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  • Done! And shared.

  • Myst

    March 15, 2023 at 11:40 am in reply to: SHOOT OR DONT SHOOT

    That’s a loaded question for sure! There are so many scenarios possible – when I do start hearing the news of what’s going on, my head spins with possibilities, all fear based. My first reaction would be to try to work with someone first, do my best to help when I can, but – I know how people are, and how hungry or scared people can be. I am also aware that I’m one of those who tends to react calmly to emergencies, staying rational and apparently thoughtful…. up until the emergency is over and my own reactions catch up. I don’t panic easy, and I consider that a good trait – believe me, it’s been tested by Life.

    If it comes down to it, and I’m left with few other choices, yes, I absolutely would protect what we have here, or even myself if on the road. That sort of thing is never an easy decision or choice. But an important one. I no longer have small children to protect. But I do still place value on my own life, and the lives of those few up here on the mountain with me. If the time came, I might hesitate – just long enough to decide. For me, the choice is already made. And if you are approaching me with harmful intent and see me ‘packing’, the first choice is yours. If you see me raise a barrel, now it’s my choice and you better hope you’re faster at leaving than I am at squeezing a trigger.

  • Myst

    March 9, 2023 at 2:56 pm in reply to: WHAT MADE YOU START PREPPING?

    I’ve been Hungry in different periods of my life. Flat broke and starving. It’s a horrid feeling! We grew up with gardens, hating being conscripted for the work, the processing, etc. As I became an adult I began to finally see the value of it all, then became disabled by a job I absolutely hated. My (now ex) husband promised for years to get us out of the city with so many reasons to wait “two more years”.. then mom, living alone on 72 acres, needed my help, so into a big truck I packed my stuff and left. Now I’m doing my best to tame a rocky, steep wild place to feed not only us but take care of neighbors too. It all adds up and has become a frustrating, loving, refreshing and fulfilling life.

  • Myst

    May 5, 2023 at 2:07 pm in reply to: Tennessee Red Clay

    I’m honestly curious.. will dailon radishes also help soil that’s a mix of clay and shake? The ground here, in eastern TN, is barely decent, and we have a lot of shale with clay below that…

    I’m wanting to create pastures as well as garden…

  • Myst

    March 16, 2023 at 1:12 am in reply to: Muscovies!

    How do you know??

    There were 2 nests with over 25 eggs in each… They can’t possibly hatch that many…..