Amish raided again….
Amish raided again….
Posted by MartHale7 on January 6, 2024 at 10:41 pmMartHale7 replied 1 year ago 10 Members · 33 Replies -
33 Replies
The Amish have been getting this treatment for a while, trying to send people to jail for not pasteurizing milk and all sorts of absolute insanity. Isn’t it the consumer’s job to do their due diligence and process their products at home if they’re buying farm fresh? The seller has to disclose all information (whether pesticides and hormones are used, etc), but ultimately you can’t raid someone or imprison them for selling milk! (Well, they can and do, but it’s insanity). So a corporation can sell me milk loaded with hormones and chemicals, but God forbid an Amish person sells me milk and I have to boil it myself at home. Oh the humanity!
But the government is here to keep you safe and do the thinking for you, or rather destroy any competition to big AG, big pharma in any way they can is more likely.
Infuriating!!! Dirty rotten, y’all know whats!!! I heard thus either yesterday or today. At my age, all blends together. I almost cried when I heard it happened again. Dany commies!
Idaho Hoosier/julie
Penn, is democrat run, thus Marxist run state. There are other states that do not do this insanity, and I am thinking their best option is to move. Sending them $ will only make the lawyers rich, and since the government has infinite $ we loose. My thought is a retreat to where sanity exists is the best option, as fighting this where stupidity has such a foothold is pointless.
I remember a time when Pennsylvania used to be a “purple state.” Man how times have rolled by. Culturally most Penn State people I know still are pretty moderate to conservative, it’s really just Philadelphia that’s different, and even that place isn’t the most liberal city in the country. They’ve completely rigged the whole state, everything is gerrymandered to favor big cities, and the local “options” are more often than not a joke . It’s like this all over the rust belt now too
They will keep on doing evil as long as people are not taking a stand against.
They took a stand, hired a lawyer and they come back as you are fighting the government which has infinite $. I believe the only real option is to move where there is freedom and Penn, California, New York has no freedom, some states do have freedom…..
Because we have allowed the gov to have infinite money by the printing press, and corporations that buy our representatives off like big ag, then we the small guy will lose these battles where there is corrupt leadership.
Yes he did, but we the people must take a united stand against this evil.
Yes, this is why I post and inform others.
The only way I am aware of fighting this is to go where there is freedom to do so. I am not rich able to afford lawyers to fight a cause. The government stole his property from him, he has a lawyer yet they still have done it again. I will let other know of this evil, but evil is winning in Penn.
It’s gonna come to those “penny auction” times again, you pray a good lawyer can help but also pray to be prepared if you know the evil is so infested in your local courts that the law ain’t gonna do shit. Be prepared to defend your own. Even Jesus commanded his disciples to keep a sword on them (“sell your cloak and buy a sword”) to defend their own lives while He prayed in agony in the garden. You don’t go seeking vengeance or live by the sword, but you don’t let evil people simply murder you or steal your homestead either. It’s gonna come to those hunkering down and keeping a cross painted on the frame of your doorway times again as well.
Hi people. It is very sad to see that these things are happening in what is suppose to be a “Free Country”. One of the most important values of rights are being violated here. “The right to pursue happiness” is one of the founding rights that is listed in the Declaration of Independence. To be able to trade, sell, barter or “EXCHANGE” some goods for something else can bring “happiness” to ones life and this fundamental right has been trespassed by the Federal Government. The Government has the “delegated” power to “regulate” commerce. This was delegated to them through the articles of the Constitution mainly in the creation of the government “BUT” the government has also used certain wordings to make themselves “EXEMPT” from such laws. Lets look at some of these words: { Traffic, Vehicle, Passenger, Driver, Operator, Sale, Firearm, Manufacture or even the word Transport} fall under the definition of “Commerce” and for these things the government can regulate by issuing License or Permits to the “PERSON” engaged in commerce. These practices can also be “TAXED”. However when the Government declares their activities as an “EXCHANGE”, This falls out of the “Commerce” definition and all the activities are “Tax Free” and can’t be regulated by IRS, State, Municipal or Federal laws. This is the reason why the government has “EXCHANGE” everywhere for their own benefit!! {Coast Guard Exchange, Navy Exchange, National Guard Exchange} and many others!! Can we the people use the same tactics also?? Of course we can!! We created the government throughout the Constitution, We delegated to them certain powers but we did not relinquish our own abilities to do the same unless you agreed to become a {14th amendment U.S. citizen} then YES you relinquished your powers to the government and now you are a property of the U.S. government as in “Slave Property” and slaves do not have rights. They only enjoy certain privileges given to them by the slave master aka U.S. Government and those same privileges can be taken away. but rights given by our celestial Father can never be taken away. So how do we retain, reserve or restore our God given rights? We need to stop “Consenting” into these government privileges and declare our reservation of rights, refuse to be a 14th amendment U.S. citizen by becoming either a state citizen or a state national {the latter is best} and resist at all means their tyranny. The raid in the Amish house could have been because they declared their activity as in “Commerce” and so the Federal government regulated their activity as Illegal by not following the pasteurization rule. The Original Constitution 1789 was created by We the people not by We the U.S. citizens. People and Citizen is not the same. we have the power to create our own money and to reject the Federal Reserve “debt” Notes but how many people know or remember that?
What really troubles me is that we can move to a zone of freedom, then stupid people believe the lies of a corrupt politician, then we then have to fight our own government to just exist.
There are zones of freedom here in America. I posted this link so that people can be made aware of the evil. But on the other hand let me post one of Good, this is where good won ->
You are right about the law used right can protect us….
Showdown: Sheriff Blocks FDA Inspectors From Raw Milk Farm
Federal agents subjected a farmer to harassment and warrantless searches simply for producing raw milk, but a county sheriff took the farmer’s side and blocked federal agents from the property – and the sheriff is now speaking out. The US … Continue reading
Raw milk is already banned here for years, can not even get fresh milk from a farmer. But still support your farmers, with or without rules.
I am making yogurt for a farmer from his own milk, all those rules boy o boy.
Here in Florida it is illegal to sell raw milk for human use. However, it is legal to sell for pets.
Yeah the hoops one has to jump thru….
Well then it is good it is for pets just like here.
bakersgreenacres has a few videos about knowing the constitution and bringing in the sheriff to defend against federal overreach…if you get a good sheriff willing to do his job & defend the rights of the people in his jurisdiction.
I have watched Baker’s fight and helped support him for his fight against unjust laws. He is great leader and has put his life on the line. That said, they did much damage to him he countered, but was at much cost he is where he is. Thanks for bring up his great example.
I would be very careful trusting a supposedly “good sheriff” these days, they’re all career politicians these days, the mayors the judges the sheriffs and cops, all entangled in drug gangs too. In Maui it was the sheriff and the mayor who ordered dying Hawaiians to walk back into the fires “because of broken down power lines that fell” or some nonsense, and also turned off the water supply to the fire hydrants because they “didn’t have enough water”…. ON AN ISLAND.
Make your own assembly with your church or your coworkers or a directory of local businesses and farmers… get ready to defend your territory “penny auction” style. Even the sheriffs can’t be trusted most places, not everyone has the luxury of getting to vote for one that hasn’t been thoroughly bought out by upper level government, central intelligence agencies, or the drug cartels. If their votes haven’t been completely rigged even on the local level anyway.
Trust good neighbors you can find, but not your “authority figures” no matter how small
There are a few good leaders out there believe it or not, as the one I posted about in the link above.
That guy stood up to the FEDS and ran them off, he has the authority to do that. Then those producing raw milk without anyone getting sick could do their business as normal.
The trouble comes when some globalist with more money comes and buys the sheriff position, then the trouble starts. Soros has a long history of doing just that.
That is a rare sheriff defending that man who sold the raw milk. That is some craziness. Good for the sheriff, good man. I wouldn’t trust the local sheriff in my parts to tell the time on the clock without lying and getting a pay-off for it honestly. Those of you who have good ones, keep ‘em, because once the local governance goes downhill it stays down. Can’t wait to move.
This farmer is apparently a high profile Lightning Rod in that territory. Sad that he doesn’t have a sheriff like Brad Rogers of Elkhart (cited in the offthegridnews article) who will Brush the Feds Back Off The Plate when they are repeatedly harassing a local food provider.
Amen to that, unfortunately most people have not been so lucky, but we can hope and pray things change for the better
Not the farmer, but those who allow this to happen in that area, the sometimes elected officials who once in corrupt all elections so they will not be taken out.
That’s true unfortunately, I guess I just have an inherent mistrust because we live in crazy times. And most places of governance and law enforcement are crawling with mafiosos and globalists. It’s really good that this particular sheriff has a backbone. I worry that soon they’ll be making it illegal for men like him to do his job with some crazy clandestine law that gets passed packed in some house bill about misinformation or climate change or something. Usually though in my state any good cops who do exist, even sheriffs, end up getting fired, pushed out politically, or killed.
There is hope. I have an idea that i would like to share but i would have to throw out there a question first for all those that would like to respond. what is a SHERIFF and how or by what powers does a Sheriffs Office operate? Who authorizes the Sheriff? I will then share my idea when some replies arrive.
Another view of the raid.
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