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  • Njorun38

    June 22, 2023 at 10:57 pm in reply to: I closed my hand in my truck door!

    Plantain is a miracle plant, I swear. Plantain and mullein are our big medicinal go-to’s. That and garlic for everything as my mother always says. I’m glad your hand is feeling better 🙏 God bless and hoping for a speedy recovery for you

  • Njorun38

    June 9, 2023 at 1:40 am in reply to: Fires


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Njorun38.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Njorun38.
  • Njorun38

    June 1, 2023 at 9:12 am in reply to: Homesteading on Smaller Properties

    Thank you for this! I’ve seen some interesting permaculture graphics that show you can easily garden for a family on 1/4 of an acre, leaving the other 3/4 for house, water systems, generator, maybe some small livestock (some chickens or goats), and wooded / tree areas. This with mindful prepping on stocking up on canned and dry foods seems a good strategy for probably most people I’d imagine. If you and say, 5 to 10 neighbors did this, you’d be able to trade with each other and have a local supply chain going and perhaps people willing to have an oath to protect each other. Provided you have good honor-bound neighbors.

  • Njorun38

    June 22, 2023 at 10:43 pm in reply to: Trouble in the garden


  • Njorun38

    June 9, 2023 at 1:48 am in reply to: Fires

    Even more curiously, the air quality index in Quebec today is almost perfect, below 50, WELL below 50, while rural areas in the United States in the northeast are getting hit the hardest with the smoke with air quality nearing 200, and it’s the smallest populations, not the cities, being most forcibly evacuated. It just happened to be timed at the perfect moment Quebec had 20mph winds blowing south. Quebec is the most likely place to defect in Canada, with more people there wanting a free republic of their own, a French-speaking zone apart from the rest of Canada and Britain politically. Always has had elements of that even if not the majority— it might become the majority soon with the insanity going on. In Northern US, it’s the rust belt and rural northern towns most likely to defect from the Democrat establishment, wanting the poor and working class and farmers to be treated better. There’s NO WAY it’s a coincidence that these areas were targeted, any more than it’s a coincidence the train derailments happening in the rust belt.

  • Njorun38

    June 9, 2023 at 1:41 am in reply to: Fires

    Did you see the fireball drones being dropped in Quebec? It was on purpose.

  • Njorun38

    June 9, 2023 at 1:43 am in reply to: Fires

    And no, this wasn’t climate change. Climate change IS impacting things like the water table for clean well-water and farming, and making mosquitoes and “summer bugs” come out bigger and sooner with more viruses like zika. But it’s NOT causing forest fires in a wet zone. No fricken way. I know the climate is way too wet and the trees way too resistant for that, even with changes in the climate.

  • Njorun38

    June 9, 2023 at 1:35 am in reply to: Fires

    “Mysteriously”— we all know the climate is way too wet for forest fires in Canada, not like these. Firemen and women in these areas are trained to prepare for dumbasses with fireworks and drunk people making big bonfires, and fires in the city. They don’t have drybrush like in the southwest. Yeah Canada had less snow this year, but more rain, and the sap of these trees are so resistant to fires, on top of the wetness, that there’s NO WAY these were natural fires. These fires have everything to do with the train derailments, mark my words. This is covert warfare against the common people. This is what we bother prepping for.

  • Njorun38

    June 5, 2023 at 8:44 pm in reply to: Homesteading on Smaller Properties

    Yeah the immediate fertilizer is a great thing! They eat so much fiber it’s basically dry and ready to use for gardening. Lol naming them after dishes 😆 good thinking!

  • Njorun38

    June 3, 2023 at 10:57 pm in reply to: Homesteading on Smaller Properties

    I’ve thought about rabbits too! On the one hand, great meat and fur, on the other hand, I don’t know if I have it in me to butcher a rabbit 😂 I can do it with chickens and goats and grown lambs even though I think they’re all adorable too, but they’re firmly in the “associated with food” category as well. Rabbits I hear are delicious and nutritious, but I just don’t know if I can look in that stinking adorable face and do it 😂 haha! But more power to you if it works for you! I’ve heard a lot of good things about how easy it is manage space for land for them and how adaptable they are.

  • Njorun38

    June 3, 2023 at 10:50 pm in reply to: Homesteading on Smaller Properties

    Once upon a time a man said “I have a dream” and most of what he dreamed of became a reality BECAUSE he died for his cause and it opened a lot of people’s hearts. You can look at the fact that people are no longer getting lynched in the US for interracial marriage and that people are able to enjoy relative civil equality regardless of race or creed, attend medical school or law school together, and live as equals, or, you can look at the small loud minority of cancel culture wingnuts and choose to see the glass half empty. I personally think his dream was beautiful, he was right, and most of it came true. Now if only people with that same passion would be willing to fight as hard for a dream of kindness and understanding to each other, and ending government tyranny. Our ancestors fought whole battlefields covered in blood so we could have the freedom to complain on the internet today without going to a jail cell, and so that we could go to whatever church we want on Sunday without being accused of treason by a king and tortured to death. We are spoiled children of these ancestors too cowardly to stand up for anything that matters because it might be uncomfortable to have confrontation or disagree with someone. MLK’s dream was not a nightmare. His dream was right. It’s our modern attitude problems, moral laziness, and tribalisms that are the nightmare, spitting on and spiting the dream of his that came true. We don’t appreciate the GIFT we already have.

  • Njorun38

    June 3, 2023 at 10:40 pm in reply to: Homesteading on Smaller Properties

    That’s super lucky!! Good for you guys! ♥️

  • Njorun38

    June 1, 2023 at 9:13 am in reply to: Homesteading on Smaller Properties

    God bless good neighbors. They can be hard to come by, I’m glad you have reasonable ones.

  • Njorun38

    May 31, 2023 at 2:45 am in reply to: Compost your enemies!!!

    Yeah that sounds about accurate to me.

  • Njorun38

    May 31, 2023 at 2:43 am in reply to: Geothermal and solar in Tennessee

    Rocket stove benches with cob fascinate me as an idea for a sort of natural centralized heating that can be naturally dispersed throughout a space. Thank you for these ideas!

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