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  • JD-in-GA

    November 5, 2022 at 2:15 pm in reply to: This is How the World Ends, This is How the World Ends….

    The political left has enjoyed being the ones to have a turn holding power for only a relatively short term, but they have driven the nation straight into the ditch shockingly fast. Crushed the economy, bitter social divisiveness, wars we have no business being in, censoring speech, demonizing and/or prosecuting political opponents and on and on…

    If the GOP takes both houses next Tuesday, I think the political pressure subsides somewhat. McCarthy and McConnell can reliably be expected to be the shot callers again and I have no reasonable expectation the GOP won’t sit on their hands just like they did the first two years of Trump when they held *all* the cards. The GOP simply will not *fight* like the nation’s survival is at stake. However, I think a GOP win will resurrect antifa/blm riot violence on steroids. The GOP will be scared to death of being labelled racist, fascist, bigots (whatever – does it matter?) to respond effectively.

    If the dems re-run the 2020 election playbook with mystery ballots, ballot harvesting and “2000 mules” and retain control of congress, they will then *REALLY* start tyrannizing the nation. The political right will protest mainly online, not anywhere near as violently and chaotically as the dem’s antifa/blm brownshirts, and the left will see no reason not to do whatever they want. If they can blatantly steal elections, why wouldn’t they stack SCOTUS, ban guns, print another few trillion $$ and still over spend, legislate abortion as a federal right, criminalize hate-speech, create the ministry of truth — whatever their hearts desire.

    And why wouldn’t the dems re-run that playbook? They got away with it completely unscathed last time. They likely see no disincentives.

    Best case, I think the GOP wins and will disappoint by doing nothing of any substance. Worst case, the dems win and that enables them to fully drop their masks and unleash their inner marxist with reckless abandon. I truly hope I am completely wrong.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by  JD-in-GA.
  • JD-in-GA

    October 31, 2022 at 1:18 pm in reply to: Seeing the main post/thread

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I think it would be a BIG win for readability if the Activity Feed showed only new posts in my subscribed groups PLUS replies to me AND replies to posts I’ve also participated in.

    Seeing out-of-context replies to posts I have not participated in is like walking through a school lunchroom — it becomes a loud and incoherent mess.

  • JD-in-GA

    October 30, 2022 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Baby’s First AR

    At this point, the AR platform “recipe” has been thoroughly worked out and it’s becoming rare to buy a “non-serviceable” AR platform rifle. While some are better than others, the average shooter will do just fine with most any of them. And it’s a wonderful thing!! I believe there is NO SUCH THING as “too many” in civilian hands.

  • JD-in-GA

    October 4, 2022 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Open source Ecology.

    Link to the OSE website:

  • JD-in-GA

    September 29, 2022 at 11:01 pm in reply to: real id

    We did it several years ago in GA. Had to show birth cert, two utility bills (to show residence) and/or bank statement (with street address). If your name changed after marriage, you had to bring the marriage cert.

    The only difference on the drivers license is the addition of a gold star outline in the upper right corner.

    I don’t see any personal security issues with it as the very same information was available before “Real ID”. The only difference is that now your address is proven/verified.

    So why jump through the hoops? The only thing I can think of is that, here in GA, we have to show ID to vote in person. The Real ID *could* help prevent non-citizens and non-residents from voting. I stress “could” because after the sham election in 2020, GA utterly failed it’s residents and the nation. We had to show ID when voting in person, but it was not required for the mail-in/absentee/drop-box “goat rodeo”.

  • JD-in-GA

    October 27, 2022 at 12:40 pm in reply to: A couple of bugs are easily resolved.

    If you are on a PC with Windows, hold the CTRL key down while you scroll the mouse-wheel -OR- hold down the ctrl key while you tap the “+” or “-“.

    To quickly get back to normal size, hold the CTRL key while you tap the 0 (zero) key.

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