• HerbsForAll

    March 18, 2023 at 1:15 am

    I donโ€™t think itโ€™s time to flip the switch yet.

  • Fufu

    March 18, 2023 at 1:29 am

    I like it this way. We haven’t met everyone or know who everyone is yet. Lots of great info coming through the feed.

  • Summerhat-n-Chicks

    March 18, 2023 at 1:53 am

    I vote for keeping it this way. I like reading through new posts with new ideas and maybe connecting with new people which I otherwise wouldn’t have seen. As mentioned by others before, maybe an option button would make more sense. Thanks.

    • Unknown Member

      June 11, 2023 at 11:18 pm


  • Ozark-Hillbilly

    March 18, 2023 at 2:44 am

    I come here to get away from politics. In MeWe I can turn off their post from my feed and I do if they post too many political posts. That works somewhat but there are still way too many. I am very interested in the news just not here.

    • Unknown Member

      June 11, 2023 at 11:19 pm


  • Maytag

    March 18, 2023 at 2:51 am

    <div>I have mentioned it before, but I think both modes should be available. I think it should be easy to view the whole main feed (to sort of “look at what’s goin’ on out there”) but also have the filter option to just keep your feed page to what you’re following/subscribed/etc. I really don’t see any downsides to doing this, since it sounds like the capability is already programmed.

    This way people who like seeing everything can see everything and people who want to see a more filtered list can see that, and either can switch whenever.

    Restricting the main feed permanently to only things you follow sounds like it would make it pretty hard to find other stuff others are posting that you would never be able to even know to look for.


  • CarolinaCarefree

    March 18, 2023 at 3:14 am

    I’m good with how it is. In fact it was beneficial to me. Met someone I would have never met and was able to exchange some hazel bushes for a black walnut. Just a thought.

    • Unknown Member

      June 11, 2023 at 11:19 pm


  • Fy-Nyth

    March 18, 2023 at 3:19 am

    I was aware of this setup. I like the idea of continuing to have the option of all posts on the site showing in one feed (global or something like that?) and another option for just those we follow. I personally would only use the later, but that is just due to the fact that my schedule is too busy to scroll anything randomly. I usually only go directly to the home page of those who’s content I want to see, not scroll a feed. This is on any social type site for me. But that’s how I’ve chosen to manage my time and clearly I am in the minority on this. As it is now, I just never check the newsfeed at all.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    March 18, 2023 at 4:49 am

    I like being able to see all info being posted. That is how I pick up on new conversations & discussions I would not otherwise see.

    I thought I was “subscribed” to your Community discussions/forums, etc., and had not seen this announcement. Had it not been for a connection or other member commenting on this discussion & it going thru the Activity Feed, I never would have seen this or known about it.

    I have met a lot of new connections by reading their posts in the activity feed as well as learning new info from seeing a reply someone makes in a discussion/forum that shows up in the Activity Feed.

    Everyone has the opportunity to FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to whom or what they wish to see in their feed.
    What will a NEW MEMBER be able to see in the activity feed that is just signing up?? NOTHING?? That would not be a good motivation for them to use or even want to bother continuing using Freesteading if they can’t see anything but a blank page until they make connections/follow or join Communities/subscribe.

    If you’re wanting Freesteading to continue growing, I say leave it as it is. Otherwise, any new member will have NOTHING to see and who wants to join a social media site with NO ACTIVITY to view? I would check back with the members at the one-year anniversary of the site launching to see what the general consensus is then. Freesteading is only approximately 7 months old and some are still having trouble navigating & finding their way around. I feel it would be detrimental to the site to do away with seeing the Activity feed except for those you follow or are subscribed to.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    March 18, 2023 at 7:34 am

    Can only give my own personal experience, I alway go to active feeds and than read true all open the topics and reactions in new tabs. Read and react as I wish, or if possible on the active feeds.

    Would not like to just see the connected ones, would mis out a lot.

    Just do not understand why I am suddenly getting so mutch notifications, was getting just from reactions and connections and now from everything and everyone. That is a bit to much, but do not turn the switch please just let that choice up to all members personal.

  • FreeManatOverlookMeadow

    March 18, 2023 at 9:18 am

    Flip it like a house you renoed!

  • Squeeze

    March 18, 2023 at 12:02 pm

    I didnt even get a computor till I was 35 or 40. I self taught how to type and how to use it. I started with a laptop I just wanted to compile data and connect all the electronics on the boat. My phone does a million things I dont know how to work. (I am one of those wierdos who just uses the phone part) I figured things out this far, Do whatever you want, I enjoy a challenge (Mostly) Im used to never really knowing, but figuring out how to make it work for me ๐Ÿ˜†

  • A_Backyard_Barn

    March 18, 2023 at 12:06 pm

    Either leave it alone (it ainโ€™t broke) or give us an option to switch back and forth from global or restricted views.

    Iโ€™m not on very much yet, but have already met people in my state that I would have never connected with without the โ€œglobalโ€ view. Good information too.

  • Magnoliahomestead

    March 18, 2023 at 1:03 pm

    Iโ€™m good with it as is. Like looking at all of the posts and different ideas.

  • Seeds

    March 18, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    I like how it is!! I like to see new content and follow those people! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Unknown Member

      June 11, 2023 at 11:20 pm


  • The1plantguy

    March 18, 2023 at 1:57 pm

    While it is interesting to see all conversations from everyone, the number of notifications I have to sort through is kinda overwhelming. It makes it more difficult to find specific threads and to know if someone has replied to me. I honestly thought I was getting real popular here! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜† I vote to flip it, or have the option to toggle back and forth.

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