Forum Replies Created

  • JDPFarm

    January 16, 2023 at 1:08 pm in reply to: Hair Sheep

    We raise Katahdin hair sheep. Ours are pasture raised, no grain other than occasional alfalfa/cracked corn mixture to lure them into the sorting pen. I’ve not noticed any off or strong flavors with ours. Ours are processed between 6-12 months old, both intact and whethered ram lambs. The meat is very much like rich beef. The lard we rendered out is excellent for cooking as well. I haven’t used any for baking yet as I rarely bake. Even when our rams are in full breeding mode during fall and winter, we don’t notice a smell like we do with our goats. If you process them yourself, be sure you don’t let the hair side of the hide touch the meat. Any lanolin in the hair gives the meat an off flavor. We butchered, cut into the cuts, packaged and freeze all the same day, no aging of the meat. I use the meat as I would beef. We never have older ones to butcher as they sell out to the local ethnic populations faster than I can raise them from our smaller herd. We’re in NE Alabama. Hope that helps.