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MemberApril 19, 2023 at 3:29 pm in reply to: Vacuum containers that can go into the freezer????I have not used these, but curious and would consider trying. I would consider the square units, as the round ones will take up freezer space.
What I use are square glass containers with lock lids, which work great for reheating bulk meals that I downsize for lunch meals for my husband. In addition, I use freezer bags for items I want to have a flat form, so that they can stack, saving me space.
Thank you for sharing
If I see one dying at the big box store, I ask for a deal/free, if they agree, I take it home, try to revive, and if all else fails, I have a free pot.
We are a growing community. This is how some find out about others. Those who are community leaders, get all sorts of followers, yet others who are not, do not get the same response. And some have some great content. With this, I have been a little frustrated, as I get tons from the community leaders I follow, yet I have to scroll through to read what other members are sharing in good content.
I’m not sure what the answer will or should be, but in my attempt to avoid stress, I simply share in the feed. If people want to watch, subscribe to my YT or follow me here, that’s all good.
I do struggle in the community groups, b/c if I see a response, I have to scroll through so much, I lose interest as I can’t always find that notification post/response. No intention to be rude or uncaring, simply not desiring to spend my day filtering through everything, as for me, my mental health requires “balance”.Much love and care to all,
It could be. There is revival happening in our world, but always be decerrning. I haven’t watched all the footage, but from what I have seen it is ligit. I have friends who went as well.
Some will see this as the potential for the anti-christ. It is why we must always be diligent with prayer and with knowledge of our Lord and His word. Know the signs of when a leader is changing his/her direction. It happens in churches often. We left a church b/c the msgs were no longer focused on God, yet people still thought he was a great leader. KNOW YOUR SCRIPTURE. God will not deceive us but man has the ability to led us astray.
I only say the latter as I personally believe in rivival, and we all know we need it. It starts within, then extends out from a geniune relationship with Christ. Making a change to honor Him and not for self-glorification.
One thing to watch for: are these leaders bragging on what they did to bring people in, or are they giving God the glory? That’s how you know rivival is happening. The leaders themselves are in awe.
MemberFebruary 10, 2023 at 4:42 am in reply to: Does size of the Greenhouse matter?I think it depends on your goal and how much space you have. I think (personally) if I had the option for two, I would keep them separate. If we stay where we are this summer (we are hoping God guides us to a new location) we would do two, mostly due to our yard size.
When I was researching for my egg research on the benefits of eggs for viruses and the corona prior to posting my video, they did not mention MRNA, what they are talking about is providing a vaccine to keep them healthy. Yet, what doesn’t make sense, the reason they use chicken eggs for human and other mammal vaccines is due to the chickens have the IgY antibodies which mammals do not have, and allows the medicine to be introduced in a manner that is safe for humans.
The last thing I want is for chickens to be vaccinated. Oh my word…this world is going NUTS -
MemberFebruary 12, 2023 at 12:38 am in reply to: Does size of the Greenhouse matter?๐
MemberFebruary 11, 2023 at 4:37 pm in reply to: Does size of the Greenhouse matter?Smart thinking. Sometimes what works for another might not work for ourselves.
Thank you. I think we can sell quickly, as our area seems to have high turnover, yet our need is to first find that location that will allow us to meet our goals.What we plan to do, in the interim, is to create raised beds, yet use buckets so if the move comes quickly, we can pick up and go.
MemberFebruary 10, 2023 at 4:42 am in reply to: Does size of the Greenhouse matter?That is a really great idea.
MemberFebruary 10, 2023 at 4:36 am in reply to: Does size of the Greenhouse matter?๐ฉโ๐พ๐ฟ great advice
Thank you
We haven’t had TV since 2002. We found it too distracting, and then soon they made it so that people “had” to have cable to get local news. So, with the internet you find more info. but having taught our daughters (we were homeschooling) to research with more than one source to document their research papers.
Oh my goodness (I just looked this up). I have been so busy with David’s Dads estate along with other things, I had not heard this. Then again, we don’t get TV. Just confirms our need to be prepared in caring for our immune health.
It is interesting, but sad. I think there is a place for vaccines, but to fast pace them is not only concerning, but I see it as unsafe.