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  • I’m just getting into it. Got a Lilygo T-beam supreme in today, got it up and running, flashed to latest stable firmware, but no contacts yet. Have a case coming as well.

    Also have a t-echo en route, so I at least have two nodes to play with if there is no one else around, and maybe make one a “base” and one a mobile. Like I said, just getting started playing with it.

  • First paragraph.. “rigorous standards” I laugh. I laugh loudly. I’ve been through both LPN and RN programs (successfully, still licensed).

    Compared to what my mom went through in the 80s as an LPN, the “rigorous standards” today are laughable. Most programs have become diploma mills, get the max bodies in the program, through the program and passing boards on the first time. Whether they are “good” nurses, with the proper skills, aptitude and attitude is irrelevant. As one instructor said to me “Let the job market sort them out”.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    October 3, 2024 at 1:46 am in reply to: These words need to be heard.

    The purpose of the system/agency/organization… is what it does. Not what it – says – it does.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    May 10, 2024 at 1:24 am in reply to: Nature’s Generator brand

    A proper would need to be possibly via zoom or some other video conference, as there are so many “it depends”. That panel should be a good match (can’t find the specs for it, but could for the “generator” you have.

    The road to a full and proper “answer” or suggestions, should start with a lot of questions. Otherwise you get the “answers” appropriate for one who starts with a lot of assumptions. I don’t like starting from assumptions.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    May 9, 2024 at 10:26 pm in reply to: Nature’s Generator brand

    And. at $150, That’s not even enough for a bare bones, budget brand, 12v 100ah lithium battery. Much less a decent “solar generator” (hate that term, it’s battery with some electronics) used to charge cell phones and maybe a laptop.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    May 9, 2024 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Nature’s Generator brand

    Never heard of that brand, but that doesn’t mean they are bad.
    First, knowing which model would help. they have itty bitty ones (according to the website) and large ones.
    Unless you are in a rare place in the U.S. and can erect a tower or pole 100+ feet in the air, wind is rarely worth the effort or money, and takes some ongoing maintenance.
    Ventalator? or CPaP, Nebulizer etc. If it’s a true Ventilator, I wouldn’t trust a life-sustaining piece of medical equipment to some no-name, off-brand piece of kit.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    March 1, 2024 at 1:20 am in reply to: Radio Q&A

    I started to reply once, but realized, a potentially multi-page response would be worthless.
    Let me boil my thoughts down to this, as someone who still uses CB a bit, GMRS, General Class Ham, having been on Fire, EMS, LEO, and aviation.. all of which use radios in multiple ways,

    In the end, the radio is the easiest and least important part of comms. Having some idea of what “Spectrum” is, how radio waves propagate, at different frequencies, weather conditions etc.

    And a biggie. Radio.. isn’t telephone. It’s not point to point. When you transmit, it’s more like a big sprinkler. If someone 5 miles away can year you in one direction, people for 5 or more miles away in ALL directions can likely hear you, and it is possible, you could be interfering with communications you can’t even hear.

    It’s like driving. What you drive is of less importance than knowing the speed limits, which side of the road to drive on, how to navigate a parking lot etc.

    But, that’s just me. It’s about community, cooperation, politeness, helpfulness etc.

  • Access is first. If you cant get there, or around the property, how are you going to do anything else?
    P.A. Yoeman had something he called “Scales of Permanence”, which basically said that some things are more difficult to change than others (more permanent), so start with the most permanent, and move to the less (things easier to change).

    One version was: Climate, Land shapes, Water, Roads, Trees, Structures, Fences and subdivisions, and lastly soil.

    An example is someone who gets on the land, and immediately puts up fences, and starts amending the soil. A few months or maybe a year later, they realize, they need to drill a well and do some earthworks to slow down and spread out water (to stop erosion).

    Now they have to remove the fences to get the road to where the well needs dug, and all that soil they’ve been working on has to be scraped off to create the swales or other earthworks.

    Yes, you need water to live or grow anything, and putting fruit trees, or shelter belt trees are great things, but, unless you are sure they won’t have to be moved or pulled out later because a road really needed to go there to be optimal, or terraces need built for the market garden or such, you may be re-doing stuff, which costs money, time, effort and mental/emotional currency.

    Just something to think about.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    February 9, 2024 at 8:08 pm in reply to: What kind of orgy is going on under my comfrey???
  • Many people have. Even here in Arkansas a lady at the farmers market was selling freeze dried candy, and said she paid for the equipment, within like a month.

  • Yeah, there is a whole world of difference between “freezing” and “freeze drying”. The entire purpose of the freeze drying process, is to rupture cell walls with the freezing, so that when heated back up, the moisture can be removed, and the cycle repeated.

  • Nope, possibly because a video doesn’t need to be posted to 9 groups at the same time. Once is quite enough.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    March 1, 2024 at 2:21 am in reply to: Radio Q&A

    Sometimes, it’s good to just start with something (legal) and see what it will and won’t do by experience. Then if it does what you need, you’re done. If not, then what will it -not- do, and look for solutions. From there it’s just ongoing cycle of observe, solve, repeat.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    January 20, 2024 at 7:33 pm in reply to: A World Away

    While I’d prefer not to be internet-connected for many reasons, at the moment, it is a necessity, as I’m not able to be on my property that much, but need to know what’s going on. Fo instance at the moment, I have two small solar arrays. One goes through a Victron charge controller, and one goes through an “all in one” inverter/charger. I can see what’s going on with the All in One via ‘Solar assistant” (and even have some real-time control), and it should be giving me the best state of charge of the batteries, as they batteries talk directly to the all in one, however, all energy in and out of the battery rack also goes through a Victron Smart Shunt, which currently doesn’t talk to Solar assistant.

    The first pic is the current status of the all-in-one, including the battery state of charge (Grid = generator)

    The second pic is the Victron side, with combined solar, generator, etc going into the batteries.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    January 20, 2024 at 6:57 pm in reply to: A World Away

    I’m considering doing another diy battery for the shed to classroom I’m getting delivered. I’ve done one small 12v battery but looking possibly at something more your level. Not sure if I want a bms that has the can or rj485 connections to communicate directly to an inverter or charger directly or not. Been watching OffGridGarage, and his exploits with some of the more feature rich bms’s.

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