How Are You ACTUALLY Helping?

  • How Are You ACTUALLY Helping?

    Posted by SpagsUnfiltered on August 25, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    It’s time to stop dwelling on conspiracies, larger than life bad guys, and insurmountable situations.

    We as Freesteaders move PAST prepping and homesteading by moving PAST the art of wasting time.

    Sure, around a campfire it’s fun to talk about lizard people and global shadow organizations. But what good does it ACTAULLY do?

    What do YOU do NOW to actually make a change for the better? What do you do to ensure that any lizard people living in Yellowstone’s super volcano have as LITTLE influence over you as possible?

    How are you a DOER and not just a TALKER?!

    Let’s get Unfiltered!

    SpagsUnfiltered replied 2 years, 4 months ago 19 Members · 33 Replies
  • 33 Replies
  • DeepSouth

    August 25, 2022 at 3:15 pm

    Working daily to feed ourselves, protect ourselves and stopping for a break by the pond to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It has to be a combination of skills and relaxation to daily keep the Faith and not look back. Thanks Spags

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 25, 2022 at 3:23 pm

    You are spot on! Mental health is very important. Finding balance is hard to do. Great point, thank you!

  • coastalredwoodhomestead

    August 25, 2022 at 3:31 pm

    Everyday I wake up blessed by the Lord and to remember to put on the whole armor of God. I continue to rotation plant as much vegetables that I can feed and water my animals and teach my children and grandchildren how to depend on God for everything they need and to not be consumed of the things of this world. We have been building a community of like minded people and sharing everything that we have learned and I have a lot to share from many homesteaders like Deep South Homestead who have taught us so much. Every year I share my blessed Harvest with my community and give away all my extra’s and pass on the Gospel to share God’s word. We don’t watch the news anymore nothing good comes from it. Live each day with the whole armor of God share everything that you have learned and with your fellow brothers and sisters.

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 25, 2022 at 3:41 pm

    It’s truly amazing the level of toxicity you shed when you turn off the news. I’m so glad you mentioned that. It speaks directly to the point this Forum seeks to address.

    What exactly is the wisdom of “staying informed” when virtually every outlet no longer informs but indoctrinates?

    I too watch zero news. Thank you for the comment!

    • JeffL

      August 25, 2022 at 4:00 pm

      “lizard people?”

      I typically check financial news for <5 min in the morning just to make sure I haven’t missed out on anything catastrophic overnight. As long as they’re complaining about the same stuff, I figure we’re good. The rest of the day is tv-free so I’m more productive and less stressed.

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 25, 2022 at 4:28 pm

    Yeah! You know….the lizard people! Haha

    I used “lizard people” as an exagerated example of the grandiose conspiracy theories people in the prepper/homestead crowd love to talk about.

    Turning off the TV is a fantastic way to better one’s day! Great comment.

  • RayR

    August 25, 2022 at 6:37 pm

    We’ve do e a bunch of stuff. First we stopped watching TV altogether. We get our news from various sources but we don’t dwell on it, or overload on it. Second we started growing some food for ourselves even before the ‘commie bug’ hit, but ramped it up 9ver past couple of years. Third we have housed people in our house that lost their job because of the ‘pokey poke’. Fourth I write an encouraging, but warning filled bible study blog. Fifth we are wanting to get a farm property of our own so that we can provide for ourselves, our families and our community in need. Lastly, we want to learn from all of you.

    • Maytag

      August 25, 2022 at 8:29 pm

      I grew up in a house with cable TV, but when I moved out on my own around 2009, I didn’t bother continuing that. I have a TV for games and DVDs, but have never used it for “TV” ever.

      It’s funny to see people such as coworkers react to this if I talk to them about it. Like, what, you don’t watch TV? Aren’t you bored at home? How do you get any news and weather?


      • SpagsUnfiltered

        Community Leader
        August 25, 2022 at 8:37 pm

        I get that for sure. The fam and I will carve out a little time for a few select shows. For example, I love anything Gordon Ramsey (God I hope he never went to Epstine’s Island….). We will watch a show here or there, but it’s always after work is done, animals are tended too, garden is worked in etc.

        We watch precious little TV, and frankly, I would love it if someone would produce a streaming service that we could watch shows we like but that isn’t owned by some large woke corporation. But that likely won’t happen any time soon.

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 25, 2022 at 7:32 pm

    What a fantastic answer! Taking in others to fight tyranny is a true undertaking.

    Well done and thanks foe the response?

    • RayR

      August 25, 2022 at 7:40 pm

      Thanks for the opportunity to voice it. We have had to be quiet about things because family, friends don’t understand our position – and I still work in the place that kicked those people living with us out. I never thought for a moment that in my life I would be involved with subversive actions (irrespective of how minor they may be) because the world had gone to hell so quickly. But here we all stand, boulders in a raging river, holding our own against the flow.

  • Maytag

    August 25, 2022 at 10:03 pm

    These last two years my life has changed so much…though maybe not on the surface. I’m doing the duck-on-the-water thing. Here are some things of note; I list this all not to brag but just to maybe inspire someone else (and also I’ve never written this all down so this is a good thought exercise for me):

    • Trying to absorb as much useful info as I can. Mainly that has materialized as
      – Filling free time with trying to learn all kinds of things from gardening, homesteading, farming, etc. youtube channels. Way better than watching cable TV!
      – Reading books. I’ve read nearly a dozen really good informative and educational books this summer, many recommended by Billy at PPF in one of his videos talking about book recommendations.
    • Trying to re-energize my walk with God after a decade of complacency.
    • Keeping close track of expenses. I’ve always been frugal but have never kept close track of just how much I’m spending on stuff. This year I’m tracking/categorizing every cent as best I can to see where I can trim the fat. It’s been a good exercise and a good habit to get into.
    • Looking for land. I don’t have an exact destination in mind yet, so I’ve been casting a wide net in terms of where I’m looking. The problem, until recently, was “well, if I buy land and move there and the neighbors all want to make my life miserable, then what?” I mean, that could still be a problem, but maybe this site can help me “land” somewhere with some like-minded people nearby. Being single will be a double-edged sword in this endeavor; it’s just me, not a whole family, that would have to uproot from city life, but on the other hand it’s just me… and there’s a lot to do on a homestead, especially if the land is mostly or completely undeveloped when you get it.
    • LETTING GO of STUFF. Toys, entertainment media, and other junk around the house. All going on craigslist, eBay, or to friends or family. Still a work in process but I’ve passed 10k in my liquidation profits this year (not bad for “closet cleaning”) which I will be able to spend on more useful things. In hindsight it’s kind of remarkable how easily the switch in my mind flipped to “if it’s not conducive to my goals of getting out of the city and living more independently, then I don’t need to keep it.”
    • Quit wasting so much time on vapid entertainment (video games chief among these). I’ve finally hit the turning point to re-prioritizing them for what they are (time wasters fine in small quantities) and not a hobby worth dump large amounts of time and energy (and money) into.
    • Getting outside and doing something. Mainly this just means the back yard garden, but not exclusively (small DIY projects, etc.)
    • “Simple” household lifestyle changes
      – Other than eating out (usually with coworkers) two or three times a month, I make all my own meals. I bake my own bread now, make my own lunch meats (I’m still buying the meat but it’s a step, ok), brew kombucha, make ferments (which I didn’t even really know was “a thing” until watching Doug & Stacy videos this year), and more.
      – Quit drinking soda, exercise more regularly.
      – Drying the laundry outside to save electricity… it doesn’t take long in the TX heat!

    In summary, I feel like I’m trying to make up for part of a lifetime spent in the fog of the matrix lol

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 25, 2022 at 10:51 pm

    Man, that speaks to me in so many ways. I became internationally known in Fallout 76. For almost 3 years I waisted time building a small empire with some really good friends. We had our voices used frequently in machinimas, including Trial of the Warlord shown at Quakon 2020.

    But it all came crashing on me when I realized how soft and pudgy 3 years of couch life had made me.

    I’ve vowed to change everything about my life back to the important stuff.

    Thanks for posting!

    • TagNBee

      August 25, 2022 at 10:56 pm

      Today I helped another homestead put insulation in their attic so that their winter was easier. it took 8 hours. I believe community matters. Beyond the small day to day activities , I spend everyday helping people find practical , action based items to live a freer life, according to their own terms.

  • SpagsUnfiltered

    Community Leader
    August 25, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    I love real world examples like this! It shows that the people who created this platform walk the walk, they don’t just talk the talk.

  • Yoda

    August 26, 2022 at 12:40 am

    I have been processing and making salsa for days. To split the bounty of deliciousness and saving seeds @LifeDonefree

  • Debbi

    August 26, 2022 at 1:13 am

    Honestly, I feel like I have internal battle every day between homeschooling my guys or getting more food put away. Getting more things ready for what’s coming or taking care of ordinary chores. What’s more important to do? Right? Well duh! School always should be but then I watch the news and bam……it starts again.

  • JNCaudill

    August 26, 2022 at 3:08 am

    This week, we took time away from our jobs to focus on organizing our home (to store our harvest) plus set aside some for others. We have thanked God for our blessings. It’s been a good week & we are grateful for the opportunity to help others.

  • JNCaudill

    August 26, 2022 at 3:15 am

    Our church is starting a free, biblically based counseling service for our community. We are totally supporting this much needed assset in every way possible. There is such a need for biblical guidance in our community.

  • DeepSouth

    August 26, 2022 at 3:22 am

    We spent time teaching our granddaughter about simple things, good food and enjoying what God had blessed her with. Then checking out the flooding and doing damage control. Later talking with new friends and enjoying the conversation.

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