Forum Replies Created

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  • JerseyGiantChick

    October 4, 2022 at 9:51 am in reply to: What would your dream off grid homestead be like?

    Maybe living units are a possibility, like Living Tradition (please correct me if it is nit right). Fertig Häuser they call them over here, build the units and than place them on the site. Maybe it can be built and placed in faces and not at once, so save between is possible.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    October 4, 2022 at 5:32 am in reply to: What would your dream off grid homestead be like?

    Wow what a story, so you got the land with building site. Maybe you can build the most and than save and build ready in stages.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    October 4, 2022 at 5:14 am in reply to: What would your dream off grid homestead be like?

    Husband works with electricity, not the home power. After asking he is thinking about solar panels now, have to be patient to wait and see. Could mean I have to guve the kitchen garden, but that is the best and safest spot to put the panels. Do not want them on our home, maybe we can put them on Stellage and plant under them. There are farmers planting vegetable and fruit under the panels way up.

    Water with ibc 1000 l tanks system, also filter system with plants. And fish is on our planning, with vegetables and small fruit like strawberry.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    October 4, 2022 at 5:00 am in reply to: Re-canning what was already canned

    The ones that did not seal, go in the fridge and will be our first meal(s). Not sure go out, no risk taking.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    October 3, 2022 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Don’t defend from your house video

    It is so sad, but the evil people to say that nicely, will take everything and destroy all they can. That is exactly why you should do all that is needed to defend, everything you are able to do. No more nice guy or ladylike, pray and fight like a lion.

    Just hope my husband will be ready on time to, because he will see my bad side if the time comes. No more talking, can not stand butchering so he better do what he can do best, and let me do the dirty work.

    Good people will not do evil things, but fight together on the right side against evil. For sure I am not going to bug out, but stay home and do what is needed to be done. I will do what the Lord wants me to do. As a mother being a lioness, we must teach the next generation the old and new ways, living in a modern time but be able to use old ways.

    Our son is learning to read, and the bible in children version will be his first book. He was asking about the Old Testament, so I gave him his first Bible. His biggest gift, so happy and interested. Taking care of the chickens, helping with home gores and just being a young boy.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 28, 2022 at 5:47 pm in reply to: Don’t defend from your house video

    Going to watch the video after work, but just reading Africa I wish a couple Boerboels for our freestead. But police dogs will do the job to, but still dreaming about a Boerboel.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 24, 2022 at 7:53 am in reply to: Freesteading for homesteading?

    If a word is used a lot, it can not be ignored. If we use freesteading ad homesteading, it is not so easy to delete and keep it deleting. Because we use freesteading as homesteading, not as freesteading for yt to delete. We do not use it as a bad word like yt, but as a normal word. Time will tell if yt keeps on deleting it.

    It is all a lifestyle, as good peoples with believe, rules, respect and so on. Simple things we lurn our kids, how we should behave. For years I am seeing how all that is changed, looked slowly but sadly fast. People say I am old modisch, is it that if so I am glad and teach our kids old ways. Do not like the new ways to be disrespectful and rude. Greeting, open the door, helping, hospitality, sharing and giving means a lot to me. Just do not abuse that, I will be a lion a defend the right thing to do and protect my family. God will tell me what to do and I will obey.

    Hope freesteading will remain the platform it is made for, thank you all and bless you all.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 24, 2022 at 7:30 am in reply to: Wood stove oven and what do you cook?

    Good for you all having a wood cook stove, think it is verry important to have a heat source and able to cook with.

    Always have water on, love the press and percolater. Weekend try to make a special meal, still simple home cook meal. Cornbread is a cood idea, hmmm can already smell it. Oe home made pizza, think the man will enjoy that.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 22, 2022 at 7:17 pm in reply to: Most Overlooked ITEM in Preparedness

    And I thought it was a joke, how about books? And than not the fairytales, glittering rainbows books. My favorite one is the Bible, than gardening, cooking that sort stuff. Crosswords not so good at, may that why it is not my hobby. But could be fun.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 22, 2022 at 4:31 pm in reply to: First Aid Preparedness

    No not at all, we have first aid for people and animals as a veterinarian. Prepare and get together to work together is the best you can do.

    We did a project years ago, for setting up safe adresse to ca ll for help, first aid or protection. Mostly for children and woman. We had 10 police dogs at that time, sadly a lot of visitors for the wrong reasons but they were safe in unsafe times. So the parents could pick up their kids, to go home safe and sound.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 26, 2022 at 4:59 am in reply to: Generator

    Honda does his job for sure, mostly Honda over here not just generator.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 24, 2022 at 9:14 pm in reply to: Most Overlooked ITEM in Preparedness

    Good point, but how many still can use a compass and read a map? Have a sense of direction or know how to read directions from nature trees, son, stars …

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 22, 2022 at 4:11 pm in reply to: Most Overlooked ITEM in Preparedness

    Must be a joke right, have fairytales books, flower seeds and fast food.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 21, 2022 at 5:18 pm in reply to: Women Homesteaders

    Good for you, keep up the good work!

  • JerseyGiantChick

    September 19, 2022 at 6:56 pm in reply to: Most Overlooked ITEM in Preparedness

    Important to save bibles and keep them save!

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