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14 Best Sweet Potato Companion Plants
Sweet potato is a close relative of potato and shares striking semblance with yams. It is usually challenging to tell sweet potatoes apart from yams. In some parts of North America, sweet potatoes are referred
Yeah…. I was even looking at go carts and lawn mowers as options….
Yeah, I was impressed with Lister engines when I was looking at backup gens. As you say diesel is proven tech that works…. Getting replacement parts may be a problem but…
Yeah, was not my idea, but store it from the book “One Straw Revolution”. The man started asking the question, “What would happen if we did not do this in gardening / farming?” That question has not left my brain.
It is a trade off weeds around can hide the sweet potato leaves from bugs, weeds can take nutrients from the sweet potato….. Makes me wonder if we can find weeds that are good companion plants to the sweet potato..
MemberOctober 22, 2023 at 5:56 pm in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????My home when I was in Indiana was 1/2 of the way underground with cement blocks… It was great in the summer but the drainage was not the best, In the spring time water would seep thru the block into the home and we would wake up with 1/2 inch of water on the floor. We ran dehumidifiers all the time.
I have been looking at building a pit garden, also called a Walipini…. I was thinking of building it with a berm, so that I could go there in hurricanes…
This was another reason I was burring my 55 gal barrel, to see what the temps underground are…
MemberOctober 22, 2023 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????I am offgrid as years ago I started asking the question, what would I do without power?
With the possibility of an man made EMP getting stronger I have been asking myself the question, how would I stay cool in the summer without my mini split? So far the only answer I have is using evaporative cooler… I hope I do not have to figure that out…..
I do look back to the 1800’s as they lived without all of the things we have now, things like ice stored in highly insulated buildings still works…
MemberOctober 22, 2023 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????Yep, it is all about priorities doing the highest priority first, and sometimes which spinning plates you are going to have let break to save other spinning plates.
MemberOctober 22, 2023 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????I have seen waxing cheese, but I guess I am too afraid to try it. Right now I get cheese in big blocks then I slice it down and put it in food saver bags then freeze it for when I need it.
I re-use the freezer bags and I get about 3 -4 uses out of the bags.
I guess it would be simpler if I just had a cow and made my own cheese 🙂 Yet I don’t like the idea of milking every day…
MemberOctober 22, 2023 at 1:16 am in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????Thanks for that info.
MemberOctober 21, 2023 at 10:57 pm in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????Now I am wondering about mozzerella cheese.. I wonder what the shelf life is on this…
MemberOctober 21, 2023 at 10:36 pm in reply to: Canning cream cheese verses dehydrating it…????Thanks for posting that. I watched another video of someone else doing this…
I can’t see any advantages to dehydrating cream cheese at this moment…..
I have been making cream cheese from whole milk for sometime and I love it… Being able to can it to be shelf stable sure has my attention.
Yeah…. I am thinking about trying a cast iron skillet on top…..
As I think about this I may have to try this over a camp fire …….
But the solo stove uses so little wood.
I have come to believe that a building is not the church. The church is those that work together to follow Jesus, if they are following money then they are not following Jesus.
One of the qualifications for leadership is they are not to be lovers of money…
1 Ti 3
<sup data-fn=”#fen-ISV-29729c” data-link=”[c]”>]</sup> <sup>3 </sup>He must not drink excessively or be a violent person, but instead be gentle. He must not be argumentative or love money
Sadly there has come a term that is very accurate today, “Pulpit Pimps”…. pastors who use their authority to fleece the flock. Discernment is required when choosing a fellowship….
Yeah best to setup a grow box like Danny shows on his video and get slips off that plant and plant in multiple locations..
Always a struggle to plant enough for yourself, and the critters.