Hey US vets; at least we don't have to deal with the V.A.C.
Tagged: Suicide prevention, veterans, vets
Hey US vets; at least we don't have to deal with the V.A.C.
Posted by Grumpy_G on August 27, 2022 at 10:12 amApparently 22 a day isn’t enough for the Veterans Administration Canada.
(Caution, bad language)
BearCreekGirl replied 2 years ago 13 Members · 27 Replies -
27 Replies
I am not a big fan of the VA. They actually lost my father in the system; literally told us he wasn’t a patient after he had been going there for a decade. This is completely outrageous, though.
Please, if you are a vet, or anyone else for that matter, and you need help call out, we (your fellow vets and Patriots) will be there for you.
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline dial 988 or Text 838255
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
Grumpy_G. Reason: Additional info
i have to go to VA for appointments once a month, i go to Tuskegee and Montgomery, Al and i don’t have any complaints , they actually try to all they can, and it’s never crowded. VA clinics in Georgia, on the otherhand are a cluster f*!? they don’t give a sh or an it.
You know, I have people tell me that all the time. I also have people that agree with me. I guess it’s like everything else in that treatment and service is not the same across the board. I am sincerely glad you are getting good treatment. One thing to remember, if you want to see what single payer health care looks like, we need go no further than the VA.
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I’m not a vet, but have a family history of service. I’ve also lost friends, and kids at school to suicide (been a school chaplain)…and my heart breaks for those who were willing to give it all for their country, and struggle so greatly. And I stand with you in hoping anyone…vet or otherwise reaches out for help if they need it. And I hope that this community can stand alongside anyone who needs help.
I aggree. I suffer from severe TBI and its related issues, along with PTSD. Some days, and some weeks, are better than others, I just deal with it day by day. I found my coping mechanism to be homesteading and isolation. Everyone has to find thier own coping mechanism and it thier focus when it does get hard.
Sorry that you suffer from both TBI & PTSD that is a difficult combination to have to try and life with. But I am glad that you found something productive and uplifting that helps you in that space. Keep it up!!!
Allot of TBI’s go untreated and often misdiagnosed. It’s a very important issue since the requirements for treatments are different. I’ve seen veterans loose everything because they were told they had PTSD or personality disorders when the real issue is a TBI. Not enough people are aware of what TBI’s can lead to or how significant they can be. Sometimes our brothers and sisters of service return home and everyone says “they’ve changed”. Most Chalk it up to tragic events and PTSD. Even us veterans and the docs will say that. It’s been discovered though that a TBI can actually alter a person’s personality. It can greatly affect their thought process even in regards to how they feel about their spouse or even their own kids. I pray you’re getting the treatment you need and thank you as a brother for being willing to talk about it because not everyone is and it’s a real problem!
After Vietnam, I stopped into a VA office to find out what was going to be available to me as a Veteran. Well, I got my answer: NOTHING (Oh they did give ma a bumper sticker which was a replica of the service ribbon)
So, I’ve never darkened their doorway again nor have I ever received any kind of contact from them what-so-ever. I just go under the assumption that they no longer exist. 🙂-
Art, I will give the DoD and VA props when deserved. They do a much better job of attempting to take care of vets. It took a bunch of kicking and screaming for vets to get the government to uphold their end of the bargain.
Unfortunately, a lot of Brothers died from Agent Orange exposure, Etc. before they finally admitted to the truth. Fortunately, I took charge of my own healthcare and have never had to worry about the Government’s help. So, that was one good thing that did come out of their uselessness in the past.
Th VA is beyond useless. They are dangerous. Their incompetence kills people. Good job staying out of thier Art.
I dunno, the fact that there aren’t maggots feasting on comatose vets in VA hospitals (Kansas City VA Hospital, 1998, not reported on until 2002), as far as we know, shows that there has been progress made. Physically losing patients and killing others is a small price to pay for progress.
I know this is a touchy subject for you personally. If we can’t engage in some gallows humor, in true military fashion, it’ll eat us up. Hold the line.
I dunno, the fact that there aren’t maggots feasting on comatose vets in VA hospitals (Kansas City VA Hospital, 1998, not reported on until 2002),
Oops, looks like I was wrong. From 2016 in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Veteran dies at VA hospital after maggots found in wound”. Looks like we haven’t come as far as I thought we had, baby.
I just want to say “Thank you” to all of you for your service! I pray for you all everyday! My hero, “My Daddy” was a Vietnam vet and I miss him terribly 🙁 Please, never give up….. don’t let them win. You are appreciated & needed. God Bless our Vets!
I’m a vet. I’ve found that the VA is about the same quality as civilian hospital after they were taken over by HCA
I’ve noticed the change too. Both my parents have been in the hospital for the first part of the year. You need an advocate when you walk into all healthcare facilities these days.
Oh the stories I could tell….
Here’s one:
My brother was active duty-paratrooper for 8 years. He was honorably discharged due to bad knees. He went to VA for medical assistance and they had no records of his service. WTH! He found a local Veteran advocate who helped with all the paperwork but they drug it out so long that he wasn’t able to get his benefits before he died. He was diagnosed with cancer sometime in the middle of all this hypocrisy. How convenient for them.
I’m a critical care nurse at the VA and I’m somewhat ashamed to admit it. Yes, it’s a screwed up system.
I can only be accountable for my actions. I walk in the doors knowing I have a battle ahead of me. I fight to get the right interventions in a timely manner; listen for ways I can direct Veterans and their families to obtain a service they’ve been trying to receive; and I stand as tall and respectful as I possibly can when the Walk Of Honor is necessary.
I appreciate the services you all have given this country. Please know that there are some of us out here fighting for you.
Grumpy_G you are right this is a touchy subject and I can come down on both sides. My uncle was well taken care of at the VA in Johnson City, TN, until he passed away and is now buried at the same VA. But me on the other hand, was stationed at Ft. McClelland in 1983. In 1999, the EPA closed the base as ‘one of the most toxic places on the planet’. Must have been bad. There was (not sure if it is still there) a list of toxins on the EPA website that are on that base. The city of Anniston sued, and won a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Monsanto (yes, the same one that is currently pushing GMOs), because the city water source was contaminated. But vets were disqualified from it. because the VA would take care of us. The VA denies any exposure. Even though the post bought its water from the city. Go figure, enough of has not died out yet.
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I hear you. When I first got home from Iraq I went to Quillen, even got a job there. Things where pretty good there. I am currently working with Senator Blackburn to find out what happened. I can’t get appts. until months out. I need to see a doctor but its not an emergency, but they told me to go the ER anyway. Thing sure have gone to the dogs up there.
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Been going to the VA on and off since 1984. I think it can be best summed up that it is often better than nothing.
It has been my experience that there are many caring people that work there, but the whole system is run by people that don’t care.
It has been my experience that there are many caring people that work there, but the whole system is run by people that don’t care.
This is what I dealt with working for the DoD. Eventually, it got the better of me and making the decision to leave when I did was just that much easier.
PS: Meant to tell you, my father was the girl’s BBall coach at Stoutland back in the late 80s. Small world
I have been in the VA medical system for the past 20 years. I have been fighting my way out of the cracks they keep trying to push me in that entire time. That being said, I am grateful for the care I do receive. It is the ultimate pain in the ass…. Hurry up and wait still applies! LOL! Thank you for your service to all my fellow vets!
Fellow veteran here. I volunteer in several veterans help groups online. If any of you are interested I talk about it on my page here on freesteading. Sometimes our brothers and sisters need a hand up as they face the hills in front of them. I try to be that hand and if you’re inclined to do that too just check out my page. No financial crap or anything just simple direct assistance from the pantry or a hammer.
Also if you ever find yourself in a bind then please reach out to me. I work with several other veterans who volunteer and we’ll search out resources through government or non-profits and work to link you up with them. Don’t let yourself go down a dark hole alone because you’re not in it alone and if you ever need an ear, a shoulder or a soundboard I’m here for you!!! Thank you for being part of my mixed up, jumbled up, jerked around veteran family! Much love from an army wrench rat!
If you haven’t seen this one already, check out Camp Valor Outdoors:
I’ve bumped in to the founder at various events in MO, and spoke to him at VFW fundraisers for Camp Valor Outdoors. he’s legit, IMO.
Thanks for letting me know G. I’ll check into it … I’m always searching for more ways to help and more organizations that I can recommend.
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