Einkorn Wheat in Southern Missouri?

  • Einkorn Wheat in Southern Missouri?

    Posted by ShepherdsHeartHomestead on September 7, 2022 at 1:20 am

    I am fairly new to gardening and want to grow einkorn wheat. I am interested in knowing

    1) how to prep the garden area (maybe 100′ by 100′, so “large enough” but not an overwhelming area)

    2) how to plant einkorn wheat (scatter by hand or other manual method?)

    3) how to keep it free of pests as possible without using chemicals (maybe organic methods?)

    4) how to fertilize fall through harvest

    I do not have a tractor, so methods will have to rely on means other than use of that. Soil is typical rocky southern Missouri soil, so would appreciate thoughts on amendments. We grow grass well but weeds are prevalent also. Not sure how to get soil down to bare soil so I don’t get a bit of weed with my wheat.

    Brand new to all of this…appreciate advice especially from folks with experience with this stuff.

    ShepherdsHeartHomestead replied 1 year, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • BrianS

    September 10, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    I would amend the soil before planting. I keep chickens so in the Winter I spread manure. I’m in Southern Missouri too so I am well familiar with the poor rocky soil we have around here

  • ShepherdsHeartHomestead

    September 12, 2022 at 1:37 am

    Thank you, Bonnie, and also BrianS. I’ll proceed as you both have recommended. I have chickens as well but no idea how to collect manure yet. I’ve free ranged until this year, as losses since last winter have just been too great to continue without some sort of protected area for the chickens. I envision putting them in a small building with straw as bedding, and access to a large protected pasture grass area during daytime hours.

    Ideally would put them into chicken tractors but no design I’ve found is affordable on a larger scale such as I desire, and my homemade PVC/chicken wire tractor is very unattractive. <haha>

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