritize, research, organize, strategize, manage, adapt and overcome. And that’s just the mental part. Life never stops happening. It doesn’t care if you’re ready or not. The overwhelm and frustration happens and we’ve got to deal with it if we hope to move forward. I take regular breaks to pray or just listen to spiritual teachings to refocus calm things down a bit. I gave up lamestream news, shows, movies several years ago. Physically, I try to stay focused on what’s next on the never ending lists of preps and things that need done. Especially recently since Glen left a really toxic job and has had trouble finding another one. Bills don’t stop when employment does. The world keeps turning. I try to encourage him and give ideas for alternative opportunities or others he may be able to turn to for advice. Asking for help has never been one of our strengths. I’ve always been everyone’s go-to for support, advice, help, conflict resolution, the voice of reason and stability. I love helping others. And these days that’s more important than ever.

  • FaithK

    August 28, 2022 at 3:18 am

    Mental health is so important! I’m a coach for values-based living (and mental health coaching, like helping folks navigate the options out there), and one day I realized, oh, hey, I’m not living my own values! At the time, I had put my clinical mental health counseling degree on pause because of the “plague”. I had intended on just taking a break. But I realized, with the requirement of vax (and a lot of stuff inherent in the field I just wasn’t cool with), that I’d strike out on my own and buck the “thank you sir may I have another” counseling/medical system.

    So now I’m growing things, and expanding my ability to grow things, even things that we don’t eat because they’ll help someone else. I want chickens, but the rest of my family doesn’t, so I’m preparing to grow things for chickens so we aren’t buying feed, and preparing to get some anyway come next spring, and if it doesn’t work out, to find a chicken person to grow it for.

    I feel a call to help help help, but how I’m supposed to help gets fuzzy. But hey, it’ll be all good. A popular YTer talks about using your waiting room as classroom, and I think that’s what I’m doing. We’ll see.Mental health is so important! I’m a coach for values-based living (and mental health coaching, like helping folks navigate the options out there), and one day I realized, oh, hey, I’m not living my own values! At the time, I had put my clinical mental health counseling degree on pause because of the “plague”. I had intended on just taking a break. But I realized, with the requirement of vax (and a lot of stuff inherent in the field I just wasn’t cool with), that I’d strike out on my own and buck the “thank you sir may I have another” counseling/medical system.

    So now I’m growing things, and expanding my ability to grow things, even things that we don’t eat because they’ll help someone else. I want chickens, but the rest of my family doesn’t, so I’m preparing to grow things for chickens so we aren’t buying feed, and preparing to get some anyway come next spring, and if it doesn’t work out, to find a chicken person to grow it for.

    I feel a call to help help help, but how I’m supposed to help gets fuzzy. But hey, it’ll be all good. A popular YTer talks about using your waiting room as classroom, and I think that’s what I’m doing. We’ll see.

  • Troupe

    August 28, 2022 at 5:37 am

    Never stop looking forward. Forward is towards Jesus Christ. First have coffee on the porch with my hubby, giving thanks in our hearts for the blessings we have received. Work hard, rest on the back porch, as needed, looking at today’s accomplishments, giving glory to God for giving us the physical ability to do what needs to be done. Sharing the things we grow with those who do not garden. Sharing a meal filled with good food, we grow, and lots of love and laughter with those who love our way of life.

  • Toni

    August 28, 2022 at 6:12 am

    How am I actually helping? What am I actually doing that actually helps? Interesting questions. Interesting answers too. How does one know that what they are doing is actually helping? And helping what, in what way, and etc…

    There is a saying that where attention goes, energy flows…

    So for me, what I chose to spend my time doing is focusing on the things I want to see more of in the world and in my life. I chose to generate more energy in areas that promote life and well being instead of fear, as one example. Like probably most of us here. We grow things; animals and trees and vegetables, etc. We enjoy the fruits of our labors and enjoy sharing them with others. We cultivate relationships with our neighbors, friends, family and others like you guys here now…

    To reduce any undesired influence by the lizard people, hehe, I personally just ignore them. Deprive them of my attention and any energy they may derive from such, and just starve the dragons, so to speak.

    Not sure if that makes any sense to any one, but it is what I actually do… unfiltered.

    • SpagsUnfiltered

      Community Leader
      August 28, 2022 at 12:57 pm

      I love this answer. I believe we have the ability to project goodness, and it sounds like you’re doing that.

  • Barred-Rock-or-Brahma

    August 28, 2022 at 7:31 am

    Right now I’m investing in myself. John Willis from SOE said something powerful recently regarding how to best invest $10,000. When asked, his response was was that if you only have $10k to invest in the market or in a business, then you don’t have enough. He said you need $50k minimum. John recommended taking that $10k and investing it in yourself to learn the skills necessary to earn the $50k. That dude blew my mind.

    I’m actually not even interested in earning or investing money (the main appeal of permaculture for me is living a self reliant, self sustaining lifestyle that minimizes the necessity of external inputs), but I am very interested in learning skills and saving money.

    So far, I’m expecting an approximately 10:1 ROI when I look at what I’ve spent learning, and what I’ll save now that I know what I know!

  • Wendy

    August 30, 2022 at 9:29 pm

    Teaching younger people to can, preserve, dehydrate, etc. Explaining why it’s important for them to teach their children EARLY AND NOW a good work ethic so they don’t balk when it’s needed. (Like now.) Discussing with family and friends – in a way that hopefully doesn’t bring fear or stress – the things they can expect/look forward to. Teaching WHY it’s important to be prepared for as much as possible, whether it be protection, food, medical, animal husbandry, gardening. Putting a bug in people’s ears about foraging and what local things might help them. Anything I can do to motivate them to be prepared. If they are prepared, it helps everyone else. If they close their eyes and ears, I have to walk away. You can lead a horse to water……

  • Sandy

    August 30, 2022 at 9:33 pm

    Exactly! I taught my girls to can, dehydrate, ferment, etc, and explained to them the importance of knowing those skills. I grew up Appalachia poor and we survived the winter and spring with what we had put up the previous summer and fall. That was our way of life.

  • dbarker54

    August 30, 2022 at 10:09 pm

    As a senior citizen with 7 kids, 13 grands kids, and 10 great grands (soon to be 12), I try to be a good influence on them. Teach them about morals and kindness, etc. I try to be a good neighbor by sharing things from my garden and what not. I show kindness to strangers even when they bite my head off. I try to share the Love of God with everybody. I treat everybody with resect. I help anyone at any time that I possibly can. I try not to judge. I try to show that goodness begets goodness. I teach all that I can to anyone who will listen. And I am always willing to listen to anyone’s problems and only give advice where needed. I have always, always, always asked God to let me be of help to someone somehow along the way each day.

    • SpagsUnfiltered

      Community Leader
      August 31, 2022 at 2:58 am

      You are a true Matriarch!

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