Rain Country
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Active 14 hours ago
Living frugal, natural, healthy, and as self sustainable as possible. Sharing what we do and what we have... View more
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Living frugal, natural, healthy, and as self sustainable as possible. Sharing what we do and what we have learned along the way plus healthy recipes, herbal remedies, gardening tips, wood working, auto repair, and much more. We are not fully off grid, but do as much as possible to live that way and we will be sharing these things as well (see our “Off Grid Living” playlist for that). Please note, I will also be sharing my faith and scripture along the way, as these are a big part of why I do what I do.
Favorite Medicinal Herbs
Favorite Medicinal Herbs
Posted by HeidiRainCountry on February 16, 2023 at 3:41 pmWhat are your top favorite herbs to grow and use for their medicinal value?
When I first started growing and using my own my favorites were yarrow. feverfew, dandelion, and marshmallow but as I have added more and more through the years, I really cannot limit my favorites down to only a few since they all have their own unique attributes and get used in different ways. Those I mentioned are still in my top favorites but also out of those I grow myself I now include in that list comfrey, plantain, dandelion, calendula, catmint, valerian, nettle, peppermint, elderberry and flower, holy basil,. Chicory is great though I grow that mostly for my chickens and they love it. Then there are the ones with medicinal value that are also great for adding flavor to meals such as rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, golden oregano, and basil.
Then there are the ones I can forage from our other property such as usnea, horsetail and turkey tail mushroom.
There are many more but I will stop there. I am hoping to be successful with moringa and arnica this year!TheOldMayfieldPlace replied 1 year, 9 months ago 16 Members · 26 Replies -
26 Replies
Thank you for this post. I am new to the herbal space. I’ve been growing culinary herbs for a few years. I added a few mints last year and enjoyed all types of nightly teas. This year, my big push is to begin growing many more medicinal plants of all kinds. I have been preparing a large(ish) space to be able to plant in come Spring as well as planning spaces around the yard to establish useful perennials.
I enjoy your content very much and am overjoyed to have you here.
I’ve been learning over 10 years but, learning more about whats native to my area for 3 years. How to use wild herbs that grow in your backyard no matter the size of your yard. I look at the world our Father gives us food as medicine for our bodies. Since my husband James and I are in our forties have a few health issues. Praying, seeking His word and His truth for our bodies. I’m starting to look into all the herbs mentioned in the bible and how to use them. I’m excited to learn more and to share what I know. Cayenne, stevia, ginger, garlic, turmeric, black pepper, wild onion, Elderberry, Golden rod, dandelion and so much more.
I’m excited and Inspired by you Heidi!
Patrick is 58 and I will be 57 next month. The only prescription drugs we were on was thyroid medication but we quit them over 10 eyars ago now and are doing great. Using nettle to nourish our thyroids and replacing Over the Counter meds like pain killers and allergy medicines with herbs, we are doing great! Getting older is a fact of life and we cannot life for ever and we will age but we want to be as healthy as we can be until the LORD takes us home 🙂
Hello Heidi, I have tried to grow Moringa every which way there is with no luck. I won’t give up tho…Pray you and yours are well.
Thanks for posting this info. Was excited to learn chicory can be fed to chickens. I have planted several herbs from seeds, in order to feed them to my chickens. My husband says I need to plant more seeds to feed us. Haha!
My two absolute favorites areElderberry to make cold and flu medicine and Calendula for anti fungal, anti bacterial tea. It worked for me for an intestinal bug and also for a UTI. It just takes longer than an ABT. The best part is I didn’t get a yeast infection which is common for me after pharmacutical ABT use.
Elderberry, valerian, mullein, echinacea, lemon balm and plantain to name a few. We also collect propolis from our bees and make a tincture from that.
I grow mostly culinary herbs, dill basil oregano lemon balm chives. With the way things are going I’m planning on spending more time gardening
Let’s talk comfrey. I understand it multiplies like crazy. I was able to get a large amount last year from a wonderful lady. I’m worried if I plant it along a fence line that it’ll creep into the yard. The hubby would not be happy. He doesn’t care for my WEEDS. He’s softening on some things, but there’s a lot of compromises made on both sides. So what can I do to contain it? I don’t know the species of comfrey which puts me in a heightened state of panic. I don’t know if this one spreads by the roots or seeds.
I’ve been trying to get comfrey for 3 years! Now that I have it, I want to get it settled correctly the first time.
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Ya know, I’ve heard it multiplies like rabbits too! And I can’t get it to start to save my soul! I bought some from perma pasture farms and they had it at my house in 2 days after I placed the order. I also bought some I found locally and planted it close to my herb bed. Not one single sprig popped through the dirt! My friends sent me a big container of it, same results! She said I e never heard of anybody not able to grow it…it’s so EASY🤦♀️😏
There actually ARE places where comfrey will not grow well but where it does, yes, it will creep everywhere!
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
Hello All ! So excited to see Heidi on Freesteading. My husband and I are in our mid 60’s. I have been using herbs for a number of years but just a few. I am learning SO MUCH more these past few years about using herbs for medicinal uses. The Lord has provided us with such a plethora of plants to utilize and I want to learn as much as I can about those growing here in the North. I can say some of my herb/plant favorites that I have either grown or harvested are, peppermint, sage, oregano, chamomile, St. Johns’ wort and Lavender. We recently purchased an old homestead this past fall and am very anxious for spring to explore to see what plants are here on our property I know we have Balm of Gilead, chaga, maple trees for syrup, rhubarb plants, grape vines, apple trees and who knows what else is …..
I have too many favorites to count. I grow chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, basil, dill, tulsi, oregano, thyme, rosemary, horseradish, and spearmint just because I love the taste. Their medicinal use is a bonus. I also have comfrey, catnip, stinging nettle, echinacea, black eyed Susan, calendula, yarrow, wild lettuce and plantain for medicine. I’m sure I’m missing some. I’m adding marshmallow and hops and replanting elderberries this year. The cows got into and destroyed my elderberry patch last year. 😥
If there is any root left on the elderberries, they will be back with a vengeance, haha
I am hopeful that will be the case, but we are planting in 3 different areas so if something happens to one patch, I’ll have backups. Last year we didn’t pick any elderberries to make syrup and had to purchase dried elderberry so we would be set for the winter. I never want that to happen again.
I went to inspect the area yesterday and there is nothing. 😥 The cows did a good job of destroying the area. It was next to a creek and it looks like they decided to make that spot their highway to the water. Oh, well. I’ve planted another 25 elderberries but will have to wait a year for my harvest.
I agree completely with all of your choices! As this is the first spring on our new homestead, I’m planting many herbs, and I love herbal tea. Oswego tea (bee balm), lemon balm and apple mint are favorites. New herbs that I’m most excited about planting this year are Native Passionflower/Maypop (Passiflora Incarnata), Skullcap, Blue Vervain, and Meadowsweet.
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