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I’m doing the same thing, probably a few months behind you. I’m looking for land on Zillow,, and Craigslist, but I expect that I’ll probably have the best luck actually visiting the areas I like and asking around. Good luck, and Semper Fi.
Low and left for a right handed pistol shooter is often caused by the shooter tightening their grip with their little finger in anticipation of the shot.
You can test this dry by aiming at a target, tightening your pinkie, and observing where your sights travel. Is that where you’ve been hitting?
Another possible cause, if your groups are consistent, but off target, is to check your rear sight. Is it centered perfectly, or does it need to be pushed just a little bit to the left?
Rather then recruiting directly to your MAG, maybe recruit to a gardening, hiking, or even a roadside trash pickup club and use that as a pool from which you can vet and assess prospects for your MAG.
I used one for awhile, it was great for breeding flies, but that was about it. The Berkley Method yields a cubic meter of compost in just 18 days! Billy is also working on perfecting the “30 bucket method,” but that’s a project for next year.
From the peanut gallery: if your space and physical ability allows, toss the barrel and buy 10′ of 48″ or 60″ wire mesh and do the Berkley Method (18-day Compost). The barrels simply can’t hold enough material to facilitate the necessary heat-generating reactions.
Eventually, yes. 1 million couples x 3 kids who could have three kids themselves within the next 10 years would make about 26 million independent and self-sufficient souls once our grandkids are come of age.
The communists didn’t invade our government and universities with tens of millions. They just preached an ideal consistently, to us, our parents, and our children for decades. Unlike them, self-sufficient people don’t need to be the majority or to control the levers of power to be successful, we just need to be big enough to not be ignored or streamrolled.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Barred-Rock-or-Brahma.
My plan is to live somewhere inconvenient. It should snow in the winter, be an hour away (preferably uphill) from any major interstate, 4-6 hours away from any major city, and away from any strategic resources that a military would fight over (that includes navigable waterways, railroad tracks, oil and ore, large commercial farms, chicken houses etc.)
My father-in-law lives 45 minutes from the nearest gas station, and I plan to follow his example.
MemberMay 10, 2023 at 3:17 am in reply to: Backpacking to Refine Survival SkillsLate reply, but I’d say that an average adult in good physical condition, with no load, walking a a relaxed pace moves 2-3 miles an hour on easy terrain. Extrapolated over 140 miles, and assuming 6-8 hours of walking per day, you’re looking at 6 (3mph x 8hrs) to 12 (2mph x 6hrs) days.
Unfortunately, there are way too many variables for me to give a more precise answer. Not the least of which is physical condition. Not everyone can hike all day and then get up and do it again for multiple days. It’s also hard to carry more than 5 days off food at a time, and extremely difficult to carry that much water. Situation matters too. Hiking a trail for recreation is much different than escaping a city and headed to a cabin in the woods.
I’d recommend finding a local (or semi-local) trail, heading out on a Friday after work, camping out, and then recording how much ground you cover over the weekend. Alternatively, map out a nice 6-mile stretch and hike it on a Saturday morning. I like to do that at least once a month when I can’t get away for a longer adventure.
The last guy that I saw shooting a shotgun blast pattern with a pistol had poor trigger control. He was almost removing his finger from the trigger entirely between shots and jerking it from completely slack to the break in one motion. If you have a factory trigger, half of the travel distance is probably slack. Applying pressure until the slack is gone and then slowly squeezing to break the trigger is a good way ro reduce muzzle travel and improve shot consistency.
I’ll start there then, thank you!
Do you have any book recommendations that might help me to learn the basics of handloading?
Understandable. I didn’t understand the hype either until I used one. They are expensive, r/gunaccessoriesforsale on reddit is where I find the best deals. I’d skip the 3x magnifier at first (there’s a 4x out now too by the way), especially if you are primarily shooting within 100m.
LVPOs are apparently the new hotness, but unless the ELCAN counts, I haven’t got around to trying one out yet (2 of 5 stars, would not recommend).
The strength of red dots on rifles is faster and more clear target aquisition and reacquisition for follow up shots and follow on targets compared with irons. If you are comfortable enough with the fundamentals of marksmanship to effectively shoot with irons, then a red dot essentially allows you to break shots as soon as you have a good sight picture (sight alignment can be assumed or else you wouldn’t see your dot). The 2-5 year (50,000 ish hour) battery life is cool too. Apparently, Holosun has some great offerings, but I love my Aimpoint M4S for rifles and the Trijicon RMR for pistols.
ACOG- Great for offense in wide open and well lit spaces, less awesome for MOUT and short range defence in the dark. I have one, and I’m happy that I do, but guys with EOTECHs run circles around me on every flat range. They’re great for getting PID, range estimation, and hitting targets at 200+ meters, but they’re expensive and slow to acquire short range targets (especially if they’re moving).
Holos: Where a red dot overlays your dot on a target (a 2 MOA dot appears to be 6 MOA under 3x magnification), the EOTECH almost makes it look like the target is wearing your reticle (with a 1 MOA dot) on his shirt. This is important because your eyes can only focus on one distance at a time. Holos reticles allow for quick range estimation and hold using the ring. Battery life for the EXPS3 is around 1,000 hours, and they are more astigmatism-friendly than red dots.