MemberForum Replies Created
Thanks . I’m locked out of the App . Now . Took me a while to reply sorry. Not a lot of members in my state . Could be having the same problem. No response. NJ:(
I’m lucky I have a friend that brings me all his left over 2×4 . And pretty much will pick up anything off the side of the road for me .Built all my quail pens for free. Except for the wire.
I also got 2- pressure treated chicken runs 12’x14’ with 1/2×1” wire free. BIG score!!! Another town over . Neighbors . Giving him trouble.
Free shed had some water damage. Threw some new tin on top good as new.
Windows👍For the coop. Sunlight.
Doors . Dutch
Still shopping .
You get the idea.
Waste not want not
Right now I just have an Eazy up tent . Hope for something more permanent. It’s a balance between Time/$
😳I’ll have2 find a video I’m not sure I want to cook that hot.
Thank you
I’ve heard of rocket stoves. Not really familiar with them. I’ll have to look into them.
Thank you
I’ll check out the stoves .
Thank you
I’m all in on dumpster, roadside or lift over building material!:)
I like the wood idea. I never thought of pizza. Thanks:)
I love that idea. I detest the heat ! So any canning I do in summer I try to do outside . Right now I have 1 propane burner . I’d like to set up some sort of waterproof galley. Thanks for the idea.
Thanks for your help.! Sorry. !!!! Have a great day.
Thanks . It’s ok right now.:)