Tennessee gov stealing farm land!
Tagged: #land
Tennessee gov stealing farm land!
Posted by MartHale7 on April 12, 2023 at 1:20 pmARCityMeetsSurvival replied 1 year, 9 months ago 17 Members · 47 Replies -
47 Replies
Where can I find this information? The full article? If this is true this is an atrocity. We are using more petroleum to go green, opening mines and creating toxic waste dumps with old windmill blades etc.. and so much more. I am not against being more energy efficient and protecting our beautiful asset , the earth, however will the end result of the path we are on be as beneficial as proclaimed? After all the damage we are doing to go green is done and we have ‘arrived’, will it truly make a difference? . I would like to know …we will start seeing a cleaner environment that will ‘save’ earth and mankind. What are the true projections? Alaska Prepper has a great video on the true history of carbon m levels that isn’t told main stream. My guess for the much higher parts per million before our time would have been caused by erupting volcanoes? We ( the earth before our time) have experienced exponentially higher levels than we have now on earth… mind you Before industrialization! Thoughts? Taking farmland is unacceptable! 100 percent unacceptable!
Read up on c40 dot org. They are being able to get away with it changing by laws in towns and cities by adding in case of emergency in case of disaster and so forth. That is how they are doing in in the Netherlands right now. People need to be at every town meeting city meeting & contacting their towns and cities to get an exact copy of the by laws. The are doing this to shove the 15 minutes cities down our throats & the green deal
This will fail. Unfortunately, it won’t fail before the land has been built on. Of course once land has been built on ( especially wetlands ) there is no going back; at least not for eons.
I would like to know if this is really true. They want control of all the food. So they can make us sick with fake food.
It’s not just food. THEY want control of everything in our day to day lives. Give an inch and they’ll take it all.
<b data-fontsize=”36″ data-lineheight=”42.12px”>OUTRAGE: Officials Move to Seize Land from American Farmers
(SNews) – Tennessee government officials have moved to seize land from American farmers in an effort to meet the goals of Democrat President Joe Biden’s green agenda.
The state is suing to confiscate farmland just west of Memphis that will be repurposed to build a new multi-billion dollar electric vehicle (EV) plant.
Ford Motor Company has announced plans to build a $5.6 billion electric truck and battery plant to be built in the rural area of Tennessee.
Officials in Tennessee are so eager to bend over backward to comply with the green agenda that the state is prepared to seize land from black farmers in order to facilitate Ford’s EV project. ( See link above )
How is that a GREEN AGENDA MOVE? These lunatics wouldn’t know how to be sustainable never mind regenerative if their lives depended upon it. 🙄
See the responses to this on Twitter.
Tennessee government officials have moved to seize land from American farmers in an effort to meet the goals of Democrat President Joe Biden’s green agenda.
The state is suing to confiscate farmland just east of Memphis that will be repurposed to build a new multi-billion dollar… pic.twitter.com/9zRc38z17z
— Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁💪🏻 (@pepesgrandma) April 10, 2023
This is not right! Farmers need to protest against this! We should know the electric vehicles are not good investment. Plus setting on a huge electric battery is not good for the human body!
I like electric cars myself, but I hate forcing people to take a bad option. Hydrogen cars is a far far better way to go, but we are criminal ruled.
Hi. From the Republic of Ireland a.k.a. your latest Communist stronghold. (I kid you not. The Irish government have lost the plot. They DEFINITELY don’t represent the Irish people anymore, that’s for sure!) Similar situation here and right across Europe. Governments going beyond their remit, land grabbing, claiming it’s for the”common, greater good” and building on arable land. Supposedly to cut down on carbon emissions and provide housing for the homeless here – a situation which they created in the first place. Further, the new housing is either only available to rent to the Irish or very limited to buy with crazy mortgages but is being given to foreign nationals for free at the Irish taxpayers expense. People genuinely needing help fleeing from war I get. That doesn’t mean they get to take our home from us! Unfortunately many are economic migrants and are fleeing nothing. Some we suspect are militant. The local homeless don’t even get a look in. Farmers livelihoods are being destroyed via E.U. subsidy regulations and they’re now at the point where many are being forced to sell their land…with foreign and government investors swooping in to take control. One of them being Bill Gates. Why he’d want land here, I have no idea. I can’t wait for Irexit. Our greatest trade partners are Britain and the U.S.A., so why the government went with the E.U. which has basically bankrupted us, again, no idea. They’ve destroyed our families, our economy, our food production, our right to private property and the list goes on. Make no mistake. Ireland is no longer free and even our access to information is now being curbed. Groups of us, no more than yourselves, are trying to regain and retain our freedoms. Homeschooling has become very popular here and they’re already trying to ban that since 2018 citing dissident behaviour and child abuse. They are slowly but surely removing parental rights by degrees. Keep us in your prayers. We keep you in ours. The whole world’s gone nuts!
It’s absolutely the same in Germany, where these “economic refugees “ get treated like royalty. And I have the same fear that those “refugees “ are soldiers just waiting for their command.
My husband told me a story, that someone from work fixed up his home to finely live in. And the city told him good it is ready for the Flüchtlinge, he said no ready for my family. And the city Beamte said he was a racist! He is born and raced in this city, worked and saved money to buy a owned home. Fixed it up by his own hands and then he gets that slapped in his face!
I have been true some wired stuff, so I know he is telling the way it is. A hard working man, who does his stuff.
You know what’s weird ?!
Some years back, I found a website that was established by a school/students from Sweden (I think) and this site looked like a huge inventory sheet with all the privately owned homes in Germany listed. But those homes weren’t just listed, when you read the postings, they sounded like those homes were for sale. Sort of: how would it be or can you imagine living there. Each home had the correct number of bedrooms, bathrooms and things like patio/balcony and a brief description of the neighborhood. I checked with every address that I knew and the people who owned it, they were all listed even though none of them for sale. The big surprise though was that the estimated sale price was substantially lower and the yearly property tax was on average ten fold.
I send this site to some of my family members, but they all dismissed it.
Now, at the times we’re in, I fear that this site could become reality.
Realy, wish you could tell me more!
We gotta vote about a ice indoor arena just yes or no to 20 million euro’s! From our tax money, guess what our votes going to be.
No time or money to play around now, just acting like nothing is going on and wrong play evil and selling our souls no way.
notice how entertainment has become so important and homeowners/farmers/small businesses/working men and women foot the bill? Everything is backwards anymore. I have my ‘green space.’ It isn’t much but it’s mine and I’ll fight like hell to keep it. My poor poor grandbabies. I worry about their future.
Hmmm, isn’t that interesting? Wasn’t Biden just in Ireland? Celebrating something. Of course that’s why he was there. My guess is he was getting pointers on how to do what they’re doing in Ireland.
Another interesting thing that happens here now. Anyone who tries to peacefully protest are blocked and harassed by police. That used to not happen before. Everyone was given their voice. The police only got involved if you caused trouble i.e. violence. Now you can only have a voice or be seen to protest if you comply with the government narrative. The media won’t cover it and when they do, you’re labelled and called all sorts of stuff. Far right and conservative were two terms you didn’t hear of about five or less years ago and they usually weren’t associated with each other. Being a follower of Christ in Ireland is a big no no now. Voicing valid public safety concerns to politicians (including safety of migrants and refugees) is not PC. My guess is you’re put on a list when you do. Our government seems to be ever expanding, our taxes go up, yet we get less and less for them and our family and parental rights are being disintegrated by the day. They even tried to ban home schooling back in October 2018…until they realised they’d have to provide facilities in schools for special needs children. My guess is that they’ll wait until enough special needs children have been aborted before birth (they hope) and THEN they’ll try to ban it again. Less opposition. Either that or claim subversive extremist behaviour taking place in homeschooling so it’ll have to be banned “for the common good”. (Funny. The common good isn’t feeling that common anymore. Just selective and biased.)
As for Joe Biden, that fella has dementia. Something seriously wrong there. Most people here are not aware of his son’s antics and who wants a paedophile in their backyard young or old? As for “celebrating the peace process”, its tentative at the best of times. No government assembly. The real players who cared are now dead and gone and the people of Northern Ireland feel betrayed and abandoned by their elected representatives. They’re all in it for the cameras. A big show.
If it only really were for a true green agenda they would help the farmers, but they try to get everyone off the land and into the 15min cities. That’s all there is to it.
Yes, it does point up to the World Economic Forum. all is part of a multi pronged system.
The goal seem to be to get a digital ID for every human on the planet. Next is to link this id to all money that flows, the Vaccine passport was the first phase of this control program, I believe the next phase will be an food ration app that will link each person to that ID.
Fednow in the USA is the noose to control all of us to know every transaction, and to shut them off at will.
Yes, this is an all inclusive, far reaching web that they have constructed and they are pushing their agenda before more people even have the slightest chance to wake up.
Our time is running out to prepare. Those of us who are not vaxed will get shut out from buying food because of the vax passport. Having money doesn’t even matter anymore.
The next pandemic is pland and scheduled and more people will be scared into taking the shot.
They’re working on all levels.
Yes, I have seen the same thing they did for the China Virus ( event 201 ) for the next one. They tried to push the monkey virus, but too many people are waking up and ended those lies. That said they still have many, many believing their lies, and are treating the unvaccinated as pond scum.
everything they are willing to let us hear, believe, know is just a well-planned smokescreen and lies. Everything they are doing is just plain evil.
Land seizure all over the world. Netherland’s Farmers fighting for their lives .
You see less and less farmland and more and more solar panels, it is horrible! How insane must you be planning that stupidity and al the cloudy grey dark rainy poison evil weather they make!
Yeah, they use “Climate Change” as their card for stealing land. They claim “nitrogen” is the problem but reason shows they are only stealing the land and will use food to control the people.
The evil spraying on our world and sky is the real problem!
That isn’t all our government is doing. They are burning up or blowing up food plants too that will cause shortages and even higher prices. The latest explosion killed 18 thousand cows in Dimmit, Texas. Don’t forget China is buying land too.
Funny you said that. A major dairy producer had a big fire here not too long back. Destroyed a massive portion of their food production plant. Glenillen or Glenisk. I can’t remember which one. Just out of curiosity, I’ve never heard of a food production plant with that kind of capacity that it could turn out 18,000 head of cattle like that. Was it just one plant or a number of them?
18,000 cows….. in Texas. They are STILL investigating the fire.
Jack Spirko had talked to a friend of the dairy-owning family, who conveyed that they figured it for sabotage–“an inside job” to be exact.
I want to know what in a dairy cafo is so explosive that it will outright kill 18K cows at one blow
I could see it if the smoke was so thick the cows could not get out. I could actually see once in a blue moon event, but the moon is not always blue as they want us to believe now….. Our gov is now targeting it’s own people, or shall we say the Chinese Communist Party gov, or the World Economic Forum gov we now live under in the USA.
Pompey’s list from the CCP of friendly/ unfriendly govenors. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/06/06/reminder-the-chinese-communist-party-list-of-u-s-governors-they-can-influence/
Bill Lee TN and Kay Ivey AL are friendly
And so will the vaxxed sadly. Who is speaking up for the doctors they are taking away their license now for giving ivermectin? Who is charging Facui with gain of function research? He has walked away with his highest paid salary and his illegal actions with no justice.
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