The mRNA vaccine that is in your food.
The mRNA vaccine that is in your food.
Posted by MartHale7 on November 24, 2023 at 2:35 pmhttps://deeprootsathome.com/how-long-have-you-been-consuming-mrna-injected-pork/
How Long Have We Been Consuming mRNA-Injected Pork?
These platform have been around for 5 years, so it's reasonable to assume nearly all large-scale pork producers have made the transition.
MartHale7 replied 11 months, 3 weeks ago 8 Members · 18 Replies -
18 Replies
It is called Eugenics, the foundation of Planned parenthood. The Nazi actually got the idea from here in the USA. They told us that at the Nuremberg trials.
Short answer the devil wants us dead, the devil’s time is short and the devil has many branch offices.
Their is a lot we can do about this. I have been raising goats for about 4 years using no types of vaccinations at all unless i see that any of the goats have a life threatening ailment and even then i prefer to put the animal down. I believe that allowing these Mrna vaccines in our animals would mean to allow the genetic manipulation to carry on into their genes and if these animals are to be used for consumption then the manipulation might or can be transfer into the genetic code of any people. I have been raising chickens also the same way and planting organically. Herbs, fruit trees like citrus {Lemon, lime, grapefruit, Acerola, graviola or sour sop, bread fruit, bananas, pigeon peas, Noni, coconuts, Colombian coffee, star fruit, mangoes and some other varieties. Each one has been selected many years ago before hurricane Maria here on the Island of Puerto Rico. I have been trying to prepare before 1999 when Y2K was a big scare during those years. My thoughts are to find like minded people in order to get a group ready for bartering or exchanging ideas or even goods. Hope that there are more people in this group that would like to get together and talk about what can be done to thrive in times where bad reptilian people want to see us dead.
Agree. Barter is the answer. Many homesteaders today try to “do it all” which is a fool’s journey. That’s why villages had a baker, and a dairy, and a tailor- no one did it all. Costs go down when you specialize and acquire equipment for just your specialty plus you become an expert in one area versus scattered bits of knowledge over many things.
Well said Monkey, I have been revising my preparations to find the things that take low input for me to grow or skills I already have, and build a local tribe of people who share my values, or at least we can swap skills or items.
The problem I see is the meat we have in the store is not labeled if it has the mRNA vaccine applied to it. Indeed we have to grow our own, or find someone we can trust to grow our food for payment / barter.
I like to swap plants with people locally, I grow lots of extra plants just to bring with me when I visit with the local tribe. We sure need one another as we can’t do it all…
One of the owners of the “Grow Network” has just moved to PR.
She might be a good resource for you for prepping as she has also been prepping for many years.
Hey that is great!! Didn’t know someone moved here to the island. We have a group were we teach survival and common Law classes. We are on the journey to correcting status and claiming abandoned lands that belong to the people and not the govt. I am thinking about a barter system worldwide. Also i am trying to bring back gold and silver as our true money system. Have you seen the movies John wick? Look at their “Private Member” Exchange with Gold coins? in the series “The Continental”, It shows that the government has no Jurisdiction since in the govt. rules, regulations, codes, acts and all other “legal system” is based on regulating commerce thru Federal Reserve Notes which is not lawful Money. When gold coins or silver is used, it cannot be taxed according to the real “law”. Only Privately owned Federal Reserve notes because they belong to a private system and is not true money but only “Legal Tender”.
Yes, I have seen the John Wick movies, I have also been watching silver being used in Venezuela.
I have been switching my resources from paper, and electronic ( in the bank ) to physical like food, food on the shelf, food growing, power ( solar panels ), propane in tanks and some gasoline for backup, and yes some silver.
I plan for an economic crash, thus I am working with those around me that are already growing food.
As the system is broken, I do believe we will need to create our own systems, like you I am forming local tribes of people that share the value of working / trading for resources.
One of our local churches bought 30 acres of land, 15 they put into gardening, 15 they are putting into animals. I meet with some of them that came to garden, for some it was their first time putting a seed in the ground. That was a real wakeup call for me to know this is probably 80% of the people around me that they do not have a connection of where their food comes from, and when the grocery store is gone they will panic.
What in the soylent green is this? No wonder those Smithfield pork tenderloins are always on sale! lol That is terrible! I live near a couple of farms which raise and sell grass-fed cattle. I am going to be purchasing from them soon.
You have to verify that they are not giving the beef shots. They do not require labeling yet for this so finding out is such a pain !!!!
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Eradicated by Fenbendazole
Fenbendazole kills the cancer cells responsible for killing cancer patients
Yes I posted a message about this in the Clinic sub section. Very good information to know and use.
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