Conspiracy theories?
Tagged: MK Ultra, satanic ritual abuse
Conspiracy theories?
Abby-Joy replied 1 year, 6 months ago 36 Members · 101 Replies
People like Trump and Elon Musk are actually agents of thr DNC. Their jobs, to infiltrate and destroy any attempts by conservatives and libertarians to mount any resistance in the political arena.
And its working marvelously. Why? Because this is actually a conspiracy YOU can do something about by choosing who to give your emotional capital away too. But most are too enamored by the cult of personality to see through the veneer. Thus traditional America is not so slowly slipping away as people rush back to Twitterpated to argue about Trump vs DeSantis.
So very true Elons Father had a baby with his stepdaughter and Elon has stated several times he is making Tech and is for chipping for social credit and he’s making the electric cars they push which still uses what they claim they are trying to get rid of ! I learned years ago they play both sides of the coin and that is how you control the narrative and the opposition and can’t fail this way . Its like when they talk about cells ready to be activated they have think tanks which show ahead of time what out comes could or will happen and that was what some MK ultra was about so they are 10 steps ahead of how we will react when they decide to put something into motion and they are prepared for each. I been reading on how the music business and Hollywood are totally used for this type of stuff the celebrities are not dumb about politics they are in the cult or blackmailed because they generate money for the system and are idolized so people blindly follow what they say. This is a good example of that but, They do give truth with lies but there are to many flags in this to not think there is not something to it and a heads up the mansion murder pics are shown briefly in this so just be warned and I hope it is ok to post this stuff
Hi. I’m new here and this is my very first post. I have seen you mention MK Ultra a couple of times. I am a survivor of MK Ultra …the government’s trauma-based mind control program, and also SRA (satanic ritual abuse). I am from masonic and illuminati bloodline on both parent’s sides. I hear Danny (Deep South Homestead) mention things that allude to things I know from experience (nephilim, hybrids, evil technologies, etc). That’s why I joined this forum because not only am I interested in growing food, prepping, and the like …I hope to have a place where we can share the truth about what’s going on …while also sharing hope in Jesus Christ.
Welcome! I believe you’ll find folks here are truth seekers. We all need to know the truth and share the love of Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Please don’t hesitate to reach out any time. Blessings, Kim
Thank you so much for the kind welcome …and words. Nice to meet you.
Welcome have listen to this topic on podcast, kill the mockingbirds, confessionals and uncomfortable.
Maybe you can tell us more?
Idk if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. As far as I’m concerned, it was very bad. But God has used it for good.
THANK YOU!! I had to go through many comments to find this one! I don’t like either of them but especially not trump, and no I’m not a liberal…I’ve always felt he and all the rest of the rotten bunch are put in place to reel the other side in. Anytime I mention it I get hated on so it’s good to know I’m not the only one thinking this way..
I’ve thought the same about trump..the anti christ has to be well liked for Isreal to believe and they do like him..I hate them put too much faith in looking for a president to “save” them
Your very welcome though I’m for the good guys rofl even the few people I follow and watch I still do not always agree with and I’m tired of the two sides life is not a coin there are a lot of grey sides in life not just black and white. People are human though they can make mistakes we all can. I was very pulled into a subject because of experiences I have had since I was a child and yet I feel very different about it now then I have thru the years and the new info I now know I had never heard or knew was out there and at this point I believe anything is possible because the lie is older then dirt. I seen enough proof what info is real or fake I am lost on which we all are and need to accept that. social media has gotten to the point where people are just attacking each other so bad. A wise man knows he knows nothing rings true !
A while back (2016-2019) it was realized that Veterans weren’t getting the healthcare they needed in a timely manner. The government scurried about to get appointments made, doctors working 30+ procedural cases in a day. Of course, burnout occurred and doctors/nurses began leaving. So, in an effort to meet this mandate, “My Choice” was introduced allowing Veterans to go to the physician of their choice under certain criteria. Well, now that revenue is no longer being realized in the VA system. How do they get it back? A massive push was implemented to develop an Infection Control division throughout the system in 2018-2019. (I was really curious, why the big push all the sudden?)
What happened next….COVID, shutting down every hospital/healthcare facility in the country. People were dying in droves but not from COVID so much as their co-morbidities. Sure, many who died during this time had cause of death as “COVID” because it was/is a moneymaker. Waaaaay too many died because they couldn’t get the treatments they needed because they had Covid.
You think Covid was an accident? Not me. It’s like Bobby says, “Every decision is an economic decision”.
I’m not especially educated in the political arena but I do pay attention.
Talk about starving the beast, start with your health. Stop doing those annual preventatives unless you have a problem. Insurance companies can’t wait to capitalize on your fears. Be accountable for yourself.
Okay, that being said, if I die tomorrow just know that I’m in good health, my car runs fine, no gas leaks in my house and the wiring is fine too but I do work for the government in healthcare.
Santa Claus
You used to be able to ask a kid what was Santa bringing you for Christmas and everyone would smile and listen to the child’s wish list but ask that today and you might get your head bit off by an angry parent. This has become a very sensitive subject with all of the different opinions on how to raise children in the world we live in today. I think I believed the dude was real until I was around 6 years old and it didn’t leave any emotional problems with me to find out it was all just mom and dad and Santa was just a fictional character meant to inspire a child’s imagination and bring joy in the thought that someone found you good enough to give you toys and such. In fact I don’t know anyone that was emotionally damaged for life because of it but I don’t think any less of families that choose to not have any part of it. I would like to hear some of your opinions on the subject if you might like to share. I personally think we have a Santa Claus and it’s the Democratic Party because they promise gifts and free stuff but the difference is they don’t deliver when it’s time to give up the goodies but some people will believe anything…
Lol right on, the Democrats do like to pretend to be Santa Claus.
Before I had kids I didn’t think I would “play Santa Claus” as my friend’s kid puts it (they don’t “play” at their house). But once I had kids I relented to my husband’s wishes and let them believe, and I’m glad I did. We don’t make a big deal about X-mas as far as presents – we see it more as a time to spend with family, and some of my family members get the kids presents, and a couple of them are always marked “from Santa”. So we just play along. We don’t make a huge thing about it, we don’t make a point to go visit Santa at the mall or anything like that, but we will let them believe until they figure it out on their own (or until my son’s friend spills the beans…whichever comes first, lol). He’s almost 7 so he might figure it out soon anyway, but hopefully he won’t ruin it for his little sisters.
Satan. It’s another word for Satan. It’s a pagan holiday and it’s super corrupt. The definition of “Old Nick” is another word for The Devil. Not even kidding. Synonyms for “Old Nick” are: archfiend, Beelzebub, Satan, serpent, Lucifer, fiend. Nimrod in the Bible known as a conqueror and destroyer. (Jeremiah chapter 10 is ONE reference on the top of my head.) That’s where the “Christmas tree and presents” come from, idolatry, witchcraft, paganism, satanism. Period.
Anyone feel like this year they are hidding info on yellow stone? Wouldn`t be supprised either if they took all the animals they have to put down this year to stock up.
The thread to the conspiracy theories just disappeared while reading them.
Good morning y’all!!
*Excellent article and must read. I cannot take credit as Swiss friend sent it. Thank you A.
Bill Gates is now largest owner of heritage seeds worldwide. Through back handed deals and coercion, BG has forced places like India, which used to have the largest storehouse of pure rice strains, to give him the rights to these seeds. Not only does he store these in the Great Seed Vault in the Arctic, but wants to CRISPR their gene sequences and then patent them.
Monsanto led the way years ago with the ultimate goal of not only patenting flora/fauna, but also humans who have proprietary genetic sequences inserted. Sound familiar? Now it is true that SC ruled naturally occurring human genetic material cannot be patented, but artificial may be another story.
Lest you think owning someone because they’ve been tagged unwittingly by an injection is impossible, I give you this:
I know if you took the jab chances are just like they can not copy right anything natural with GMO s they have manipulated the DNA strand there for in their eyes they can own ( copy right it ) So with changing our DNA structure they Think with that they can own us. People with changed DNA made means you are not organic human there for human rights do not apply and this is their goal
There’s nothing “good” about this… and it’s not a theory…. but. Remember the movie “Monsters Inc.” ? Early 2000’s… then they later came out with one called “Monsters University” yeah well have you heard of “Adrenochrome” ?? Those two movies alone, and they’re children’s movies which is even crazier….they scare children and “extract” their “scare-o-meters”…. And it’s really messed up. Protect all children. We don’t own any tv’s or movies. Matthew 18:6King James Version
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
McDonalds has human remains disguised as “meat” in the burgers. McDonalds is an occult background and name.
Heard of these too you are right not good things have been going on for a very very long time
Yes, McDonald is a top illuminati bloodline. I had a friend several years ago tell me that in her state (Kentucky) and also in Oklahoma, human flesh was found in McDonald’s freezers. It was on her local news. We never know what we’re getting even in the meat department of our local grocery stores.
They have used human meat at McDonald’s for over 40 years. I only eat at mom and pop restaurants. McDonald’s is Solent Green.
Well that explains all of the McDonald’s vans in the cemetery night after night. Thanks
The Jab will protect you from covid.
Fact: it has kill 18 times more people and made 67% of people that got it sicker than people who didn’t get it.
It’s a bio weapon and negatively affects us all. Anyone else have constant spit? Like foam? I didn’t and will not get any type of poke since I was 12 years old but when I’m around people who did get jabbed i end up needing to spit excess saliva, from them shedding nano particles. I also deal with newer chronic fatigue, like being around any of it I’ve had excess spit up for over a year. Husband too. Anybody else?
The guy agenda: fact, if you test most meat, fruits and vegetables from grocery stores you will find elevated levels of estrogen in it compared to naturally grown and wild meats. The governments of the world started this in the 70’s for population control and to turn men into weak boys and into cowards.11
Yes this is fact, I’ve heard this, worked in multiple chain and family owned grocery stores, was even Assistant store manager in Bridgeville Delaware for a local store, and the difference was remarkable, and there’s evidence to prove this, they inject most of the fruits, and it’s hard to believe whatever is labeled USDA organic is actually “organic.”
Yes, Biden and most of the government is owned by China. Oh wait, that’s a fact.
Are the Canadian wildfires another way to impact the food system? Cloudy skies, acid rain, unable to go outside and work in the garden due to air quality?
I think at this point the CCP, WEF, and the Deep State are all working towards the same goals. Or perhaps it’s 2 against one…in any case, we’re all pawns being shunted back and forth, regardless of whether Oceania is currently at war with Eurasia or Eastasia.
I guess I’m not seeing where you’re going with this…I mean I could watch the video but I wish you’d explain your point more first. Why is it relevant that all citizens are nationals but a few nationals are not citizens? What is the functional difference? How does this relate to feudalism?
Your initial premise, that we’ve been tricked into a feudal society, is sound, for many reasons that you don’t enumerate here. So I’m interested in hearing your reasoning. I’m just not making the connection between the citizen/national thing and the feudalism argument.
The point is to get you to actually look into the information for yourself and not just spoon feed the headline readers. That’s the problem with today’s society. Everyone wants the convenience of having things spelled out for them so they don’t have to take the time to look up information.
This is something I’ve tried to study off and on for several years now and I’ve asked others specific questions but to date nobody has an answer. When initially checking my documentation for the telltale signs of corporate ownership that many have discussed, I noticed all of my documents are capitalized… except 1. My BC is NOT capitalized. I need to find someone who can tell me what this could mean and what potential positive/negative benefits this could entail?
Sure, but there’s like 800 different potentially interesting rabbit holes I could dive down on any given day, and I only have a little bit of time to spend on such things. So if someone isn’t making a compelling argument that something is worth my time, I will generally move on to something that looks more promising. Not to suggest that it’s not a worthwhile topic, only that we all have our different areas of interest and can’t read every article or watch every video that might be interesting.
I think this may be what your looking for
and or this
Hi Julie,
I am also just starting to try and understand this after hearing bits and pieces here and there. Curtis Stone did a whole series on it specifically related to Canada that I saw a few snippets of quite a while back. He mentioned that the U.S. is pretty much the same (at least in concept, so hearing him could give insight to us). There are keys to understanding it and how to overcome obstacles. I think his series was called Liberty on the Land, and it may be on one of his YT-alternative channels as well as his subscription service (YT started censoring him too heavily).
The gist of what I got from the little I saw was that it’s primarily related to how the various countries incorporated and became companies (even registered on the stock exchanges) at points in the past, and that changed everything related to Constitutional issues/freedoms and the like, and much compliance, or maybe all, of it was then voluntary on our part (out of ignorance) because we don’t read the laws and statutes and understand the remedies that are available to us within them. If we only knew. He found in fighting some of his own battles and helping some friends that there are always remedies within each law/statute and we just have to understand them in order to avail ourselves of them and extricate ourselves from the system/traps, etc.
I have only picked up parts of this along the way, and never had the time to really dig into it, but it seems more and more these days we live in may require us to educate ourselves in order to survive the never-ending onslaught. I will be checking out the links suggested in these discussions, as I have time. I hope folks with more time and knowledge will post what they learn so we don’t all have to duplicate each other’s efforts. If I discover anything, I’ll post an update. Some of us have far less time and too many responsibilities and topics to research to dive deeply into very many, let alone each one. Many hands make light work, so it would be great to have a shared information knowledge bank on this site of quality data from people who know or have done deeper research, along with posted links and resources, but that may just be wishful thinking on my part. I hope you’ll share if you learn anything.
Blessings, Kim
The “ cult of Trump” has bothered me for awhile. I feel that right now people are so eager for change. That if he returns to office they will follow blindly whatever he says.
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