Outdoor kitchen

  • Outdoor kitchen

    Posted by Emil on February 5, 2023 at 9:42 pm

    Would love pictures & ideas for outdoor kitchens. For canning & cooking& BBQ

    Redcap replied 1 year, 5 months ago 11 Members · 54 Replies
  • 54 Replies
  • Emil

    February 5, 2023 at 9:46 pm

    On a budget :)big or small

    • WoolenWarn

      February 6, 2023 at 6:40 pm

      Our new to us double wide wont support much food prep, and would cook everyone inside if we did any real preserving. We’re planning to convert part of our garage into a long galley kitchen for processing veg and meats, canning, preserving.

      • Emil

        February 6, 2023 at 8:37 pm

        I love that idea. I detest the heat ! So any canning I do in summer I try to do outside . Right now I have 1 propane burner . I’d like to set up some sort of waterproof galley. Thanks for the idea.

      • JerseyGiantChick

        February 7, 2023 at 6:03 pm

        We have these 2:



        The survivor for mobility and the hunter for in the greenhouse/tunnel, house and smoker. Call me crazy but I bought 2 of each, down priced. For that price all for 1 each now, think it was a good infestation from savings.

        Now I would really like to find out more info on what you are writing.

      • Emil

        February 8, 2023 at 12:06 am

        Cool stove. I have something like it a Samovar tea / cook wood stove. It’s not really that heavy duty but wood work in pinch.

  • Summerhat-n-Chicks

    February 7, 2023 at 3:19 am

    I would build a larger rocket stove, maybe two next to each other where you can cook with wood and maybe you want to add a pizza oven.

    • JerseyGiantChick

      February 7, 2023 at 6:14 am

      Like that idea, can you tell some more about that.

      Was thinking about also using one to hook up a smooker, we have 2 kinds one filed from the side and the other from the top with pipe (this one in mind for the smooker).

      • Summerhat-n-Chicks

        February 7, 2023 at 4:06 pm

        I like your smoker idea.

        Rocket stoves are easy to build and there’s a ton of videos on yt. Some pizza ovens come as a kid and can be used for baking bread.

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 7, 2023 at 5:40 pm

        I’m building an EARTH OVEN to do my baking. VERY easy to build. Can take it up to very high heat for making wood fired pizza’s, as it cools can bake breads, as it cools more can bake other things then one temp drops more can dehydrate. When done making pizza, for example, you can put in a cast iron pot (dutch oven) of beans or stew or whatever and by morning it is ready to eat. MANY options for baking/cooking with earth oven.
        Made of clay, hay (like an adobe/cob type mixture for oven itself. Base I’m making out of concrete blocks filled with sand and glass bottles filled with sand then top off with sand then your firebricks. Can use the old timey SOLID bricks instead of fire bricks as they were fired at extreme temps & serve as a high heat brick. Got mine by tearing down an old fireplace on an old homestead. Was a bit of work and people wanted it tore down so I did it and payment was to haul off bricks WHICH I GLADLY TOOK!
        Many villages in some countries have a community EARTH OVEN where they all have their allotted time to do their baking. Indians also used this method for baking as well.
        Can google EARTH OVEN or there are many YouTubes on how to build them.

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 7, 2023 at 5:49 pm

        I’m also looking into building a rocket mass heater for my greenhouse. Same concept people use to make them for heating their homes. This will go in my 2nd bigger greenhouse I’m building. Heat with wood via a rocket mass heater. See #3 in this article in Mother Earth News.


      • BiggKidd

        February 7, 2023 at 5:59 pm

        If you’re not in a huge hurry you might want to wait a bit. I’m currently working on another stove design that might be better, I’ll have an answer in another week or so.

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 7, 2023 at 9:41 pm

        No hurry here as I’ve still got to clear the land where I’m building the greenhouse. I’m still at the drawing board as to where to put the heater, too, so as to not take up alot of space in the greenhouse but yet give the heat needed. You can bet I will wait if you’ve got something in the works!
        I’ve been reading & following several of your projects and know you’ve got a GREAT MIND to figure things out to work it’s best efficiency!
        Do keep me posted and I’ll be watching for your design. Where do you usually post them. I don’t always catch everything in the activity feed if I’m not on here a lot, which is the case now with spring almost here in the deep south.

      • BiggKidd

        February 7, 2023 at 9:48 pm

        It’s in the thermoelectric generator thread in off grid but I’m not doing pictures yet, so not missing much if anything. lol I am making progress when I can. Today I had other things like firewood to do and managed to break the box blade on the tractor somehow while doing that………….

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 8, 2023 at 1:57 am

        Thanks bunches. I like reading how you’re using those fans on the woodstoves to generate a bit of electricity as well as circulate the air. I have a couple on mine, too, blowing in different directions. Trying to learn a bit about off grid living. Still can’t figure out solar. I have a fairly good size solar system I got several years ago that I haven’t installed. It has those huge old time solar panels and of course the charge controller, inverter and 8 massive batteries I can hardly pick up. I have it all in a “safe place” in the event of an EMP (solar or man made) or nuke. I’ve also got 4 solar generators and bought rigid solar panels. Two of them came with those foldable portable panels that you can’t leave outside, plus they are slow to charge the generator. I think I got all the cords/cables/pigtails to be able to join them all together (or have the max for each generator). Hoping I got it figured out to power the largest solar generator and run the smaller ones off the large one or however many of them it could hold to charge. I get confused & frustrated as I’m one that can do ANYTHING, usually, if I have a picture to look at if that makes sense. Forgive my lack of correct terminology as I’m still in the learning stages trying to get everything figured out. Normally I can pick up on things quick but I’m brain locked on solar for some reason. Got to get it figured out BEFORE I HAVE TO USE IT if you know what I mean. Kinda in panic mode with all going on lately.

      • BiggKidd

        February 8, 2023 at 2:09 am

        You won’t have any trouble when you actually go to do it. Solar is pretty much plug and play these days. But even when you have to piece your system together like mine it’s still not hard mostly simple wiring.

      • AlphaDelta

        February 7, 2023 at 10:21 pm

        I want to make one of these also. If the outside is not impervious to water, it should have some kind of cover to keep rain from damaging it. I know you get a bunch of that!

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 8, 2023 at 1:29 am

        Yep, yep, gonna have mine under a shed. It will be attached to my outdoor kitchen & skinning/processing area for game/livestock & vegetables. If no power grid, I don’t want to be cooking, canning, etc., in the house.
        Are you the coffee drinker or was that @Marthale7 ? I’m gonna harvest my red “cherries” off my coffee bean tree in the next few days. Inside the red “cherries” are the coffee beans. You can germinate the seeds to grow seedlings & have producing coffee bean trees in 3-5 yrs. Was gonna send you some if you’re interested. You need more than one producing tree to have enough to roast for coffee so I was gonna share my harvest this year since there isn’t enough to roast but enough to share. No charge. Just wanting to help others that have the “COFFEE ADDICTION” like I do. 😉

      • MartHale7

        February 8, 2023 at 1:38 am

        Yeah I don’t drink coffee, but I do use coffee to balance the PH in my Hydroponic plant setups 😉

        I run a group on MeWe for rocket stoves, Love them.

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 8, 2023 at 2:02 am

        I have a MeWe account but haven’t been on there in YEARS! Didn’t know it was even still operational!
        I like the rocket stoves, too, and built a small version of one with concrete blocks. I was AMAZED at the heat it generated with just sticks!! That would be something folks could throw together QUICK to cook on if they had some concrete blocks or the equivalent.

      • AlphaDelta

        February 8, 2023 at 2:02 am

        It wasn’t me, but I do drink coffee and would love seed. I’ll trade you for it. Let me get a list of starts together and we’ll see what you want. I’ll send a pm request. AD

      • Emil

        February 8, 2023 at 1:16 pm

        Right now I just have an Eazy up tent . Hope for something more permanent. It’s a balance between Time/$

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 7, 2023 at 6:02 pm

        Here is an example of the earth oven & instructions to build. I’m modifying mine to hold a lot of heat in the bottom with the sand/glass bottles filled with sand and mine is much larger. I also have a huge piece of a fire retardant insulation I found dumpster diving at a building site I was given permission to pilfer & take what I wanted. It will be my INSULATION LAYER on top of the insulation layer in this article…double insulation, in other words to hold heat MUCH better. I got a giant blow up beach ball at a thrift store to make my oven dome instead of having to use sand that you have to dig out later. It is a HUGE beach ball made of a very thick rubbery plastic so will hold the weight of the cob that will be put on it to make your dome. I’m also adding a firewood storage bin on both sides of my earth oven with a bunch of spare bricks I got…had a dumptruck load delivered here for free. Some broken, but most whole bricks. When I tell all of y’all I’m a scavenger for FREE STUFF…I’m not kidding. It’s all about who you know and how to convince people of your need of what they want to get rid of. That would be like me trying to sell air conditioners to Eskimo’s & I’m VERY CONVINCING!! LOL! Except I’m WANTING SOMETHING, usually CHEAP or FREE so I can talk the talk to get what I want/need.


      • Emil

        February 7, 2023 at 11:19 pm

        I’m all in on dumpster, roadside or lift over building material!:)

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 8, 2023 at 3:25 am

        @Emil I hear ya on ALL of that. I found out roadside trash pick up day for ritzy areas and there for a while I would go see what I could find. Usually spring time when folks were doing SPRING CLEANING or fall and around the holidays. Some folks just have more money than they know what to do with and throw away perfectly good stuff. Either because it is no longer a fad or they changed decor or tearing down buildings/sheds they no longer wanted. I have found so much lumber that looked almost brand new. Just had to take out nails but hey, I can do that for the lumber. Found a 5 gallon Shop Vac with all the accessories that didn’t look like it had been used but a couple of times. I cleaned it up good & it wouldn’t turn on. I listened for a hum to see if it was getting power but no hum. Went and bought a 99cent on/off toggle switch & put it on and it fired right up. Found a generator. Looked like it had never been used. Brought it home & it would crank but wouldn’t generate power. It had reversed polarity. Just hooked a corded drill to it & turned it on IN REVERSE, ran for a couple of minutes. Turned it off, cranked the generator and yep, it was now generating power. I could go on & on with the great finds I’ve gotten just being on the watch out for stuff on the roadside (also that has blown off trucks along the interstate!!) Got 8 brand new rolls of R-19 insulation that had evidently blown off someone’s truck. I pulled over and waited a bit to see if someone was going to the next exit to turn around. No one ever came back for it so I loaded it all up & insulated part of the new addition I was building. I have found perfectly good tarps, a big trucker tarp, 5 gallon buckets galore, coolers. Just gotta keep your eyes open. One mans trash is another mans treasure!

      • Emil

        February 8, 2023 at 2:39 pm

        I’m lucky I have a friend that brings me all his left over 2×4 . And pretty much will pick up anything off the side of the road for me .Built all my quail pens for free. Except for the wire.

        I also got 2- pressure treated chicken runs 12’x14’ with 1/2×1” wire free. BIG score!!! Another town over . Neighbors . Giving him trouble.

        Free shed had some water damage. Threw some new tin on top good as new.

        Windows👍For the coop. Sunlight.

        Doors . Dutch

        Still shopping .

        You get the idea.

        Waste not want not

      • Hanidu-Acres

        February 8, 2023 at 3:43 pm

        You are truly blessed!

      • Emil

        February 8, 2023 at 4:47 pm


        & a few good friends for 40 years.

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 8, 2023 at 5:46 pm

        @Emil Great scores on materials animal housing, & other great finds! You sound a lot like me in either having connections from friends or having an eagle eye when scouting for things I can use on the homestead. Yes, I may find or get things PRIOR to building my projects but I know I will need them so get them while the getting is good & FREE!

        I check FB Marketplace occassionally and look for things I might could use for projects. Last summer (in our massive heat wave), I found two people wanting to get rid of their 10’x12′ chain link dog kennels. Just had to take them down & remove. One looked like it had been run over by something. They had no offers on it so I went to see if I could salvage any of the frame/wire, panel with door, etc. It looked like it was overgrown in vines/weeds, too, in the pic. I got there and the owner had just kind of thrown sections of it in a pile & had thrown a pile of weeds on it from cleaning a fence row. Nothing was damaged, nothing bent. Just had to take the pile of weeds off the kennel, pull out the sections of the kennel & lay it out on the ground to disassemble, roll up the wire, etc. Another score for extending my chicken run. The other one had just been listed and less than 20 min from me so I told the owner I would be there in 30 min to disassemble & move. Was 1st inquirer so he told me to come on & get it as he wanted it GONE NOW! It was a better quality with separate panels with chain link clamped on each panel. Had a nice panel with heavy duty gate/door. Almost had heat exhaustion getting those two kennels but knew I was needing them to extend chicken run & my budget didn’t allow me to purchase them new or even used.

        Keep check on FB Marketplace for things you may need, too. I got over 20 different garden/yard tools (hoes, shovels, rakes, pick axe, etc.) for $25. Not the cheap thin metal ones you buy today but the old timey well built garden tools. Had been kept in a shed so no rotting of the wood handles.

        Another big score was someone was moving. They had been in a nursery business but was not going to be doing that where they were moving. I got a big utility trailer of ALL sizes, styles, decorative pot varieties of styles/sizes & even clay pots, plastic from little seedling pots up to 5 gallon plastic pots. Literally hundreds and some were still wrapped in plastic, brand new they had bought in bulk. Because I took them ALL, they threw in some bags of potting mix, potting soil, perlite, vermiculite & even several plants they had not been able to sell. Got it all for $50. I do a lot of propagating so all the pots saved me a LOT of money not having to buy my own, plus the bonus soils/amendments.

        I could go on & on with the deals I’ve found & gotten. Saving money on some things I need by getting used will free up money to buy things I can’t find used/free.

        Found 4 abs chaise lounge patio chairs on side of road. scattered along a half mile span. Was from Lowes, just up the road about 20 miles, I’m assuming. 3 were in almost perfect shape (had a nick or two on some corners but didn’t affect the stability of using them) and one had a broken leg but I found it. I fortunately have a PLASTIC WELDER with abs/pvc welding sticks. The break was a clean break so I loaded it up, too. Was able to perfectly weld it back on and still using them all. Most people would just keep on driving by thinking they would be broken to bits.

        On my fixed income budget (being a senior) I don’t mind USED or slightly imperfect finds. I do not pick up junk or destroyed items unless it is a big tarp or piece of heavy plastic that has good size sections that can be used to cover things. I keep a supply of grommets (& have the repair kit) to make a good tarp out of a section of one I find that may have gotten ripped. I can ALWAYS use tarps of all sizes here on the homestead.

      • Emil

        February 9, 2023 at 12:09 am

        We might be related ! What a score with all the Nursery items!!! I didn’t tell you I had the Dutch door for 10 years & a house move.i refused to give it up:) we used it. AARP started courting me a few years ago . I totally get the budget thing!

      • JerseyGiantChick

        February 7, 2023 at 6:04 pm

        We have these 2:



        The survivor for mobility and the hunter for in the greenhouse/tunnel, house and smoker. Call me crazy but I bought 2 of each, down priced. For that price all for 1 each now, think it was a good infestation from savings.

        Now I would really like to find out more info on what you are writing.

      • Emil

        February 7, 2023 at 11:21 pm

        I’ll check out the stoves .

        Thank you

      • JerseyGiantChick

        February 9, 2023 at 11:45 am

        Anyone familiar with these 2 rocket stoves?

      • Emil

        February 7, 2023 at 11:24 pm

        I’ve heard of rocket stoves. Not really familiar with them. I’ll have to look into them.

        Thank you

    • Emil

      February 7, 2023 at 12:39 pm

      I like the wood idea. I never thought of pizza. Thanks:)

    • BiggKidd

      February 7, 2023 at 5:56 pm

      Just remember rocket stoves burn a whole lot hotter than a regular fire does.

      • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

        February 7, 2023 at 10:02 pm

        Yes, I know the rocket mass stove puts out more heat. I was studying it to see if it could be modified to serve a dual purpose to maybe put some heat elsewhere like rabbits/chicken area. Contemplating a 3rd greenhouse & put it between the two but haven’t studied it enough yet to see how it operates. Would be a good water heater if I could figure out how to hook up some copper pipe to it & a water source… I have an old wood stove I was going to use but trying to vent the smoke out without losing so much heat and got to build backing (thought of concrete board) to keep it from melting the plastic. Thought of putting in in the center and venting thru the roof but didn’t want sparks flying & melt the place in a gazillion little holes. Putting it on one end I could build part of the end wall out of wood to put the pipe thru (also using a collar) then cover the plywood or OSB board with some cement board I have left over from another project. Studying the rocket mass stove now.

      • Emil

        February 8, 2023 at 12:08 am

        😳I’ll have2 find a video I’m not sure I want to cook that hot.

        Thank you

      • Summerhat-n-Chicks

        February 9, 2023 at 4:01 am

        I was just pressure canning some soup tonight and remembered reading somewhere that regular water bath canning can be done on a regular wood stove, but pressure canning would be hard to achieve. So I’m wondering, if the rocket stove burns that much hotter than a regular wood stove, it probably could be used for pressure canning. In that, you might still want to build one or just reserve some space for it.

      • BiggKidd

        February 9, 2023 at 4:33 am

        You wouldn’t have any trouble at all boiling a very large canner on top of a rocket stove as long as it’s properly sized and built. I saw the metal of the one we heated water with for 8 years turn nearly white hot more than once. It blew through dull red, red, bright cherry and orange then slower traveled through yellow to almost white the next thing after white is liquid steel! Have to think this was about 1/8th thick sheet steel from an old oil tank. Not exactly high quality or thick.

      • Summerhat-n-Chicks

        February 9, 2023 at 4:40 am

        Wow, I guess that’s why they are typically build small. You might need a raised cooking surface so that excess heat can escape.

      • Emil

        February 9, 2023 at 11:23 am

        I guess I might need more heat than I thought. I WILL be looking into building a jet stove for canning. Thank you!

  • MartHale7

    February 8, 2023 at 2:06 am

    I bought a book on building cob ovens. I visited a man who built one that could hold over 6 turkeys.


  • Summerhat-n-Chicks

    February 8, 2023 at 2:38 pm

    Holy smokes, I thought I just pop in here before work and take a quick look on new ideas. What a treasure you all bring to the table. will take a deeper dive into these ideas later. Yep, I think I need an earth oven !

  • Emil

    February 8, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    Very cool

  • Redcap

    February 9, 2023 at 12:28 am

    My husband keeps wanting to build one of those.

    I watch a lot of Townsends videos. They really shaped the direction of how we decided to live a couple of years ago. What if we were like colonists living outside a town, having been taught by the local natives about the wild plants and medicines, growing a small garden, foraging for nuts and berries, eating hunted meat and maybe having a butchering hog? Most colonists didn’t have chickens, but they ate fowl. They fermented and dried food and packed it in fat to preserve it.

    We did get chickens but also switched to all off-grid food preservation and storage. I already forage a ton of food and plant medicines. I learned a tremendous amount from Rain Country about drying and storing dried foods also.

  • Emil

    February 9, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    Thanks . I have to say I never thought of one these!

  • Redcap

    February 11, 2023 at 1:01 am


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