Conservation law that would endanger US Freedom.

  • Conservation law that would endanger US Freedom.

    Posted by JR2911DonnaW on June 17, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    Sorry I can’t get the link to attach here. Maybe someone else can. GOVENOR Kristi Noem warns Congress that new Biden rule would endanger US Freedom.

    EvW replied 1 year, 1 month ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • MartHale7

    June 17, 2023 at 5:22 pm
  • MartHale7

    June 17, 2023 at 5:24 pm

    Will need convention of the states to fix this, if that is possible.

  • Unknown Member

    June 17, 2023 at 5:42 pm



    June 17, 2023 at 8:47 pm

    Farmers Band Together Against CO2 Pipeline Project In South Dakota | ZeroHedge

    And the climate change agenda overreach continues. I could not get this link to attach either.

    • MartHale7

      June 18, 2023 at 12:13 am

      Your link to zerohedge works, I love that site.


        June 18, 2023 at 12:09 pm

        I like it too. Hard to find any honest conservative leaning sites anymore. All i want is the truth right.

  • Hen

    June 19, 2023 at 2:21 pm

    The great shaking is coming. Do not let any earthly events rattle your cage!! The man who walked on water can calm any storm regardless of where it is. Praise his holy name! Read the WORD. Study to show yourselves approved. Pray unceasingly that you be counted worthy to escspe all these things!

    May God bless and prosper the work of your hands!

  • EvW

    June 19, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    Typical of them


    June 18, 2023 at 12:10 pm

    That’s what it looks like. We have to keep resisting because if we give up we lose.

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