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  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 3, 2023 at 6:29 pm in reply to: Meat rabbits

    We have a trio rabbits, picked Casper and Silver up yesterday. The 2 are so sweet as can be and huge, our son can pet them nicely.

    Nana is a bit … and not so nice, but she has to get along with Silver if she wants to or not.

    So nice to sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee and pet them.

    And 80 liter that is about 30 gallon fertilizer, could be more in a week will see. And we can pick up from a animal store, they have 5 house garbage containers every 2 weeks. So going to pick up every week, what Fits in my small car.

  • You tube you are getting multiple strikes, go sit in your corner until you let out again.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 2, 2023 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Notification View disappears

    Made some popcorn, want some?

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 2, 2023 at 6:10 pm in reply to: Notification View disappears

    Not complaining, 2 of you doing all you can so relax and keep on freesteading.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 2, 2023 at 5:02 pm in reply to: Notification View disappears

    App did nòt work, till this day. Messages and notifications do not show, can not even see the help or not. But it is what it is, can not see the answer or react hopefully there is understanding for that to.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 1, 2023 at 8:24 pm in reply to: The purpose of prepping!

    Also started as a you kid, around 7. No bread or something to eat to school, saving stuff at home for later. Checking out the nature for good spots to live, what to forage that was eatable. Making traps catching wild, making spears, bows and arrows, fishing and so on.

    My husband still does not understand why it is so important to me, that our son gets his healthy breakfast to school. A healthy snack at home after school and a good homemade meal, I need one warm homemade supper or meal a day so I do not get hangry. It is like a trauma, makes me crazy (chicken lady).

    Also buying clothes up front for our son and myself, my husband does not understand and want to do it in the last moment and still have to motivate him.

    Teaching our son to homestead and prepare, growing, chickens, rabbits, cook and bake. Maybe this year butcher, let him help with packing. If he is up to it, he can join the butcher.

    Someday he will butcher his own chickens and rabbits, after taking care and breeding. And growing greens for the kitchen en pets. Prepare with groceries and co, hope he will do good and give it further to the next generations.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 4, 2023 at 8:58 pm in reply to: Meat rabbits

    The wild ones can be a pest but also extra proteins.

    My husband likes Casper already, man go figure.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 4, 2023 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Meat rabbits

    Thank you but you did not, before I start something I check it out read watch ask. Otherwise I will not start and finish, we may think differently but that is ok.

    You think it is speding to mutch money like a spoiled brat, I see it as a infestation for the future.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 4, 2023 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Meat rabbits

    Now you lost me, going out to play in the garden and sowing som flowers.

    Afterward locking up our expensive chickens from USA, UK, Netherlands and France.

    Also the meat group, who are going in freezer camp soon.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 4, 2023 at 2:51 pm in reply to: Meat rabbits

    It is so funny that stupid people infesting in good breeding stock, to breed good breeders for many generations and have food to harvest (milk, eggs, meat and so on). They keep the good genes for the future and become fertilizer, the stupidly in people is amazing.

    They pay for their cost and earn themselves back, yes verry bad choice to pay a bit more. And o my the joy they give with petting is horrible, my son wants nothing to do with them, just wants to go pet them and watch.

    Now I know why I am a crazy chicken and rabbit lady, must work on that and lurn my lesson buying cheap critters just good enough for meat and keep on buying till you can not buy anymore.

    Thanks for the great advice and good laugh, you sure thought me a lesson.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 4, 2023 at 7:55 am in reply to: Meat rabbits

    Depends on the rabbit, breed and color.

    Just the yearly shots are around 50 $, we have to give Nana her first shot so she was not expensive. Casper and Silver second shot, Silver had brought up 11 young and Casper gave some nice colors he is breeding with different females.

    They are all siamesische color but all different unrelated, so see it as a infestation. Also a good therapy for my son and us parents, who does not like to pet them? And all there fertilizer, what is the price of that? Priceless maybe in the future?

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 4, 2023 at 7:46 am in reply to: Meat rabbits

    Nana will need some time, she is such a spoilt rabbit. Nana and Silver will be together, and Casper separated.

    They are in a hutches for the winter now, but will move in a pen with hutch. So we can lock them up for the night, like the chickens. A pen for the females, one for Casper, and a pen for the young that we can split up in 2 for females and males.

    Chicken and bunnies theater, so nice coffee or tea and just enjoy the sighting.

    As far as I now there are no tamuk here, hybrid so no breeding? Like hybrid meat birds?

    In a colony is nice, but I thought rabbits did not live in groups?

    Wow a second greenhouse, what are you planning for the garden? So many fruit trees and bushes , bless you one of the best to plant now!

    I must plant also and some dwarf trees in the tunnel.

    Pictures on the way…

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 2, 2023 at 5:44 am in reply to: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

    See it as a infestation eggs chicks and meat, they will pay themselves back and some feed.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 1, 2023 at 8:31 pm in reply to: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

    Going to save eggs for the first hatching, waiting on one old hen just joined that line. With old rooster Baba, breed with him as long as he is able to. Can tell you when it is so far, knowing it is not the hens, rooster, eggs and machine, so we will see.

  • JerseyGiantChick

    February 1, 2023 at 7:50 am in reply to: Chicken Feed stop laying… another confirmation.

    They can do so without having to remove it because they did not put it in extra, please read my comment on page 1. It is in nature in plants, if they take that route…

    It is pure evil!

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