


About You

About You

The TRUTH WILL set you FREE! Husband (Matthew) and Wife (Savannah) interests and learning in how to organically grow our own food, using God’s natural remedies, emergency preparedness, happy farming, proper prepping skills, creating healthy community, homesteading, raising flocks and how to live and thrive hopefully one day off the grid. We are active FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST, REAL Bible Believers and SEEKERS. We believe where everyone’s Souls go after this physical body IS more important than this physical earth. TRUE LIVING is to be born again by the blood and Spirit of Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten Son Of God!

This world has been sin cursed since the fall of man…. BUT THERE IS HOPE! JESUS IS COMING BACK SOON! None of us deserve anything! IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD! …… RECIEVE IT NOW! TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!


We love to lift others up and are always open to prayer requests! Positive thinking leads to positive doings. Praise God throughout every day. He created us all in His image. May we all be in His love and in peace. JESUS IS THE WAY. THE TRUTH. AND THE LIFE. Amen!

Work Experience

Job Title

Preacher, Homemaker, Disciples, Evangelists


The Good Shepherd

Date Started
