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MemberFebruary 4, 2023 at 4:33 pm in reply to: Just wanted to say hey🖐️,say a proper introduction.😊❤
MemberFebruary 4, 2023 at 4:07 pm in reply to: Just wanted to say hey🖐️,say a proper introduction.Thank you so much! ❤
Many do not see the behind the scenes work or even criticism content creators get from those who already get information for free but demand things be done THEIR way. Thankfully it is not many but even those few can get exhausting at times so it is always nice to know people appreciate the work that goes into what we do and that they do not expect us to change who we are to fit into their special little box 🙂 -
I dehydrate all my herbs. I only make fresh herb based tinctures very rarely, I mostly use dried herbs for making an extract using homemade wine and honey as a solvent and I have found them to be very effective. In fact because of my recent injury, my pain extract has been excellent and it was made out of all dried herbs, homemade wine and raw honey. I realize there are varying opinions on this process: fresh or dried herbs, this solvent or that, but I can attest to what has worked for us and this includes the other medicinal extracts such as the antibiotic, the muscle relaxer/sleep inducer, et cetera). One thing to keep in mind is that when it comes to drying herbs, one can preserve the properties best by going for a lower heat setting. I typically use 110° but you can go down to 95° for the most delicate herbs. This is where I prefer to use my Nesco stackable dehydrator as I can put the less delicate things closer to the heat source while the more delicate is placed farther away making it so that I do not have to dry them all separately at different temperatures. If I am drying all of the same herbs or all herbs that do best at the same setting, then I might use my cabinet style dehydrator. In the case of herbs, I would personally never use an oven to dry and those who live in a dry climate can simply hang dry.
Yes, we are always not only learning new things but learning new ways to do things that work best for us and our situation. One of the many sad things about public school education is one is not taught to think outside the box but as we become more self sufficient, thinking outside the box is key. Necessity is the mother of invention and we see this nearly daily as there is something else to repair, a new skill to learn, growing something we have yet to try in our unique micro climates, and so much more. Those who cannot color outside the lines once in a while will find themselves stuck when a new challenge arises.
How true this is. It can be a balancing act for sure. We want to make the most of what we have but indeed the more we have the more we have to take care of and the more taking up space for more necessary items.
Yes, I make all my own wines from my grapes, rhubarb, apples, and/or blackberries. Once in awhile I may use an organic juice I purchase elsewhere
It certainly makes it more palatable! haha Plus it saves a little money not having to buy the spirits
For me it is simply the best way to go. It also saves on storage space. I have been doing this for quite a number of years and while I do improve on my recipes as time goes along, I still find that dried has worked just as good if not better than fresh. Opinion or not, many herbalists that have been doing it for 30 years or more use dried herbs. I was only trying to share my own years of experience here and each person needs to find what is best for them. For example, though I first started off using vodka or vinegar, I found I could not stand these so I experimented over the years and that is where I came up with the homemade wine and honey for a solvent. The combination last just as long on the shelf as one with a high proof alcohol, and sure makes them taste better, especially the pain one because feverfew is so bitter! Now it is actually tolerable to take and boy is it effective! I rarely need to use it but with some nights this pain in my knee keeping me up at night, that extract has been a lifesaver. Not only does it take away the pain but it calms everything because of the addition of valerian leaves and catmint.
The brain needs to be exercised like any other part of the body. So many just want to be spoon fed information instead of doing the research, experimenting, critical thinking, and learning that goes with that on their own. Here is just one example of something I see all the time. Whenever I tell people “You can make vinegar from any fruit, herb, or vegetable, fresh or dried” (seems pretty clear to me) they will then ask “Can I make vinegar from garlic?” “Can I make vinegar from hibiscus?” “Can I make vinegar from (fill in the blank with any herb, fruit, or vegetable, fresh or dried that comes to mind)?”
Or when I am showing a specific herb blend I make for this, that or the other thing and then give people a list of other options and tell them they can come up with their own combination they then ask “What if I am allergic to (fill in the blank)? What can I replace it with?” I get it, they have not yet learned how to problem solve thanks to the way they have been taught so my goal is to teach them how to get past this barrier