Nature’s Generator brand

  • Nature’s Generator brand

    Posted by Jo-Jo on May 9, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    I was blessed to find a Nature’s Generator brand wind turbine and solar panel (on cart) at our local Habitat Restore for $150 together. Both were new in the box and donated by Lowes because someone cancelled or did not go through with an order. We are wanting to invest in a solar generator to run our child’s ventilator and a freezer for several hours a day if the power grid is not working.

    Is Nature’s Generator a good brand?

    The solar panel is advertised as “universal” 100W. Would it work with other brands of Generators?

    I plan to go back and watch Mr Pinball’s videos on generators, but am so technically challenged. I was sad to miss the last whole home generator sale, but we did not have the money at that time.

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.



    Jo-Jo replied 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Hippocrates_Garden

    May 9, 2024 at 10:24 pm

    Never heard of that brand, but that doesn’t mean they are bad.
    First, knowing which model would help. they have itty bitty ones (according to the website) and large ones.
    Unless you are in a rare place in the U.S. and can erect a tower or pole 100+ feet in the air, wind is rarely worth the effort or money, and takes some ongoing maintenance.
    Ventalator? or CPaP, Nebulizer etc. If it’s a true Ventilator, I wouldn’t trust a life-sustaining piece of medical equipment to some no-name, off-brand piece of kit.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    May 9, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    And. at $150, That’s not even enough for a bare bones, budget brand, 12v 100ah lithium battery. Much less a decent “solar generator” (hate that term, it’s battery with some electronics) used to charge cell phones and maybe a laptop.

  • Jo-Jo

    May 9, 2024 at 11:44 pm

    Thank you for the responses. Sorry I was unclear describing my purchase. I found a 100W solar panel and a wind turbine. We do have a small DaranEner Portable Power Station NEO300, but had not purchased any solar panels until the one today.

    Due to a stroke, my youngest child is on a home ventilator (Trilogy EVO), continuous pulse oximetry, and oxygen concentrator only when sleeping or ill. (He is such an amazing guy!) We have a wall-chargeable battery system (big, heavy “car” battery) as back-up that we routinely charge for emergencies. The vent has an internal battery, too. We have a propane generator and a gasoline generator, but realize that both are limited due to fuel supplies.

    We have a couple of other family members that use Bipaps at night, as well as a daughter that requires shallow hyperbaric dives multiple times per week.

    Our little town in Texas was hit pretty hard last week by over 20 inches of rain that caused more flooding than Hurricane Harvey. We were gratefully spared the devastation that many in our neighborhood and area experienced, but it was another reminder that I need to continue learning and striving to add a reliable solar generator and the necessary panels.

    I am rewatching Pinball’s videos about solar generators. Any other suggested sites (preferably written in simple terms for dummies) would be greatly appreciated. I know that God has not given us a spirit of fear… I am grateful for this community and the wealth of knowledge each of you offers.



  • Hippocrates_Garden

    May 10, 2024 at 1:24 am

    A proper would need to be possibly via zoom or some other video conference, as there are so many “it depends”. That panel should be a good match (can’t find the specs for it, but could for the “generator” you have.

    The road to a full and proper “answer” or suggestions, should start with a lot of questions. Otherwise you get the “answers” appropriate for one who starts with a lot of assumptions. I don’t like starting from assumptions.

  • Jo-Jo

    May 12, 2024 at 3:16 pm

    Thank you, Hippocrates_Garden, for explaining the specificity of questions needed to determine what would work for my family. I contacted Wellbots and spoke with a very helpful gentleman named Kartik. He ran the specs on the equipment to determine what was needed. He kindly and patiently explained different options in a way that I could understand. Lord willing, we will receive a shipment by next weekend.

    Again, I am grateful to you for taking the time to respond to my question.



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