Online marketing/youtube channel

  • Online marketing/youtube channel

    Posted by MannaHollow on September 4, 2022 at 6:46 pm

    Greetings! Hubby and I have been considering creating a youtube/bitchute channel for sometime. We have gone back and forth on it since our first on site off-grid cabin build in 2014. We are both very private people that have happily cut out the social networking sites a long time ago. The last three years we have sold farm products for fun/hobby (‘pet milk’, chicken broilers, and beef.) We have learned a lot, but would have lost our tails if it was a main income source. It has been amazing to be able to make mistakes and learn with minimal consequences. We are at the point we want to market our farm goods. Perhaps at the very least get consistent customers. After plenty of research we have learned having a youtube page is very helpful and we are looking to move in that direction. My question is what type of video equipment/software do you recommend? We don’t want to spend an arm and a leg but are open to investing some money for above average equipment. We have no background but are computer literate. Do you have any tips for beginner homesteading youtubers? Is there a way to balance privacy with a youtube channel? Thanks for your response. May Yah bless you all.

    Self_Reliance_In_The_Suburbs replied 1 year, 8 months ago 18 Members · 42 Replies
  • 42 Replies
  • RenewedHomestead

    September 5, 2022 at 12:08 am

    Hi, we have a small YouTube channel and just use our phone and microphones. We really like the Rode mics. You don’t need a lot to get started. I hope that helps.

    • MannaHollow

      September 5, 2022 at 2:32 pm

      Thank you, your response is much appreciated!

  • HarryOz

    September 5, 2022 at 11:32 am

    Agreed with what @RenewedHomestead said. When you are ready to up the game some, YT Josh Sattin (not the farming channel one) does some great reviews on equipment and helping advise.

    • MannaHollow

      September 5, 2022 at 2:33 pm

      Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely check him out.

      • Two_Turtles_Homestead

        September 5, 2022 at 3:52 pm

        I think this is a great topic! Maybe someone can start a group for beginning YouTubers and we can all help each other. What if we took Billy and Tag’s idea of creating a parallel economy over to YouTube and took over?!? We could bust their algorithms and help everyone make money!! AND simultaneously take on Rumble too 🙂 Just a thought… if we’re going to take on the world and take back our freedom might as well start with big tech!

      • RenewedHomestead

        September 5, 2022 at 8:24 pm

        Love that idea! We should all lost our channels and we can all subscribe. 🙂

      • MannaHollow

        September 6, 2022 at 1:23 am

        This would be awesome. I am not sure how to make a group, but I would definitely be interested. I am also curious what phones you guys use for videos. I am torn on android or iPhone. I have an iphone currently but have a windows computer, and not interested in buying a mac to do editing. I also refuse 5G so i know that limits me a little.

  • Billy

    Community Leader
    September 5, 2022 at 4:28 pm

    Like renewed Homestead, we use our phones and William does the editing through iMovie.

    • Potpourri-of-Life-with-Laura

      September 5, 2022 at 4:39 pm

      I don’t use my phone, but I do like the idea of iMovie. I currently use my chrome book, which I later have to save my YT files, otherwise it gets too full. Thank you for mentioning iMovie.

      ~ Laura

      • MannaHollow

        September 6, 2022 at 1:24 am

        What type of camera do you use Laura?

      • Potpourri-of-Life-with-Laura

        September 6, 2022 at 1:52 am

        I am currently using my Chrome book. I have a camera on my wish list, yet it is being saved for. Do you have a recommendation?
        My phone is a Total Wireless phone/service. Not sure if that makes a difference, but I can’t make video’s on the phone. My daughter was here, and she was amazed that I couldn’t. Oh well…

    • MannaHollow

      September 6, 2022 at 1:19 am

      Thanks, very much appreciate the response Billy. Just curious what phone do you use? I am ready to upgrade my phone and torn between iphone and android for video.

  • Billy

    Community Leader
    September 5, 2022 at 4:53 pm

    I should also add that we are considering getting a real camera because it lends a little more gravitas to the situation when you are trying to interview people. In other words, they take you a little more seriously.

  • TagNBee

    September 5, 2022 at 8:27 pm

    we use a go pro 10 and a Logi web cam. nothing too fancy

  • TheLovelyPlace

    September 7, 2022 at 5:28 pm

    Knowing nothing at all about making a YouTube channel, we started recording video with a GoPro 9 that I bought at Best Buy. I purchased about the same time that I purchased our property “The Lovely Place” about a year and a half ago. I was recording video while the ink was still wet on our closing paperwork. My reason for documenting everything was to pay it forward. Leading up to our property purchase, I needed to learn a lot of stuff so I began watching all of ya’lls YouTube channels to learn everything I needed to know. I became addicted to YouTube. Haha, I almost never watched it before this.

    Now, for the last 5 or 5 months, we have been uploading about 2 videos each week and I must say, this is freaking exciting! We have new comments and subscribers on a regular basis. The channel is growing! So far, everyone has been so nice in their comments. LOL, I know that will not last forever! And God willing, we are on our way to a successful channel. Yesterday, I even worked out a deal with an attachment manufacturer for an affiliate marketing program that we will be launching soon. My advice is, GO FOR IT! If nothing else, it’s fun, holds you accountable to complete projects and for me it is fulfilling. I would love for you to subscribe to our channel if you would like to. I think you can find it here:

    Our latest video was uploaded yesterday and it’s about the new Grapple that we just received for our tractor. Check it out here:

    Please reach out to me if I can do anything to help any of you “Lovely People”!

    • MannaHollow

      September 10, 2022 at 1:12 am

      Very cool. I subscribed to your channel. My son loves tractors and was captivated :). Thanks for the encouragement, and glad you are enjoying sharing your experience. May Yah bless your project!

  • Mottshillhomestead

    September 9, 2022 at 1:30 am

    We haven’t posted any new videos to our youtube channel in a few months. We stopped because security concerns, not wanting show what we had, etc. My wife wants to start back making and posting videos. She would like some advice, ideas, thoughts on what to show , and what not to show, keeping Opsec in mind??????????

    • TagNBee

      September 9, 2022 at 1:36 am

      I think its a personal thing. there are things and places on our farm that are off limits to the camera. i think you just have to decide what is harmful and what is not. for example, there are very few videos of the inside of my house. The ones that do exist are heavy edited. To me its a privacy thing. I need my one place that I can lock the world out to. If you have a YouTube channel you are giving up a large part of your privacy and a lot of your opsec.


      • SpagsUnfiltered

        September 9, 2022 at 1:38 am


      • Mottshillhomestead

        September 9, 2022 at 2:30 am

        Thanks Tag. The biggest part of my videos are canning videos, which are also her most views. We had just started showing homesteading, outdoor, projects when we stopped. I really don’t have a problem with showing outdoor homesteading projects as long my perimeter security is not shown. It has taken me 6 years to get my permeter security to the standard that i have it now, and Dec every year is when i do improvements and upgrades to it

      • TagNBee

        September 9, 2022 at 2:50 am

        Your very welcome. If you email me at [email protected] I have some more tips for you

  • mlthompson

    September 9, 2022 at 1:58 am

    The GoPro Hero 10 is pretty nice for a beginner setup, you can get a kit of the camera and accessories on amazon.

  • FortElswyrFarm

    September 9, 2022 at 2:54 pm

    I’m also concerned with OpSec but how do I balance that, when I’m trying to sell farm goods? Don’t people sort of need your address when you’re trying to sell food and animals? I’ve always been careful not to show my house from the street, or other identifiable parts of the property and vehicles. But now I find that a PO box isn’t enough when applying for farm licenses, inspections, etc…
    I guess just don’t advertise my address unless I’ve already got a transaction for someone coming to pick something up? Or should I deal strictly with farmer’s market sales?

    • CarolinaCarefree

      September 9, 2022 at 3:50 pm

      If you don’t want to give out your address, and I don’t blame you, could you find another site to do business? This might be the farmer’s market, another small building / lot you could purchase or maybe a small corner of you current lot with a small building on it. ‘Country store’ style. If it’s a larger item or animal, then you may have to give out the home address. Just some thoughts.

      • FortElswyrFarm

        September 9, 2022 at 8:12 pm

        One of those brilliant replies, something so easy and I was too close to see it. We have an adjacent property I could use for “business” when needing to meet people in person. Thank you for the suggestion!

      • CarolinaCarefree

        September 9, 2022 at 8:27 pm

        You are welcome, hope it works out foe you. Just remember to have some ‘security’ there when meeting with people. They are crazy now and will get worse in the future. God bless.

  • BLT_Ranch

    September 10, 2022 at 3:45 pm


    I have a very small channel on youtube, I use a hero 9 camera. Go pro seems to be the most common way to film. Make sure you buy batteries, I have the original and a 3 pack, I haven’t had issues with battery life with 4 batteries, I have a basic Amazon accessories kit $50+/- and I seem to have issues with tripods as far as not destroying them, they have a tendency to get broken, but I buy the cheap $15 ones, I end up running them over or felling trees on them, etc. Keep in mind you will need some form of video editing, I use filmora 9, it’s as simple as they come. The other thing is editing time, it takes allot longer then one would think, and then you spend all these hours editing and get 20 views In a month, or you spend zero time editing a shorts video and it’s gets thousands of views. It is not predictable as to what will get views as odd as that sounds. Make sure you get the apps with it like tube buddy and youtube studio,, these can help with titles etc. Side note I never knew this…if your video is getting views,, but you shared it on here on fb or whatever and the people watching go to leave a comment or a like and they have to log in and don’t you get the view but no comment or like and when that ratio goes the wrong direction,, youtube slows down how much they reccomend your video due to inactivity or lack of engagement, basically you lose positions for the search. Double edged sword. Youtube is a grind, and this is an extremely niche audience, not to be a downer but it takes allot of time and allot more effort then I considered. I am definately not a techie person so it’s been hard for me to follow it, I’m getting it slowly though. Good luck with it.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  BLT_Ranch.
    • MannaHollow

      September 10, 2022 at 4:28 pm

      I don’t think you are a downer, just being realistic, which I really appreciate. I am concerned about the editing part as I have a 20 month old and he is very intolerant to computer time. Thank you for advice on posting videos on other sites and equipment, both things I didn’t think of. There is much to consider! Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment.

    • MannaHollow

      September 10, 2022 at 4:30 pm

      Do you have a link to your youtube? I will subscribe to your channel

  • BLT_Ranch

    September 10, 2022 at 4:56 pm

    One of the best videos I ever watched when I was creating my channel was from Vid IQ and it had a message behind it. (I made a couple of phone videos 6ish years ago then started again in January) basically the message was its going to be terrible, dont waste your time making it perfect, just do it rip the bandaide off and make it, in the coming years you will laugh at how long you wasted editing and trying to make the perfect video of the worst videos ever. You will be lucky to get 10 views, and no one will like it. You are literally about to make garbage.

    I’m like gee that’s encouraging, then after thinking about it, it was the best and most encouraging advise I got, compared to all the invest x dollars on lighting on cameras, equipment, sit like this, do that, bla bla bla. It becomes overwhelming, just do it and be done. The sooner you accept that the cyber world is not anxiously awaiting your videos then the sooner you will make the video. Basically accepting the first however many will be awful, but you learn you grow along the way if you decide to get rid of them do it down the road just delete and it’s gone.

    Some of my issues are I never realized how much I say um when talking to the camera, (easy to edit if it bugs you) moving the camera if you don’t have multiple is time consuming, if your on a tractor to stop get off and move it every couple minutes takes time, however with editing you can move it a couple times then just change the timeliness and it looks allot better as if it’s being moved allot when you only moved it 2-3x.

    Youtube is not a person it is a algorithm, this is important for titles, and descriptions. It’s a different way of writing and communicating, the big channels have these things mastered, the title and description of the video are more important then the video itself when starting out, sounds odd but I have herd it countless times in how too videos.

    Good luck with it, just make a quick video and be done! 🙂

    • MannaHollow

      September 10, 2022 at 7:01 pm

      I have never been afraid to be a beginner at something. Everyone has to start somewhere. It can’t be any worse than being a noob at snowboarding for instance! 😆Everyone has to start somewhere. I think that is excellent advice. I will definitely look more into a Algorithm/naming videos. I am a little nervous on all the filler words I use, good to know I can edit that out. Although my husband is an excellent speaker so I was hoping to be behind the camera a lot. Thanks again for your response.

  • MarkD

    September 13, 2022 at 3:42 am

    I’ve never done a youtube channel, but did edit videos at work for a few years and for me, the sound quality is most important. you can do fine with a phone camera or go pro, but if you have bad audio and you’re getting wind noise, background noise, or if the sound is clipping, a lot of people won’t watch

    • MannaHollow

      September 14, 2022 at 5:03 pm

      Absolutely, I was thinking a lapel mic might be a useful investment. Thanks for your response!

  • BiggKidd

    September 13, 2022 at 7:11 am

    Great topic! Glad you brought it up. I did a couple few second videos on youtube a decade ago about a steam engine I built out of junk. It’s been eating at me ever since for not doing more. I’ve spent the last 45 of my 51 years learning how to do things and I really enjoy passing that knowledge along. There’s so much I can show people how to do. My biggest hang up is being on camera. I hate having my picture taken much less a video. I even setup another email and youtube account fairly recently and shot one or two videos of building a pond with a broken down 50+ year old Cat D4 that I bought cheap and got running. There’s been so much here over the last 15 years of homesteading and living off grid. But there comes the second hang up I love my anonymity.

    • MannaHollow

      September 14, 2022 at 5:17 pm

      I don’t care for getting my picture taken either. Although, its more about my voice I just don’t like how I sound😆but I think I can get used to it. I prefer to be behind the camera. I am trying to convince my husband to do the videos, he is a better speaker than myself and a natural teacher. He did Machine Shop classes (mill and lathe) for a few years for a non-profit here. The internet could use more experienced teachers like yourself so many people doing videos on youtube that are brand new, have no idea what they are doing! I totally agree with the privacy factor. We have so little of that left now! That is probably been the number one hang up for us with sharing what we are doing.

  • Grumpy_G

    September 14, 2022 at 5:37 pm

    . Do you have any tips for beginner homesteading youtubers?

    Just do it. Grab your phone, or inexpensive camera, and do it. Unless you have a background in media, or public speaking, chances are you are going to be cringe worthy at the start. Don’t worry about it; forge ahead. Unless you plan on having a schtick, don’t create a YT persona for the public to see. Be honest and true to who you are. If you aren’t, people will see through you very quickly. Have an idea of what your message is, and who your target audience will be, before you start. Be ready to pivot, if you have to. Pay attention to the analytics, even if you don’t fully understand them. As you grow, take time to learn the skill of making videos by watching successful creators, and watching the multitude of “how to create” videos out there. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for advice, or approach more established creators. If they are worth their salt, especially homesteading channels, they will gladly talk to you. If they are dismissive or rude, let people know. Don’t forget, though, you’ve got a responsibility to not become a nuisance to them.

    There’s my 2 cents, your mileage may vary.

    • MannaHollow

      September 16, 2022 at 4:58 pm

      Honestly, I am not usually the type to dip my toe in the water, or talk about something before I do it. My husband and I have prayed about this frequently and are starting to get some answers. I have been doing my best to cultivate patience. My ADD side has a hard time with that. I am just going to let ABBA lead us as we are at a major crossroads right now. We want to do his will. With whatever comes next will be for Yah’s good and glory. It is a good thing we aren’t interested in being influencers because universal Truth is not subject to mass appeal and that is going to be a large part of our channel. Thanks again for taking your time to respond, really appreciate it. I know how busy we all are.

      • Two_Turtles_Homestead

        September 16, 2022 at 6:17 pm

        As everyone else has said – just do it! I started making videos when we first got on our homestead but then got too busy to keep up. I just picked it back up last week. I posted 2 videos and bunch of shorts (following the advice from VidIQ and Think Media) and have gotten 30 subscribers and over 1100 views! It may be small but I’m thrilled with my meager success! 🤓 Let us know when you publish and I’ll be sure to subscribe!

    • Two_Turtles_Homestead

      September 16, 2022 at 6:09 pm

      That’s great advice! I’ve been diving deep into VidIQ and Think Media videos. Both channels have some great information and tutorials.

      BTW – watched your porch video – looks great and sound advice there too!

  • Self_Reliance_In_The_Suburbs

    June 8, 2023 at 1:25 pm

    I don’t have experience in youtube/equipment but I could definitely help you if you you’re wanting to develop a website for your farm products! Let me know if you’d be interested!

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