MemberForum Replies Created
He will come from this group! Soon as Pope Francis has resigns, or dies.
Howard Garrett Web page library. Controlling Fire ants on your property naturally.
Dirt Doctor Howard Garrett controlling Mounds. https://www.dirtdoctor.com/garden/Ant-Fire-Ant-Control-Video_vq4088.htm
You can carry a tube of Crest Tooth paste with you. Rub it on the bite. Will keep it from going to a blister. Other tooth paste may work, but I know crest works for me.
Not just the chemicals but E coli is raining down!
I bought some Blocking 14 roots . from a grower in Washington State. Planted in 6 inch pots setting in water. They rooted. After they got about 10 inches tall planted in the garden. They did not like the hot dry summer. But once it started cooling off. They perk back up. Will put a shade cloth over them next year.
You will be better off chunking the Statins. They treat a problem that is not a problem. You cure what causes the cholesterol to stick to the arteries, and the cholesterol will just float around in the blood stream. They cause you to have to get on drugs to treat the bad side effects of the Statin Drug. If you have been hurt. You may be able to join in with others in class action Law suits. https://lawbench.org/class-action-lawsuit-against-statin-drugs/
Why can I not make comments in your community. I am a member?
This is not a solicitation. The company is located in Europe.
Just a video talking about the benefits Biochar.
Let me introduce you to Biochar.