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  • KristyNC2022

    October 7, 2022 at 1:15 am in reply to: Homesteader Perspective on Preserving & Building Wealth

    I always thought this verse carried a lot of weight in the Bible but it is one I never hear any preacher talk about:

    Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.”

  • KristyNC2022

    October 6, 2022 at 7:36 pm in reply to: How Do YOU Stay SANE?

    #1 Give it to God. Seriously, he has never failed me!

    #2 I like to veg out on youtube videos (which is how I ended up here).

    #3 I also remember that worrying about trying to get things done, impressing others, or being hard on myself is all pointless. Take one day at a time because we are not promised tomorrow and the only person we need to impress is God. Keeping that in mind takes the stress out of anything.

    #4 Get out and get some fresh air. Just walk around and enjoy nature. It’s the little things that make me happy!

  • KristyNC2022

    October 6, 2022 at 7:33 pm in reply to: Etsy

    I tried to resale my handmade soaps on Etsy with zero sales in a 5 month period. Each listing cost .18 cents so I ended up losing money. Instead I went to Ebay and had better luck. I now resale on Ebay full time now (sales are very slow though as they are on all platforms right now because people are holding onto their money given the current status of the world). What I can say though is both Etsy and Ebay ask for your social sec # (for tax reasons) and your back account info (for payment). This is no different than if you went to an in-person job and was hired (they would ask the exact same).

  • KristyNC2022

    October 7, 2022 at 6:52 pm in reply to: Homesteader Perspective on Preserving & Building Wealth

    It’s hard to tell sometimes how people ask a question; no worries, glad to expand on that bible verse. My answer was just the starting point.

    True inheritance in God’s Kingdom is only found in Jesus Christ. That is a very deep topic but one we will not receive until death. And only then if we are born again of the spirit in Jesus Christ! Amen!

    This youtube video describes our inheritance in Jesus Christ perfectly in a way I don’t think I’m getting across here 🙂

  • KristyNC2022

    October 7, 2022 at 2:49 am in reply to: Homesteader Perspective on Preserving & Building Wealth

    Is that a trick question? First and foremost God tells us to store up treasures in heaven. This means being fruitful in the Kingdom of God and doing God’s will while on earth; telling people to repent of their sin and believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and put your faith only in that. The Bible says one sows, another waters, but it is God that gives the increase.

    As for physical preps, well I don’t believe in storing up silver and gold because the Bible says in the later days people will literally hate looking at it as it will have zero value. But having land, a roof over your head, food in the belly, and clean water sounds like a good inheritance to me; everything else is just an added blessing from God above.

    As for finances, well, to each their own; I’m just quoting what the Bible says. It is up to each individual to pray and seek God’s guidance for what is to be done with their $$$. I know what God has told me to do and it’s not invest in this world.