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Thanks I wish you luck as well. In that zone consider digging a wallipini.
Another good idea.
Might also consider CB’s and 10,11,12 meter band radios since they are so much more common. I have a half dozen of so myself.
It means get all your ducks in a row ASAP. Get prepared to go without being able to buy anything possibly for years to come. Make sure you have shelter and if possible backup shelter with supplies stored in more than one place. To put it short and sweet if you don’t have it when the balloon goes up you more than likely never will!
Garlic grows over winter so fall is the time to plant. Onions need two growing seasons to go to seed if I remember correctly. Which of course means them overwintering.
South Central Va has a lot more homesteaders and preppers than I could have imagined just a few years ago. I really had no idea until I started meeting folks through a friend who goes to all the farm swaps, sales, auctions and such.
I lived with god awful cramps for over 35 years. Went to countless doctors and specialists to no avail in those 35+ years and they tried everything including heavy duty muscle relaxers. Nothing actually helped until about a year ago. When I realized salt was the actual issue or rather lack of salt was the issue. It turned out all I needed was to eat more salt. I always thought I ate to much salt but I was wrong. Turns out active people who work hard and sweat a lot need a LOT more salt in their diet than people who sit.
The really interesting part for me was how I found out I needed more salt. I was sitting here at this table cramping so bad in my chest I thought sure I was going to die. I had my .45 out knocking the dust off from where I carry it everyday. When another round of muscle lockdown started and I’m thinking to myself what the hell do I do now I can NOT keep living like this! I had cramps so bad you could almost see the bones bend. That’s when I heard or sensed or something I need salt. So I picked up the salt grinder and ground some in my hand and put it in my mouth and added water from my glass swished it around and swallowed it down. Within a minute the cramps were easing then they were gone another minute later. Half hour to an hour later they were back with a vengeance. So I did the salt thing again and again in a minute or so and they were easing right off and a minute after that they were gone. So I started googling and figured out salt or lack of salt was the root cause. Since then I eat as much salt as I can stand and hardly ever even get a mild cramp anymore. I did a lot more googling and found out salt with other minerals was best and now only eat pink salt or sea salt.
So to all you folks who listen to your doctors and hardly eat any salt but have a ton of cramps eat some damn salt. I’ll bet your problem will go away like mine did.
After 35 or so years of living with bone bending cramps everyday of my life I found out I just needed to keep eating more salt. I have no idea what it did to my blood pressure and I really do not care. I can live and do things without the excruciating pain anymore as long as I eat plenty of salt. Every once in awhile I still have to add a little extra salt sometimes but soon as I do the cramps are GONE!
For me it turned out I needed to add about one teaspoon of salt to my food in a days time during the hot months. I can and do cut that back during the cooler months when I don’t sweat as hard.
It depends on what size? But I will say Honda’s outlast every other brand I’ve used by tenfold and I’ve run a lot of generators. If you’re just trying to keep a fridge and deep freezer going along with a few lights and a laptop or two I HIGHLY RECOMEND a Honda EU2000 or EU2200. I’ve had 3) of the 2000’s go over 23,000 hours each and they sip gas!
I run my house off a EU2000 while it also recharges the battery bank.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by BiggKidd.
Mine started as a 1988 plain jane 36 volt club car bought for $300 since it didn’t work. I got it going and started modifying it’s a blast to drive and more handy than anyone would realize. Long as it’s at least reasonably sunny, 50-50% sun clouds and I stay on property I never need to plug it in. Now I go running to the neighbors more than two three times in a week then I have to charge it’s 4 miles round trip.
Good deal you are one of the few who gets it. IT being the fact that all things prepping are a form of insurance.
Not the worst idea I ever heard by far. There’s also hope that it just doesn’t have enough exposed wire surface to have issues. My understanding is EMP or solar flares need a fair amount of wire to collect the pulse.
After the atmosphere clears they will work just as well as any other ham radio. Computer controlled golf carts may not be any better than cars though. The one I built is all solid state far as the running controls go. Charging the battery may be a problem. It’s solar powered after all.
Love that quote it fits me so well. I have been working on the outside for years and would love to do something with the house I built over a decade ago but never finished. Really needs a woman’s touch, which isn’t likely. lmao