Diesel shortages in progress.

  • MartHale7

    November 7, 2022 at 6:05 pm


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by  MartHale7.
    • MulberryGardens-Christina

      November 15, 2022 at 8:54 pm

      Where is IceAgeFarmer posting info now? I haven’t seen anything from him since he disappeared off of YouTube back in the spring.

  • MartHale7

    November 7, 2022 at 6:32 pm
  • SoilToSoulMS

    November 7, 2022 at 8:15 pm

    Been hearing all year from various sources it is going to be a rough winter. Seems like ‘they’ have it all lined up to make it so! I, too, am doing my best to keep faith, hope and love going. Along with being as prepared for the worst as I can be. Have plenty of rice, beans, flour, egg powders, butter powder, and some canned butter still. Hopefully the worst won’t come to pass. Nice to see IceAgeFarmer up there, I need to look up his website I suppose, as he hasn’t posted on YouTube in quite some time that I’ve seen.

    • MartHale7

      November 7, 2022 at 9:39 pm

      IceAge farmer is on Telegram, we get about daily updates from him on that channel.

      That is how I found out about one of the locations without diesel I posted above.

      • 4MFarms

        December 7, 2022 at 4:05 am

        Some of us are not on telegram so I appreciate you relaying the info especially concerning ice age farmer

  • MartHale7

    November 7, 2022 at 9:42 pm

    But not trying to post for fear, but post in hopes people will stock up and prepare for the possibility of no grocery stores or gas stations, or flow of goods.

    Gas companies do not want to invest in refineries, and I don’t blame them with our current president declaring war on fuel from America but kissing the Saudi’s feet for oil.

  • Squeeze

    November 8, 2022 at 12:35 pm

    this will affect most liberals hardest, I doubt there is a large liberal prepper subgroup. They will run out of everything first. What will be interesting will be to see how they spin it to keep their narrative. I just dont see many coming awake to the reality, they just continually come up with some wonky nonsensical excuse to keep their head in the sand.

    • JD-in-GA

      November 8, 2022 at 2:07 pm

      Liberal life in the densely packed urban centers appears to be in for a particularly rough ride. The only way they could get me to care about their plight is if they start spreading out into the suburbs and beyond looking for all the things diesel delivers to the cities after their shops go empty — sort of like a zombie hoard, but instead of brains to eat, the idiots will still be looking for an open starbucks…

      But, I’m not all that concerned. Liberals will sit on their rear-ends and hold their hands out waiting for “Uncle Sugar” to come feed them, just like they did in NOLA after Hurricane Katrina.

    • MartHale7

      November 8, 2022 at 2:48 pm

      Reality has a way of waking up both sleeping conservatives and liberals. Waking up to real world socialism is the pits when you are not on the top part of the pyramid.

  • Happinest_Homestead

    November 8, 2022 at 4:10 pm

    I think more than anything, all this should be a wake up call. I think ‘they’ are just showing us how much control over us they already have and how easy it would be for them to take it away. Come out from among them. Depend on the world system no more that you absolutely have to. Don’t fear but be aware and prepare…ahead of time. But don’t fall for every fear mongering narratives there are out there. Stay safe my friends and God be with us all!

    • MartHale7

      November 13, 2022 at 2:15 am

      Yes and yes, a wake up call. I have been prepping for a few years, but what got me into overdrive was 2020 going to a grocery store and seeing “Limit 1” signs on the shelf…. That made me double the size of my garden to limit as much as I can grow or trade…..

  • MartHale7

    November 21, 2022 at 11:11 pm
  • DeepSouth

    Community Leader
    November 21, 2022 at 11:27 pm

    Great discussion.

  • DrumminSon

    November 22, 2022 at 3:00 am

    War runs on diesel and kerosene…

    • MartHale7

      November 22, 2022 at 3:16 am

      It does seem planned that we have removed all our fuel at at time like this. Our enemies love that we have just about run out of fuel…. Sending our resources to China when we are not producing our own has set us up for an invitation to hit us.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    November 7, 2022 at 6:49 pm

    With the Mississippi River drying up, barge traffic is being slowed down or stopped since they can’t pass thru some very shallow areas. They are trying to keep areas dredged out to allow barge traffic thru (my youngest son works as a tankerman on a tugboat pushing barges). The Army Corps of Engineers is having to put sandbags at the mouth of the Mississippi River to help keep salt water from the Gulf of Mexico coming in to get into the drinking water. Barge traffic is used to transport many grains & other products across the country. No barge movement, no supplies/grains delivered.

    Then you have the possible RAILWAY STRIKE looming again around Nov 19th. Everyone thought the strike had been resolved via Biden but the corporate entities agreed to the proposals to prevent the strike NOT THE EMPLOYEES. The EMPLOYEES are posed to strike around the 19th.

    AND the talk of Airline strikes along with UPS & FedEx.

    If you have no diesel for the trucks & other companies to deliver goods, no water for the barges to deliver, no railways for delivering grains (they are the biggest transporter of grains now), no airlines to deliver…supply chain will be totally broken. No food & other products will be delivered to purchase…I see a total collapse of the economy, which is what “THEY” want to happen to further their agenda of full control and the US economy’s demise.

  • Barred-Rock-or-Brahma

    November 12, 2022 at 12:10 pm

    A “BS-hortage,” if you will.

  • Summerhat-n-Chicks

    November 7, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    Absolutely πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™

  • MartHale7

    November 8, 2022 at 12:23 am

    It is true you can’t stop the gas shortage, but on can plan on food shortages and grow more in their garden, or learn how to run engines off wood gas. We do have options,

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    November 8, 2022 at 8:15 am

    Keeping yourself informed on what is going on in this country & abroad does not mean one is more focused on the problem rather than the solution. It gives me more insight into how to be better prepared to get thru whatever happens next.

    I do not let any problems that I have no control over nor can change consume me. I’m not Chicken Little going around screaming, “THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING” but rather helping others see the whole picture so they can prepare as well if they so chose. To me, that is showing compassion for others as well as love for my fellow man. There are many that have no clue as to what is going on, either by choice, lack of knowledge of events unfolding or lack of common sense to connect the dots to prepare themselves for potential shortages of “whatever” they may need to survive.

    I am not a doomsayer. I try my best every single day to show faith, love, hope & PEACE to my fellow man but I also try to HELP my fellow man by giving them a chance to prepare themselves, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well as getting their houses in order & prepare as best they can.

    My daily life hasn’t changed from my normal homestead living with a couple of exceptions. I’m growing more in my garden, increasing my small livestock & picking up a few extras at the grocery to be able to HELP others in times of need, which I already do by sharing & giving to those less fortunate. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

    You asked the question “What next…Inquiring minds want to know”, I answered so I’m a bit confused as to your intentions with your question & ridicule to my response. Was your question intended as a joke? Do you realize how many people that are on this site asking questions FOR ANSWERS to help them so how do you defrientiate a REAL QUESTION from a JOKE?? Inquiring minds want to know…or maybe I need to be schooled on social media tricks & how to interpret a posters intentions. If I misunderstood your response to my comment, apologies in advance.

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    November 8, 2022 at 5:33 pm

    Thank you kindly for clarifying things for me. We are on the same page, but as you said to me, I don’t know you so didn’t know if you were reaching out for answers so I responded accordingly, as I would with anyone else to try to help enlighten them.

    I no longer have time to spend trying to wake people up, to the degree I am. Too late in this ball game & not enough time to go back decades to paint the picture for them. I learned a long time ago that you can’t depend on or expect anyone to help you but YOURSELF. Many are still expecting gov’t handouts when hard times coming finally hit hard. The dominoes are falling fast so it is up to ME to get MYSELF ready. Some people are still of the mindset that things are going to go back to NORMAL. We know that will not happen. The days of abundance & prosperity for the common man are gone. Who KNOWS what the new normal will be for us as we don’t know WHAT ELSE “THEY” are going to throw into this boiling stew pot to put another monkey wrench into making our life even harder. Our NEW way of living may even take us back to starting over as in the pioneer days, who knows at this point? All we can do is prepare as best we can and cover as many bases as we can while we are still able and goods are available & affordable.

    People have got to be either brain dead or brainwashed or have money to throw into the wind to not see what is happening and changing daily. The prices at the pump when they gas up, the bare shelves and skyrocketing prices at the grocery, the inability to find parts and other necessities that are not available, prices tripled or more, or on waiting lists MONTHS down the road to receive. These people are beyond reaching. SOME that I used to encourage to prepare have finally seen the light and are doing what they can to prepare while others still blow their paychecks on the newest vehicle, bigger SMART phones & TVs, lavish vacations, and the like and are struggling to make ends meet or even put food on the table. And they don’t see or get that times are changing? These people I can’t feel sorry for. I do know people that have no clue or can’t fully grasp the big picture of what is happening and these are the ones I still encourage to TRY to put back a little extra but I can’t delve into helping them connect the dots nor spend my valuable time to do much more than pray for them at this point.

    I was raised on a farm and grew up poor. I had my work career and excelled. I started my career with the State of AL at a very young age & was able to retire EARLY. When I retired I got back to my roots and the life I always loved. Living off the land as much as possible. I’ve been homesteading 20+ yrs, it is a way of life for me and I’m blessed & thankful to have a headstart on those just starting out. As times get harder I have to work harder because I know what is coming. I, like you, once spent a lot of time trying to wake people up. Some did, some partially did and some never will no matter what evidence you could provide or what is clearly IN THEIR FACES every single day of late.

    I have stayed informed on what is going on for many years and knew this day would eventually come. It had to. Power & greed has consumed those in the power in every aspect of our lives. Technology has gone way above what is needed & being used against WE THE PEOPLE and needs to cease. Man playing GOD to control the weather, the experiments on humanity, nature, and Lord only knows what else we are not even aware of needs to be made public and ceased. Lots of this goes WAY back to the 40’s especially when Operation Paperclip came into play. I could go on & on with the Crimes against humanity that has been going on & covered up JUST SO THEY CAN CONTROL THE PEOPLE and continue padding their pockets. This isn’t a political battle we are facing. There is no left or right. Most are birds of a feather that stick together to keep up with the narrative being played out. It is all about good vs evil.

    I love my country and my fellow man and have tried to do what I can to help others. It is just my nature & my compassion for others. But if a question is asked, I will continue to answer, even if it falls on deaf ears or may actually help someone understand the big picture.

    Again, thank you for clarifying things, and apologies for not understanding your response. I “getcha” now. Suck it up Buttercup & get ready for a rough ride.

    Peace Out ✌ & be blessed!

  • 4MFarms

    December 7, 2022 at 4:04 am

    I have family members that admit they see it but, don’t want to hear about it because it stresses them out.. they would rather stick their head in the sand

  • MartHale7

    December 7, 2022 at 5:01 am

    Yeah, I stick an extra 50lb of rice for them, they can have a cup of rice a day for work in my garden. They can learn what real work for food is or go hungry. I figure if I feed them they are going to work to increase OUR food supply you did not prep, you will prep now or go hungry, and it will be rice, not steak.

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