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Additional Info on the players-
We know the ideologies of WEF and B&M Gates, so why Johns Hopkins? Surely a world renowned hospital wouldn’t have an ideologically driven agenda? (sarcasm) Johns Hopkins is home to the transgender movement in the USA. It was pushed by the late psychologist John Money who founded the Gender Identity Clinic in 1966. He also coined the terms gender identity/ gender fluidity. Money did unethical twin experiments where same sex twins were selected to have one raised as the opposite sex to prove these things. Suicides, drug addiction, and mayhem ensued. Look up the Reimer twins. You can thank him for much of what is being pushed in schools today.
At a NAMBLA meeting in 90s, he was keynote speaker proclaiming that pedophilia would be normalized. First he stated you must push to have it removed from the medical diagnostic codes so that it would be considered within range of normal behavior. He stated once normalized, then it would be removed from law as aberrant.
MemberJanuary 25, 2023 at 1:05 pm in reply to: Possible Mental Health Chaos as Psych Meds Also in Short SupplyDon’t know where my first draft evaporated to…
*Not to be construed as medical advice, Do what you think is best….but you can query “Taurine seizures” on the PubMed website and multiple studies will appear touting it as both effective individually and as something to augment current seizure meds to stop seizures. There are over 300 studies.
Taurine is cheap and can be bought as a bulk powder. It is tasteless. Only caveat is to watch your blood sugar as an added benefit is that it lowers insulin resistance. (Good news for all type II diabetes folks.)
*Excellent article and must read. I cannot take credit as Swiss friend sent it. Thank you A.
Bill Gates is now largest owner of heritage seeds worldwide. Through back handed deals and coercion, BG has forced places like India, which used to have the largest storehouse of pure rice strains, to give him the rights to these seeds. Not only does he store these in the Great Seed Vault in the Arctic, but wants to CRISPR their gene sequences and then patent them.
Monsanto led the way years ago with the ultimate goal of not only patenting flora/fauna, but also humans who have proprietary genetic sequences inserted. Sound familiar? Now it is true that SC ruled naturally occurring human genetic material cannot be patented, but artificial may be another story.
Lest you think owning someone because they’ve been tagged unwittingly by an injection is impossible, I give you this:
These ideas are from the comment section on Can’t verify, merely sharing; do your own research.
Highly recommend the site
Who owns that rail line?
Snellville Bob February 17, 2023 7:28 am. Reply to Lorrie Girten
“Norfolk Southern: Blackrock 6.914%, Vanguard 8.14%, State Street 4.46%, Total 19.51%
This is common for all woke companies.”A set-up??
E@ElijahSchaffer on Twitter
“OHIO UPDATE If it doesn’t get WEIRDER than this! 3 months ago East Palestine, OH was at the center of pilot program to respond to EMERGENCY situations They gave digital ID’s FOR FREE to residents to track long term health problems like “difficulty breathing”. “
Although there’s alleged video of the inappropriately over-applied brakes melting down the wheels miles before the site, no one stopped the train. Coincidentally it derailed at a small tributary to the Ohio River.
Why did it happen?
Twitter. “NS Insider here
There was a bug that caused the wrong waybill to be attached to this NORFOLK SOUTHERN train.
When the engineer/Al breaking210 KB JPG mechanism breaked, the total weight of the train was incorrect, breaks were applied too heavily, wheels melted off. There is 1 developer who now works on hazardwaybill development. A chinese guy who can’t speak english. They have been systematically firing all Americans(White and Black) from middle management. In the past 6 years my team went from 90% American citizen developers, to 30% American citizen. Algorithms written by math PhDs from MIT are being modified and broken by rasheed who took a2 month code bootcamp and doesn’t understand basic algebra. Rasheed is managed by Sum Ting (father is high I ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party) with an MBA from Cornell.The railroad corporations are thoroughly ‘woke’,and rapidly deteriorating.
>Boeing replaces all developers with foreigners, planes fall out of the sky killing hundreds per
>Norfolk Southern replaces all developers with foreigners, trains go off the rails with hazardous
material killing millions and causing trillions of damage…”
“It’s not a health problem you whiners!”
CDC changes toxic exposure levels allegedly Feb 10
sharon goodson February 17, 2023 2:28 am
“The CDC update changed the lethal exposure from 100PPM to 100,000PPM. The lethal exposure level had remained the same for 17 years before the CDC decided to update the number just prior to the derailment, where highly toxic chemicals spilled or were burned off, leaving a chemical stench in the air nearly two weeks later.”
Screwed over by industry/ FEMA
JD Vance brought to light a waiver being signed by desperate residents exonerating the Unified lCommand of all liability for $1000 since FEMA has declared they are ineligible for support. When a copy of it was produced, the railway replied,” oopsie…that’s a mistake.”
Aggiegirl. February 17, 2023 10:03 am. Reply to CM-TX
“ ‘Unified Command ‘is an emergency management term, briefly per google:
Unified Command is a team effort process, allowing all agencies with geographical or functional responsibility for an incident, to assign an Incident Commander to a Unified Command organization. The Unified Command then establishes a common set of incident objectives and strategies that all can subscribe to.
I don’t see a spot for the “Notary Public” Seal and Signature…?
What a slimy attempt to skirt responsibility! “
This while Transportation Sec worries about diversity on construction site.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Monkey1. Reason: Trying to remove guys Twitter feed and can’t get it off! Frustrating!
1983 song “99 Red Balloons”
This is a cover of German band Gold finger. You can mute as lyrics appear first in English, then the original German. Speaks of the war machine cranking up, soldiers deployed in a hurry, and one eyed masters. All because of red balloons.
Predictive programming, again?
MemberFebruary 8, 2023 at 11:19 am in reply to: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.From the comment section of :
Citizen 817
February 8, 2023 3:00 am
Check thisMany have found that Purina chicken feed stopped their chickens from laying eggs
They switched food brands and the eggs came back
The parent company of Purina is Land O’Lakes, whose CEO is Beth Ford
You know which Board she got voted to serve on in 2021?
MemberFebruary 7, 2023 at 1:25 pm in reply to: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.The war on eggs continues as NZ largest egg plant burns. Fascinating that here in the USA, not one single person nor group has either claimed responsibility or been arrested/ mentioned by the FBI, etc. as suspects. They must be preoccupied with raiding an anti-abortion person’s home in the wee hours, terrorizing his children, and prosecuting him ( now acquitted) all for a non-incident on abortion clinic grounds. Gotta get that Group Think going…
MemberFebruary 2, 2023 at 7:30 pm in reply to: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.Posted this on the Dark Side group.
There may be a more nefarious reason for disappearing eggs. Found out about these today- one from comment section of (Highly recommend) and the other thedc
Evidently there are multiple scientific studies from 2021-22 showing covid is stopped by egg-yoke antibodies. Blocks the ACE2 receptors from binding to the spike protein for original and mutations.
Conclusions from study 1… “Egg yolk antibodies seem to be a neutralizing agent against SARSCov 2…It might be a feasible tool for control of Covid 19.”
<font color=”#000000″></font>
Thank you sir
Thank you. If you could print it out, I know I would greatly appreciate it as I’m sure others would too.
Dr. Fred Klenner of NC presented a paper to the AMA demonstrating the use of vitamin C as primary agent to treat polio in children in 1949. None had residual paralysis. It is a 3 day, round the clock dosing schedule based on body weight. *Although he used injectable and IV, today’s liposomal form of C rivals those as it is able to pass directly to fat tissues without going through the bloodstream.
Here’s the paper:
The drug problem in the USA is worsening. Apparently India is falling short to fill delayed/absent drug issues as they rely on China for components.
Latest info:
As our Davos friends well know, cutting down even basic medical care like antibiotics to the populace reduces numbers quickly via benign neglect. The dependent ones; diabetics, dialysis, transplant recipients, etc., will just go away. I envision this statement: “No need to get our hands dirty,” Klaus. Thanks for your patriotism to speakers like GA Gov. Kemp, and B. Stelter (pureyor of all truth).
Canada is now offering euthanasia to the disabled who can’t get govt. housing and children without parental consent. Could we be next?
Has the AMA started on the fast track to implement Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel’s Complete Lives System snuck in under Obie? (BTW he’s Rahm’s brother)
MemberJanuary 25, 2023 at 1:35 pm in reply to: Possible Mental Health Chaos as Psych Meds Also in Short SupplySir, I would like to offer something that may help. You’re correct that the keto diet helps with autism. It also helps many with intractable seizures. There’s a movie with Meryl Streep called “First Do No Harm” about using keto diet for seizures.
<b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>**Not to be construed as medical advice, do what you think is best.
<font face=”inherit”>If your daughter is having issues, I would offer it might be good to check about possible high histamine. Some people have </font>genetic<font face=”inherit”> </font>susceptibility<font face=”inherit”> as they don’t produce enough of the DAO enzyme that clears it. Once the histamine gets high, it can take days for the mast cells to settle down. People can have undetected reactions to food and chemicals in the environment like laundry detergent, candles, after shave, perfume, etc. Histamine is excitatory and can cause insomnia, feelings of impending doom, bed wetting, and irritability. The person affected may not show typical signs like a rash or immediate problems after eating or contact. It might take hours. A simple way to test is to give a low dose of antihistamine and see if it improves. *Remember anti-histamines don’t solve the </font><font face=”inherit”>problem; they only temporarily block receptors. There are multiple food lists with some conflicting info. If you do the k</font>eto<font face=”inherit”> diet, eliminate all milk and citrus initially, you can build a </font>personal diet list.
About the seizures:
Taurine has been shown to stop seizures and has beneficial effects for many neurological conditions. You can query PubMed and search NIH websites for studies.
Prevention of Epileptic seizures by Taurine
“Conclusions;…Therefore, taurine is potentially capable of treating seizure-associated brain damage.”
Electrophysiological Evidence for Anti-epileptic Property of Taurine
“Abstract-...Several lines of evidence suggest that taurine may function as a potent inhibitory neuromodulator that regulate neuronal activity in many cerebral areas…Furthermore, injection of taurine to a mouse undergoing limbic seizure completely stopped burst population spikes and restored neuronal firing to its baseline. Therefore, taurine is potentially capable of treating seizure-associated brain damage.”
Taurine potentiates the anticonvulsive effect of the GABA<sub>A</sub> agonist muscimol and pentobarbital in the immature mouse hippocampus
“Results-…In addition, the anticonvulsive effect of 100 and 200 μmol/L pentobarbital is increased significantly in the presence of 0.5 μmol/L taurine.
Significance: These observations demonstrate that taurine can indeed enhance the anticonvulsive effects of muscimol and pentobarbital, suggesting that taurine may act as a positive modulator on GABA<sub>A</sub> receptors. Thus, interfering with the modulatory taurine binding site of GABA<sub>A</sub> receptors or the interstitial taurine concentration may provide new therapeutical options for anticonvulsive therapies in neonates.
MemberJanuary 25, 2023 at 1:19 pm in reply to: Possible Mental Health Chaos as Psych Meds Also in Short SupplyI’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. I know this is a big worry on top of what you already must cope with for your son’s situation. He’s lucky to have an aware parent.
*None of what I write should be taken as medical advice, only personal experience and research. Make your own decisions.
If you query Adderall alternatives, a host of supplements will appear. Concerta like Adderall although stimulants have an inverse effect on some, especially ADHD. I have used some of the things they listed for low GABA problems with mixed results. I hesitate to give GABA to anyone or take it myself as it can convert to its excitatory twin. I never got calmness with it, only agitation.
I know I’m being repetitive, but stick with taurine and flush-free niacin as the basics. There is not known toxic level for either if you research them. The only thing about taurine is the low blood sugar sometimes. Just check BS.
All these meds interfere with the normal GABA receptors and recycling of excitatory chemicals into GABA. They will speak about serotonin and melatonin, etc., and it’s true other chemicals are players, but GABA is the main driver of calmness.
Cold turkey can lead to a host of serious side effects. Please look at the Heather Ashton protocol. Even though it is for bentos, it generically applies as the same effects will happen. Look up Depersonalization and derealization and become familiar with the symptoms just in case. Foreknowledge will help to prepare and cope. Hopefully it will not come to this.
Hope this is helpful.
<div>Med shortages are apparently occurring worldwide. German hospitals complaining.</div><div>
</div><div>“Supply bottlenecks are increasingly causing grave problems, including in hospitals,” the head of the German Hospital Federation (DKG), Gerald Gaß told the Funke media group.
The situation is particularly serious for antibiotics, cancer drugs and emergency medication for heart attacks and strokes.”
</div> -
Most Asian nations don’t carry tampons based on their social/ cultural standards on virginity and taboos of touching female genitalia. I’ve known of medical personnel getting physically accosted for trying to do vaginal exams on delivering moms by certain groups. It’s a whole other mindset.
The issue with US manufacturer’s standards for tampons is pretty eye opening. Evidently they can use dioxin contaminated wood pulp and the fda says it’s fine. Also someone tested the feminine napkins and found contaminants on the skin versus the panty side as well. Almost as if there was an intention behind it…