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MemberJanuary 16, 2024 at 4:45 pm in reply to: Finding Obsolete and Hard-to-Find Cummins Components Has Never Been EasierFor used Cummins parts try Redwines truck parts in NC. Not affilated with them. Just know they have a large diesel junkyard.
Been using ramial wood for years. There is old saying: “New forest grows on top of old forest”
Concerning using electrical conduit. Some of the conduit sold today has a very high lead content so the conduit can be bent without crushing.
It depends on the size of tree. For example the root zone of a tree will extend out as far as, or even a little further than the crown. So if the tree crown is 10 feet across then I would keep tree at least 6 feet away from the drain. (A ten foot crown diameter means a five foot radius plus a 1 foot buffer for six feet away.) If I were in this situation I would plant dwarf fruit trees. This is not official advice, just what I would do.
Here is an example of how I might use one of my raised beds throughout the year. In January I have lettuce that over wintered but is waking up because I have a plastic cover over it to hold in heat. By mid February the lettuce is producing enough for me to pick every 3 days or so. By mid march the lettuce is picked clean and I plant white potatoes. The white potatoes come out in about mid June. As soon as I take out the potatoes I plant sweet potato slips. Four months later I dig up sweet potatoes in about mid October. Then I plant carrots for my fall/winter crop. I leave the carrots in the ground all winter, if it gets to cold I cover them with mulch and put the plastic frame covering back over them. That way I have fresh carrots until next spring when I start the process over again. I add mulch and organic fertilizer with each planting cycle to keep the soil fertility going. I am in NC zone 7.
I have been gardening in eastern NC zone 7 for close to 30 years now. My whole garden is about 2 weeks behind normal this year. However it is going quite good at the moment. When I first started I struggled with weeds in the garden. I finally realized that nature does not like bare ground and wants to be growing something. Things started getting better when I started planting over winter cover crops. (Plant what you want or you will get what you don’t want.) I still have weeds in the garden, but I call them my weeds. So every fall I sow mustard, collards, lettuce, carrots, turnups, cowpeas, etc. from my own saved seeds. In addition I have several “weeds” that I allow to grow over the winter. These include purple dead nettle, chickweed and vetch. Between my planted cool weather crops and the “weeds”, my garden is usually completely covered with “cover crop” plants during the winter time. (Strive to have living plants in the soil at all times.) But all of the sowed plants and the “weeds” are cool weather plants and naturally start die to back in the spring when the temperature starts rising. This makes it easy to prepare the garden for the spring planting each spring. So you can have the weeds that nature wants you to have, or you can have weeds the you want to have, but either way you will have weeds.
There is no such thing as a wonderful insurance company.
MemberJanuary 7, 2023 at 12:08 pm in reply to: This is How the World Ends, This is How the World Ends….The world is not going anywhere, however it is changing as always. Evolution is just another word for change. If we look at the history of Rome we can see that it started as a strong country. Then it started to fight many wars in order to conquer other lands and grow larger. The constant wars drained their government coffers. To make up for this they started to print more and more money by debasing their gold and silver coins. When the people starting objecting to this, they passed many more restrictive laws which stifled the people and commerce. As a result Rome went into a slow decline. As the saying goes, the US is the modern day Rome.
MemberNovember 21, 2022 at 12:04 pm in reply to: Where do you get bulk fruit tree saplings?Hartmann plant nursery sells both wholesale and retail fruit trees. I am not connected with them at all other than ordering from them a couple times.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Fossilman.
I store my seeds in plastic bags and glass jars. Then store the jars under the house in the crawl space. I have grown corn, beans, tomato, etc. from seeds as much as 12 years old. And I routinely use seeds over 5 years old. I do this on purpose so I am selecting for seeds with a long shelf life. My germination rates do suffer but I still get plenty of viable seeds. My goal is to create seeds with a long shelf life.
I would add networking with like minded people to the list. (Using this site for example) It is very hard to stand alone. By that I mean it is hard to be an expert at gardening, carpentry, pluming, herbal medicine, raising animals, hunting, etc. So be expert at some items and trade with others who are expert in other areas that you are not expert. I am an introvert by nature, however I do have select neighbors and friends with the same independent nature that I have. For example I have a large garden and about 30 fruit and nut trees. I have a neighbor with chickens, my son in law hunts, so I trade food from my garden with them for eggs, deer meat, etc. I also have what I call online friends. People I have not met in person that are basically freesteaders that I trade ideas with and learn from.
MemberJanuary 7, 2023 at 12:30 pm in reply to: This is How the World Ends, This is How the World Ends….The problem we have is we do not have true east west trade. The Clinton admin royally screwed the US with their NAFTA agreement. They allowed the large corporations to write the rules. And of course they (the large corporations) wrote rules that benefit the large corporations at the expense of working people and the middle class. As a result, our largest export for the last 20 years has been manufacturing jobs that supported the middle class. In exchange we get cheap junk from China.
I can’t say for sure what the seeds they are selling are, but hybrid generally means the plant or seeds are the result of crossing 2 or more different parent plants to make the hybrid.