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I’ve been beating this drum for a while in beta testing. I am hoping when the marketplace rolls out, it would contain that functionality. I also asked for a hardiness zone forum, so that more landrace seeds are traded, as well as a music forum. The anthem here could be Lukas Nelson’s song, Turn Off the News and Build a Garden. It is worth a listen. We are on the right track!
6a/b here. I am planting garlic this week, after a week or two I will mulch heavily with a V down to where the row is, and as the season gets colder, I will increase the center row mulch. Happy bulbing!
They be RAIN people! And all God’s children said, “AMEN!”
Haven’t had rain at my acres in almost a month in Ohio. It keeps going around. I was spraying my meat chickens lightly today and telling them that this is what rain feels like. The forecast is calling for it tomorrow. Not holding my breath.
Peppers, figs, cherry tomatoes!
I love the gardens. You tickle the earth and she laughs with plants. I love the chickens. The rabbit with an anger problem and the very skittish quail…well…they have their functions. I was hoping for calmer quail and a cuddly bunny. We have miles to go. Sanity is SO provided by hearing other people walking the same path. It is a solace from the Joe Rogan world. I don’t have my TV hooked up to anything besides a DVD player, and a movie also rarely happens. I love my 5 acres and pond. It was an answered prayer from God. The dog and I lose ourselves regularly in the beauty.
Not a lot sounds less appealing than a Tan Cheese pumpkin. 😶
I asked this question in an admin area post last week. I ‘m all for it! I asked if it could be incorporated with a zone specific weather group. The page picture could be the U.S. hardiness zone map. I thought they kin of went together, so N. MN wouldn’t be trying to grow zone 9 landrace seeds. (Unless they have a walipini
Some systems are VERY expensive and some are DIY fabulous. I have been lazy and have an actual subscription to grub-terra for 5# every 3 months. My chickens?….spoiled?…of course! I may try a bin next year.
Don’t you just have to lead ’em a little ? 😁 They remind me of slow skeet. And if it’s “on your property”? You can’t tell me the airspace 15 feet over my house is public domain. Now I am interested in how private airspace is demarcated.
😭😳I’m so sorry for your water bill! Can you divert downspouts into rain barrels on elevated stands?
MemberOctober 13, 2022 at 12:32 am in reply to: Recipes for DIY chapstick and hand creamAlox for bullet sizing has 50% beeswax
I LOVE the running “to do list”. My husband thinks I am trying to get all of it done TODAY. Nope. 🤣 It keeps me focused on “do the next right thing in front of you”.
Looks like you two are quite the team!