Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.
Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.
Posted by MartHale7 on January 29, 2023 at 5:50 pmMartHale7 replied 1 year, 5 months ago 37 Members · 148 Replies -
148 Replies
So question is…are you all who keep sharing utube and other videos making money from that. Just seams that of late more and more of this is happening. Just a question
There is an open attack on our food supply and you are worried about who is getting paid for yt videos.
Just an observation.
No not at all… If want to watch video I can go to wherever than this format.
Didn’t know this has become a attack on anyone who asks questions
I thought this was a conspiracy theory when I first heard of this. But I have had confirmation on my MeWe Christian group that this happened to someone there, and on Popular preparedness video on youtube, multiple comments there. So, too many data points for me to believe this is just made up. The reason why the feed is causing chickens not to lay I don’t know. But there are too many data points there for me to think it is not a problem.
It has happened to me. I got all new stock (32 chickens) last spring & they started laying on schedule. They laid right up until the freeze at Christmas. Two days before the freeze my car broke down at TSC where I was getting extra bedding for my chickens. Had a friend come work on my car in TSC parking lot. Took a couple of hours to trace a broken wire to my ECM (computer). Had started storming so I went back in to TSC and purchased a couple of bags of their Puritan Pride laying crumbles to get me thru the freeze since I didn’t have time to get to my normal feed/seed store before they closed. My chickens have not laid ONE EGG since I fed them that feed. Figured it may have been the extreme frigid temps we had (VERY unusual for my area to get that cold-single digit wind chills in coastal AL). Warmed back up but chickens still weren’t laying. NONE-ZERO-ZILCH! Got their normal feed when I heard the rumors of this feed debacle and started it about 1.5 weeks ago. Not sure how long it takes them to start laying again but hopefully soon. Plan to go back tomorrow to get some higher protein (Game Bird) feed to see if that will jump-start them back to laying. I also had covered their coop with a huge trucker tarp for that Christmas Freeze that I haven’t been able to remove so their area is a bit darker than usual, too. They are getting some sunlight on one end that I rolled the tarp up so I could access the entrance gate. So they may not be getting enough sunlight to add to the equation. Didn’t want to remove that huge heavy trucker tarp until I knew ALL this crazy cold weather was gone for the year. Had heard we could have another Arctic Blast in the next couple of weeks so was holding off removing it. I know they were laying right before & during the freeze because my broody hen started sitting on a clutch of 18 eggs & I had over a dozen to freeze.
We shall see what the next few days bring when I get the higher protein feed & remove the tarp. -
Might have another freeze coming. Watch your weather. This one could have a lot of ice in some areas.
Figured that would happen. Usually, before a big weather event or cold snap here in the south, we have a big warm-up then rain. It is 72(F) here right now and will go up to 76(F) Thursday with Heavy Thunderstorms. We’ve had thunderstorms since mid-morning and have had ALMOST 5 inches of rain and it is still raining. I had seen a vid last night where there could be a massive ice/freezing rain event as well as another Arctic Blast push down to my area. Not had time today to watch any other weather reports. Internet keeps going down with these storms.
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll keep a check on the weather since my long-range forecast doesn’t show ANY freezes thru the 7th! But they don’t lie either, do they???😉 -
Just a thought, has anyone sent the feed to an independent lab to be tested? A great person to contact would be Mike Adams at the Health Ranger channel… he has his own lab. The reason I ask if the feed has been tested, it the CEO of Pfizer is a Veterinarian and he has been doing researching on sterilization of sheep. Combine that with the news that Big Pharma said they were going to put the covid shot into agricultural feed, I think it would explain their attack on our food supply. They want to do this to centralize the nation’s food supply. Please… someone contact Mike Adams and send him a sample of the feed for testing.
I swear he did do some test in their feed. I’ll have to go back and check his vids. Might take a while
Has anyone out of the seemingly many chicken owners in America had the non laying chickens tested? Since, so many across the country seem to have experienced the same problem. It is known that Purina has been recently sued due to their product killing / harming animals. Seems worth the investment to have the animals tested?
It happened to me, with the feed. Luckily I found out what others were saying and within one bag of the Dumor feed I switched back to my regular Nutrena feed. My chickens started laying again. I saw this video on Autumn’s Backyard Garden yesterday, WOW, just wow. The gal she shows did her homework and it ties so much together.
Bought Dumor laying feed and hens stopped laying. Changed feed and they started laying again. Chickens eat bugs. We eat chicken.
Good question, and a good answer would be nice. If the platform becomes a backdoor for BoobTube you may see people drop out. Note the FreeSteading agreement …. “For Information and not commercialization.”
Why do you feel the need to be confrontational with anyone who posts anything? I recognize your right to freedom of speech and expression but EVERYONE here has those same exact rights. You do have a choice whether to watch or not, comment or not, but constant confrontation isn’t going to win you any friends
I wonder if this site has the option to block someone…. They could block me if they don’t like my content, blocking does solve many issues on other sites I have been on.
I have blocked a couple of people on other sites because they posted ALOT and I wasn’t interested in their posts. No hard feelings, but I wanted to see some other things. Mostly I block on political sites if someone is gung ho for something I really hate. But just a regular number of posts and video links to things I’m not interested in, I don’t block for that. There are a couple of places where most of the feed is people with vlogs and podcasts. I don’t spend much time on those sites. But everyone is different, and some people like that.
Yes, it does offer that ability. I’ve unfortunately had to use it for that same reason.
What exactly are you interpreting as confrontational? Friends are not fellow FreeSteading platform users or any other platform or use of any device should be an avenue to developing a friendship.
Truth and facts matter to me here and everywhere. The “inner-world” (world wide web) isn’t my way of making a friend. Besides if you can’t handle truth and fact you are not my idea of a friend.
As for #1A all forms of it are freedom of speech and how you interpret it is yours and yours alone. Like all forms of communication it will be interpreted differently by as many consumers that consume the communication. Your opinion may be different from others and yet the written word is the same.
So I mirror back your message to me: Kitchen to hot? Get the hell out!
Bi-Mart is a member owned chain in the west. I used to buy a brand of chicken feed called payback. In the exact time period, my chickens stop laying. Unfortunately I bought enough feed for the winter. enoughght enough feed for the winter
Thank you for spreading the word.
The crimes against humanity continues.
Doing our part by being as self sufficient as possible and being mindfully aware of the standards of our outsourced materials.
Blessed be. 🙌
Yeah, I don’t know root cause, but I do have my suspicions. I have stopped buying from Tractor Supply.
I do like Azure Standard for a feed source.
Azure is my preference for a lot!
We had been buying Purina and heard there were issues seen with it, Dumor and producers pride.
So…we are getting ready to do our own mix using Azure. They are the best priced on ingredients and great quality.
Purina made some of the best fish food for aquaponics…. But as times are now, I want to be making more and more my own food.
Same here. Now that they don’t have to post changes on labels ( I don’t remember when that happened) it is scary to me what I am feeding my animals. It seems that the protein has dropped because when I supplement with more… more eggs and less “picking”.
Just observations on my side and a ton of research.
Keep posting links.,. They help.
Concealed-Kari, I enjoy your witty and creative name: Concealed-Kari 👍
I supplement with feed and Maine winters means I rely more on feed during the winter. Unfortunately, I too, am experiencing this. A lot of days I’ll get 0 eggs but some days I get up to 4 eggs. I am overwintering more chickens than I normally do but yet getting less eggs. That doesn’t make any sense. But I also feed the same brand to my meat rabbits which I raise in a colony. They do slow down for winter but I have not had any kits so far! Usually I’ll still get 1 or 2 litters during winter. This year, so far – nothing. I have not heard anyone else complaining about this though. Am I just wearing my tin foil hat too tight or is this happening to others with meat rabbits too??
I raise meat rabbits but they are fed rabbit pellets & Timothy Hay & alfalfa along with greens & fruit. I don’t breed my rabbits during the winter nor the heat of our summers here in coastal AL. I will start back breeding in a few weeks once our crazy weather straightens out. Mine are housed in raised hutches with nesting boxes (for the does) permanently attached to the backs of their hutches.
Interesting to hear you raising yours in a colony. I’ve only come across one other person in a rabbit group that has done that. They didn’t have a very ideal setup as her colony was enclosed in an area she let her ducks & chickens access. I think she had some bullying with the chickens or ducks because her rabbits kept trying to dig out and didn’t look very healthy, either. Do you mind if I ask about your setup? I’m in a very rural wooded area with a lot of predators so it may not be worth my efforts to try to change them to a more natural setting. I don’t like keeping them caged and on wire flooring.
I have a LGD that I just got last year. He still needs more training but I think his pee and bark has been keeping everything away so far. The worst time with predators for me is the end of winter so we’ll see. Anyways, they are in kind of like an extra large outside dog kennel (bigger than 10′ x 10′ – I forget the dimensions). When I set it up, I lightly buried about 3′ of hardwire cloth on each side of the border. They are allowed to dig in the middle as it’s a natural thing to do. They are not supposed to be able to dig out. There is, obviously, wire all around including the top. There is a shade tarp that covers half of it along with the back half of the sides to protect from wind. However, this spring I will be building a roof over top because we get a lot of snow here and even though I clean the snow off, I worry about it giving out in a few years or so. I have straw and heavy duty plastic dog houses in the back and the front is all natural which I just take out the poop. All my guys have been very healthy and I only ever had one issue with one of my litters getting like a congtivitis, which was easily treatable (I think it was because I used fine shavings so I stopped that and haven’t had a problem since). I have a tire in there a few braches for them to chew a mini pallet to put their food and water on to keep it cleaner. And they get orchard hay/Timothy grass/Alfalfa hay at all times. I love the colony setup but it is a learning curve with breeding.
I have a Great Pyrenees that is my Gentle Giant! She stays in with my chickens & rabbits. It is all fenced in with separate housing for the chickens & rabbits. She basically has free run INSIDE this enclosed area. I had wanted to let her run free on my homestead but unfortunately, this breed has a tendency to ROAM and forget to come home. I’ve had to search for her numerous times after the mail lady started giving her treats when she would deliver my mail so Sophie started following her WAY down the road and play with every dog on her way. She is very good with the animals and super protective of them.
I like the sounds of your setup. I have a couple of those larger chain-link dog kennels. Got them free off Marketplace just to take down & remove, which I GLADLY did! All my animal housing has hardware cloth both inside & outside of the perimeters to keep them in & keep the predators from digging in. I buried the wire and then covered the outside perimeter with stones for extra protection. I’ve seen coyotes, bobcats & raccoons trying to dig around the outside as well as climb on top of the overhead wire on my chicken coops/runs. They are very determined pesks that I’ve watched on my security cameras. Not even the security alarms blasting (motion-censored) didn’t scare them away! I would put a tin/metal roof over mine if I decide to go this route since we do have a lot of rain here (Coastal AL) and blazing hot sun in the summer so they would need that extra protection from the elements.
Thank you so much for sharing your setup with me! I will put it on my ever-growing list of things to do once I get my spring garden in the ground!
I’ve got 16 hens and 13 of them are over 3 years old. Between a molt and the time change they had pretty much stopped laying. I haven’t been getting feed from TSC. . Right around new years I began supplementing light on a timer. I wouldn’t be doing it if eggs weren’t so darn expensive. Laying began to pick up but what really boosted their laying was tossing a couple of cups of catfood in with their pellets. They go straight for it first.
I had heard this from another source. Is there any particular brand and I assume it is dry cat food. I’m ready to try ANYTHING at this point to just get ONE EGG from my 32 hens that aren’t even a year old yet. As I mentioned in an earlier post here mine were laying great up until the Christmas freeze but since then and me buying TSC feed in a hurry before the freeze to feed them I have gotten NOTHING. I switched back to their regular feed about 1.5 weeks ago and was going to go buy some higher protein feed (Game bird) tomorrow in hopes to boost them laying again. I can’t blame the freeze for them stopping laying as we’ve been back to the 60’s-70’s here in coastal AL for the most part with only a couple of other nights of freezing. Been raising chickens for many years and have never had this happen before. A slow down during a molt or shorter days but never a complete halt. I don’t use a light during the winter months to give my hens a rest so I really don’t wish to start that but will as a last resort.
Yes the cheapest dry cat feed, just check if the protein are around 30. Feed it as mash or grind it, great with micro greens grains. Let them forage, give scraps, green and let the do composting.
Or just buy the grains separated and mix yourself.
Thanks bunches, I’ll be heading to town as soon as the sun comes up to get some! Got to get my girls HEALTHY & laying eggs again!
Let me tell you (all) another secret, meat birds grains with extra corn and milk. Do not have a cow or so, so use milk powder lamb is cheapest over here. And is in a Bucket with lid, use over and over again for cat feed or making mash you name it.
Forget to mention eggs, the best resource for protein, fat and all super feed. Family first, but you can share with your chickens to lay better or produce better meat.
This is why I gave multiple reasons. The first of which was a change in ingredients. I didn’t know about those whose flocks stopped laying in summer. That is very suspicious, I agree.
My husband thinks everything is a conspiracy, so I have become an amateur debunker. He also thinks the world is flat, Donald Trump is coming back (but that was last March), there are ppl under the 3 gorges dam being experimented on who haven’t seen daylight in 30 years, or maybe ever, gravity doesn’t exist, we live on a flat disc under a dome, etc. Yet he eats junk food, chews nicorette, and drinks little else but Mtn Dew.
Please forgive my less than informed answer. I will delete it. I get weary of ” the sky is falling”. Lately, my reply is , “must be Tuesday”.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Squashmania.
Relax this is freesteading, it is ok to freely write.
I don’t shop at Tractor Supply, and now I’ll never shop there after finding out that they support drag queen for kids events! Might want to do your research on what Companys are supporting before giving them your time, and money!… Anyways, I got 5 laying hens that are mostly free range, but do get feed in between for cold months. They don’t lay as much during cold days, but I got a egg from each one the other day when it was 57 degrees outside. Got 3 young hens, should be laying come spring. Waiting for 6 new chicks to add to the flock later this year..
I was watching a video from American Homestead, and he has a great idea! Get a bucket drill holes in the bottom, and drill hole in top for flies to get in, put bones, and any raw meat scraps you don’t use into bucket and cover with light layer of straw, flies will go in lay and larvae will fall out the bottom for chickens to eat. Great source of protein! Warning! It will smell really bad so be aware….
In the summertime, especially, I hang a bug zapper or two in my chicken yard. They zap ALL kinds of bugs for the chickens to eat, even tho they are not alive, they still eat them just the same.
When sweeping the floor under my ftont/back porch lights there is always a few dead bugs I scoop up and take to my chickens. I also carry a small childs sand bucket in my gardening bucket when I’m working in the garden/yard. Any grub worms or other bugs (even those I squish) are put in that bucket to feed my chickens. They also love to forage any garden weeds you pull when weeding your footpaths or around other areas, even the grass clippings after you’ve mowed your lawn. THEY LOVE GREEN PLANTS and I’ve found if there are some they DON’T LIKE, they will scratch those aside. I’ve thrown armloads of weeds in my coops/runs and the chickens have a hay day and some even take their favorites and run with others chasing them for a taste. They normally have bugs of sorts in them as well which they peck out to eat. They REALLY love those big fat hornworms & grubs you may find and it is so comical to watch them scurry around trying to be the one to get the treats. -
Something dies… I tell the kids to put it in the yuck bucket. Lol
You let them eat bugs hiw dare you, those pore chickens!
Chicken feed ( TSC ) “Doug and Stacey” find this woman has done a little searching for answers. Why have chickens stopped laying eggs. Around 6:58 in the video to 14:46, the woman explains what she found out.
Okay folks. Got a bit MORE info to disclose about the Chicken Feed debacle that may finally explain what is going on. I told you this rabbit hole goes deep. One of TSC board members has ties to Vanguard, Blackrock, etc., and we know these people own EVERYTHING and are involved with WEF.
I found a video that explains the TSC Feed Scandal and will attach. Please listen to all of it to see the ties and reasons for this scandal…IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY & CONTROL of Egg Production to gain the MONOPOLY of EGG sales or lack thereof…I’m also going to send two MORE replies to this discussion involving ARSENIC in our chicken feed which is a human carcinogen…and guess who is the manufacturer & owner/supplier of this drug Roxarsone???? Pfizer. This started back in 1944!!!! It’s use was discovered & disclosed in 2010. Of course, with all the studies & testing that had to be done to PROVE this had to be conducted, it was still in use in 2013 & in 2017. FINALLY, in 2022 it was ordered by the FDA to be removed from the market and no longer be used in the US effective July 2022. Knowing the FDA, it probably reformulated this carcinogen & is still being used under a different name. We may never know as that is the last report I could find on it. I will attach the NIH link, Food Safety Link & 2 others.
One more thing referencing the HIllandale Egg Farm Fire that killed 100k chickens. I found a report on Wikipedia that has a list of MANY incidents that could be a reason this farm was either intentionally burned down or could be done for other reasons since they were another of the top egg producers in the US but were FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED which might have been taken down to give CAL-MAINE (the US LARGEST producer of eggs and also involved with the TSC feed debacle). I will attach the Wikipedia link for you all to read to draw your own conclusions.
My brain is tired of trying to connect the dots to all this mess so MAYBE this will answer some questions we all had about all of this.
ARSENIC is found in nature plants, but you can test for it and if so trow that hole batch out. The problem is that it is not done with feed. We do it because it is for veterinarian use.
Some plants have more and if they use those for better production, they are not going to get those out after 10 years or less if they could grow more generations in one year. So there you have that economics money evil.
This is the Wikipedia info about the recent Hillandale Egg Farm fire that killed 100k chickens. If you read the history of this company and the problems it has had thru the years (even another fire in 2017 that ALSO killed 100k chickens). Either the company itself may have caused the fire to get out from under some of the financial problems they have had, or it could have just been a fluke or wiring problem OR arson event by someone with ties to Cal-Maine, the USA’s Largest Egg Producer so they could take out this FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Egg Farm (another one of USA’s largest Egg Farms) so Cal-Maine could remove some “competition”. Who knows, just something else to think about after reading this info.
This is the info I found about Pfizer’s Arsenic being put in animal feed, including poultry that has been in use in the USA since 1944. Studies found that this supposed “organic” arsenic (Pfizer’s 3-Nitro-roxarsone) would remain in the edible meat (instead of dispersed as once claimed) and would become INORGANIC and become a human carcinogen for bladder & lung cancer in humans. Once cooked it would become even more toxic to humans.
There were studies/testing done and since 2009 has still been allowed for use pending litigations. There are several info/articles I’m attaching from NIH, Food Safety Alerts, Pfizer, FDA & others for you to read, if interested. It looks as if this arsenic was ordered to be removed for use in the USA effective July 2022.Knowing how the FDA will remove a product from the market, reformulate it and release it for use under a NEW NAME, I seriously doubt it was removed. All of the time spent with the testing & other litigations gave them enough time to develop another formula to replace the one being removed.
Good work, this could have also caused the increase in colon cancer for the last 25 years. They never seem to talk about all the times the FDA had to reverse previous approvals of failed products. The FDA is totally corrupt and must be shutdown. What they have done to the people is criminal.
They can do so without having to remove it because they did not put it in extra, please read my comment on page 1. It is in nature in plants, if they take that route…
It is pure evil!
@JerseyGiantChick Sorry I’m late seeing this post you made. Yes there is arsenic in nature in many plants. The chemical used in this parasitic control is NOT natural but man made. So the animals that consume NATURAL ARSENIC from nature were also getting this pesticide therefore getting a DOUBLE dose of arsenic.
Elderberries and all parts of the elderberry bush/tree contain varying degrees of arsenic as one example of how it is found in NATURE.
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