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  • AiQ

    April 13, 2023 at 12:47 am in reply to: Tennessee gov stealing farm land!

    Hi. From the Republic of Ireland a.k.a. your latest Communist stronghold. (I kid you not. The Irish government have lost the plot. They DEFINITELY don’t represent the Irish people anymore, that’s for sure!) Similar situation here and right across Europe. Governments going beyond their remit, land grabbing, claiming it’s for the”common, greater good” and building on arable land. Supposedly to cut down on carbon emissions and provide housing for the homeless here – a situation which they created in the first place. Further, the new housing is either only available to rent to the Irish or very limited to buy with crazy mortgages but is being given to foreign nationals for free at the Irish taxpayers expense. People genuinely needing help fleeing from war I get. That doesn’t mean they get to take our home from us! Unfortunately many are economic migrants and are fleeing nothing. Some we suspect are militant. The local homeless don’t even get a look in. Farmers livelihoods are being destroyed via E.U. subsidy regulations and they’re now at the point where many are being forced to sell their land…with foreign and government investors swooping in to take control. One of them being Bill Gates. Why he’d want land here, I have no idea. I can’t wait for Irexit. Our greatest trade partners are Britain and the U.S.A., so why the government went with the E.U. which has basically bankrupted us, again, no idea. They’ve destroyed our families, our economy, our food production, our right to private property and the list goes on. Make no mistake. Ireland is no longer free and even our access to information is now being curbed. Groups of us, no more than yourselves, are trying to regain and retain our freedoms. Homeschooling has become very popular here and they’re already trying to ban that since 2018 citing dissident behaviour and child abuse. They are slowly but surely removing parental rights by degrees. Keep us in your prayers. We keep you in ours. The whole world’s gone nuts!

  • AiQ

    April 19, 2023 at 5:24 am in reply to: Tennessee gov stealing farm land!

    Very good question.

  • AiQ

    April 19, 2023 at 5:08 am in reply to: Tennessee gov stealing farm land!

    Funny you said that. A major dairy producer had a big fire here not too long back. Destroyed a massive portion of their food production plant. Glenillen or Glenisk. I can’t remember which one. Just out of curiosity, I’ve never heard of a food production plant with that kind of capacity that it could turn out 18,000 head of cattle like that. Was it just one plant or a number of them?

  • AiQ

    April 19, 2023 at 5:04 am in reply to: Tennessee gov stealing farm land!


  • AiQ

    April 19, 2023 at 5:03 am in reply to: Tennessee gov stealing farm land!

    Another interesting thing that happens here now. Anyone who tries to peacefully protest are blocked and harassed by police. That used to not happen before. Everyone was given their voice. The police only got involved if you caused trouble i.e. violence. Now you can only have a voice or be seen to protest if you comply with the government narrative. The media won’t cover it and when they do, you’re labelled and called all sorts of stuff. Far right and conservative were two terms you didn’t hear of about five or less years ago and they usually weren’t associated with each other. Being a follower of Christ in Ireland is a big no no now. Voicing valid public safety concerns to politicians (including safety of migrants and refugees) is not PC. My guess is you’re put on a list when you do. Our government seems to be ever expanding, our taxes go up, yet we get less and less for them and our family and parental rights are being disintegrated by the day. They even tried to ban home schooling back in October 2018…until they realised they’d have to provide facilities in schools for special needs children. My guess is that they’ll wait until enough special needs children have been aborted before birth (they hope) and THEN they’ll try to ban it again. Less opposition. Either that or claim subversive extremist behaviour taking place in homeschooling so it’ll have to be banned “for the common good”. (Funny. The common good isn’t feeling that common anymore. Just selective and biased.)

    As for Joe Biden, that fella has dementia. Something seriously wrong there. Most people here are not aware of his son’s antics and who wants a paedophile in their backyard young or old? As for “celebrating the peace process”, its tentative at the best of times. No government assembly. The real players who cared are now dead and gone and the people of Northern Ireland feel betrayed and abandoned by their elected representatives. They’re all in it for the cameras. A big show.