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  • Granny-Hatchet

    May 24, 2023 at 1:06 pm in reply to: Crypto, A Force for Good? Or a Trap?

    I dabbled in it for a short while, and honestly I’m no less ignorant of it, than before the dabbling. I remember people telling me that it was fool proof. That it was backed and therefore couldn’t/wouldn’t crash. That you could invest as little as a $100 and become a millionaire. Etc etc etc. Well, I’m not a millionaire. It did crash. And for a while now I’ve seen where different entities are having their accounts confiscated/shut down. Don’t know if that’s true, or but if it is…I feel like I’m glad I didn’t dabble any more than I did. .

    If it works for someone who understands it. That’s awesome. But I had and have a hard time purchasing something that is “mined” from nothing/time/or wherever they claim now.

    Besides, it seems too easy for whomever has control over it, to manipulate it in any given way.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    May 23, 2023 at 5:28 pm in reply to: ATTENTION FREESTEADERS!!!!!!!

    Jmho, don’t flip the switch yet. . I don’t see a lot of activity in the groups that I follow right now. So I like seeing posts from groups that I haven’t yet found or chosen to join. It gives me something to weigh my decisions on.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    March 26, 2023 at 10:23 pm in reply to: Looking for help with acne

    Lye soap. Seriously. Get away from store bought soaps. All actually hand made soaps are lye soap. Stay away from melt and pour bases. You need a soap made from scratch. With as few ingredients as possible. The fats/oils used are not a big deal, so you can use vegan or mammalian products. And it absolutely does not need to be made with goats milk…but many people do enjoy a goats milk soap. If you would like a fragrance, try to go with an essential oil, rather than fragrance oils.

    Some of the best soaps to look for (for acne) at farmers market : plain. Tea tree, thyme with rosemary/mint, and pine tar.

    You can also make an astringent by steeping thyme, mint, and rosemary in witch hazel for a couple of weeks. Or by boiling these herbs in distilled water. Use daily as needed, applying to the face with cotton balls, or clean cloth.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    March 26, 2023 at 4:31 pm in reply to: Been there, dug that 😉

    That’s definitely not the Ozarks. You can rarely find a spot without rocks.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    February 11, 2023 at 2:40 am in reply to: questions seeking answers to clear confusion

    I can’t answer all your questions. I’ll touch on a few.

    Why are there cult like action in religion? One simple three letter word MAN. And I mean human kind. Humans inherently screw up just about everything they touch. Especially religion. One guy thinks the other guy is doing it wrong, so he breaks off and takes some people and tells them to do it like he does. And then somebody else gets the idea that they’re right and he’s wrong. So they take folks and start their own church/denomination. That’s the funny thing about free will. It also sometimes leads to a sense of power. And what do humans do with power?

    They wield it like sword.

    Why would God allow someone to take a persons family just to test faith?

    I’ll give you my humble opinion of the answer.

    We have blind faith that our vehicle is going to get us to our destination, then home again each day. But what happens when that vehicle breaks down. Some people just throw up their hands and say “to heck with it” and go get a different vehicle. They’ve lost faith in that vehicle, so they just replace it. Others know that it wasn’t the vehicle. It was the part in the vehicle that broke and tried their faith. Get rid of that part, and that vehicle runs fine.

    God didn’t try Jobs faith. Satan did. God had so much faith in Job, that He knew Job couldn’t be broken. Think of that. ..and answer me this. Who’s faith was truly being tested? Jobs faith in God or God’s faith in man? But Job didn’t break. God didn’t break. Satan did.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    January 16, 2023 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Spring Goals?

    I have so many goals, that they stretch well into summer and fall 😅.

    First and foremost however is getting the spring garden in and starting the summer seeds.

    We will be working heavily on the new property. Our goal for spring is to at least have the place fenced and cross fenced. Then a small cabin and outdoor kitchen is to be built. An outdoor kitchen to cook and can in the warm months, and a small wood stove for cooking and heating the cabin in the cold months.

    Next on the priority list is moving many of the berry bushes and other perennials from our current homestead to the off-grid property.

    Of course a well needs to be dug also. So that gets pushed in between fencing and cabin building.

    So much to do. But we are going to eat this elephant one bite at a time.

    Maybe a little more overwhelming for me, as I’m trying to decide what and when to move things over. And if truth be told, I’m kind of anxious to be on the new place already. But we don’t want/need to get ahead of ourselves.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    January 12, 2023 at 1:11 pm in reply to: Prayer Warriors: We need you!

    Lifting you both up in prayer.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    January 7, 2023 at 5:27 pm in reply to: Our Grand Son Needs Prayers

    Praying for little Zachary as well as Mom and Dad. Our first was two and a half months premature. I know the stress all are going through. It seems rough now..and it is..but God is good and all will be fine.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    December 16, 2022 at 2:28 pm in reply to: Preparedness.

    I really love the ones who say ” I’ll just come to your house”…. Yeah sorry there Skippy, you’re not invited

  • Granny-Hatchet

    December 8, 2022 at 3:43 pm in reply to: Food for Thought — Limited Supplies

    We have 6 months of food, but water stores, are less right now. As we’ve been using a bit of our water stores on the new property.

    After looking at my storage, I have more seeds than I could grow in a year. . Plenty of varieties to grow and 90% of them are heirlooms. I’ve been propogating grape and other plants to move to the new property.

    We are good on soap (obviously 😅) and other hygiene products as well.

    Our mane focus lately is


    Replacement parts/tools

    Livestock feed

  • Granny-Hatchet

    November 24, 2022 at 6:32 am in reply to: What do you suggest for a small garden?

    I agree with Leslienky. First and foremost, grow what you eat.

    If you’re just trying it out grow a plant or two and decide if you like it or not before investing space and time into that veggie or fruit.

    For me, I guess my “cash crops” as you call them, would be tomatoes, bean, potatoes, and peppers and bunching onions (green onions). These five are the things I grow the best and I’m always blessed by their abundance. And so many of them volunteer that I almost always have more plants then originally planned. Green onions of course are well known for that. They flower their second year, and if you leave a couple or three to go to seed, you’ll have plenty the next season. Kind of a set and forget veggie.

    Basil is a real go getter. And mint… well I don’t think you can kill mint. Sage is awesome and is a perennial. As far as fruit.. raspberries, blackberries and mulberries are my high yielders.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    November 15, 2022 at 3:25 am in reply to: Horse Manure

    We use our horse manure on the garden as well as our pastures. I pretty much use it for everything. As long as it is well composted. Made the mistake of using not so well composted manure one year. Everything grew wonderfully… including the hay seed that sprouted😅.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    November 11, 2022 at 2:34 am in reply to: Worst Preparedness Advice EVER!!!!

    Barter with bullets…bad advice IMO.

    First bullets are finite. Even if you reload your own ammo casings; there’s only so many times you can reuse that casing. Not to mention, that if we actually get to a point where we’re having fire fights on the streets, how often would you be able to collect all the casings in such a situation? Second, trading ammo puts a huge target on your back. As I said ammo is finite, but those with ammo will also have power. When you have power, there is always someone that wants your power. And there is always someone with power who wants/needs to be more powerful than you. They’ll come for your ammo, if they win, they’ll take that ammo and everything else. Whether you like it or not, you’re not Rambo, And nobody is going to step in and be your stunt person. Third, the alphabet government will (and probably already are) putting their people in plain clothes hoping to barter for your ammo. They’ll stretch you, frame you, and hang you out to dry.

    Many of you talk about being the grey man. Flashing ammo around is far from grey.

    Fourth, anyone that has food after a situation that calls for bartering ammo, probably already has ammo of their own as well. Look at this group for instance. Most of us raise and grow our food. And have our peppy Le pewpews. And probably have the ammo we need. At least for a while. So there’s not much we are going to need to barter for. And what would you need from someone who wasn’t/isn’t prepared? What could they have that is worth your power? Or giving away your safety?

    Keep your ammo, trade the things that are less likely to make you a target. Knowledge..skills. they aren’t going to kill you for your soap. They might steal some seeds, but if they don’t have the knowledge to grow those seeds, well..they might get lucky, but the odds aren’t great. So your knowledge of how to grow that food is much more precious than the seed itself.

    Don’t get me wrong, in a bad situation anyone can become a target. No matter what. If you’re lucky or blessed, you’ll become a target before you barter those “bullets” away. That way you’ll at least have a fighting chance.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    January 6, 2023 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Chicken-First Time Raiser

    I can’t speak for anyone else. But as for our homestead, it really depends. The eggs that we collect in the morning usually just get stored in the cupboard unwashed. However, we have a few chickens that lay later in the day. We normally don’t collect them until after work. Those get a tad soiled, so we wash those and store them in the fridge. My grandparents used to just dry wipe the stuff off the eggs. But I think it’s just a mental thing with me. I have to wash them if they have poo on them.

  • Granny-Hatchet

    November 5, 2022 at 2:06 am in reply to: This is How the World Ends, This is How the World Ends….

    Yes in some ways. In the small view of things globalization seems like a perfect situation. And if it had been kept in check, I think it could have been. However, what we have done is basically created a fiscal drug addiction. Countries literally reliant/dependant on another. Becoming slack in their own markets, production, and so on. Outsourcing even the most mundane thing. For instance. It shouldn’t be cheaper for companies to send chicken, pork, whatever over seas to be processed and then sent back to the American market.

    And our stocks reflect the haphazard style and dependence that we have created

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