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Honey really does help, at least it did for me. Growing up in middle NC, I never seemed to have a problem with allergies, but when I got out of the military and moved to northern VA. The pollen there would tear me up. A friend suggest local honey a few times a week on toast. Shortly after starting this, the pollen problem went away. Now, I can’t help with the other smells blowing out of DC.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by CarolinaCarefree.
MemberSeptember 19, 2022 at 6:27 pm in reply to: Hey US vets; at least we don't have to deal with the V.A.C.Grumpy_G you are right this is a touchy subject and I can come down on both sides. My uncle was well taken care of at the VA in Johnson City, TN, until he passed away and is now buried at the same VA. But me on the other hand, was stationed at Ft. McClelland in 1983. In 1999, the EPA closed the base as ‘one of the most toxic places on the planet’. Must have been bad. There was (not sure if it is still there) a list of toxins on the EPA website that are on that base. The city of Anniston sued, and won a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Monsanto (yes, the same one that is currently pushing GMOs), because the city water source was contaminated. But vets were disqualified from it. because the VA would take care of us. The VA denies any exposure. Even though the post bought its water from the city. Go figure, enough of has not died out yet.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by CarolinaCarefree.
It’s not been successful but I am an author and poet. Just putting on paper what God has given me over the years. It came out in 2018, but it’s my own fault nothing is going on with it. Now that I have started to change my thinking, I am starting to promote it again. Unfortunately, right now it is just on the jungle site. I wish I knew how to post the link but the title is Inspirational Struggles by Lee Brand. The cover is my photo. I also, speak and preach when the Lord gives me an opportunity.
MemberSeptember 19, 2022 at 12:57 pm in reply to: Federal Trade Commission (FTC) … What Do You Need To Know?This is good info. I published a book in 2018 and still don’t know everything. I saw you were published on Kindle. I am not currently on readers, only paperback. Just did not have funding to get a lot done when I put this one out, then got discouraged and haven’t done much. Would love to get it going again. Any suggestions?
My wife and I to get some but did not know where to get them. They are good for.lots of things. This would be a great idea
Well, these things almost never happen to me in some stores but in others, well. I sure it’s just me in my old.age forgetting how to use these new fangled gadgets. If you think this is bad think about all the things you can now link to for easier access. I even have a friend that can access his car through his phone to unlock and even start it. If you think about it someone out there also has access. Even those key fobs for electronic access, ok, I will not go to there are only so many codes so the next time you are at a large parking lot walk around and hit your fob. See how many other vehicles respond. It a security thing with me. Some habits will die when I do.
MemberSeptember 13, 2022 at 6:53 am in reply to: Events are now color coded by category type 🙌Thank you for your quick responses. You folks are great!
MemberSeptember 12, 2022 at 5:03 pm in reply to: What did you work on this weekend?Not much done this weekend. Was suppose to have thunderstorms all.weekend so nothing was really planned. It did rain, but only after I started to cut the grass. I did pick up some more deck blocks for the building. Needed 16 instead of the original 8. Forgot I need to support the middle. Good thing my wife figured this out before I started the build. Next to get those in and then building. I also got two whole house filters to make a portable water filtration system. Just need a small 12 volt transfer pump to get that finished. Similar to the Portawell system for half the price. And if unable to get filters, I can still use the containers to place a natural filter in(sand, charcoal, etc.) . While picking those up, found some gloves on clearance. Picked up four pairs. Two for me and two for my wife. Always like a good deal. Not bad for a rainy weekend. Also got some rest, which is always needed.
By the way, if you have pages of poetry, you are already a poet. You just have not shared them with anyone. 😃
I was the same way, and shared one with a friend that is a children’s book writer. She, eventually into making a book. All of my poems are from personal experiences. The photo is the back cover. My publisher, BOCH Publishing, created it. I finally came to the conclusion that what good is it for me to write if I don’t share it. Yes it helps me but if I can help one other person even better. If you are feeling lead to publish go for it!
Was not trying to convict you, just trying to give you another area to look at. This is one area I could also improve in. The other area that to my mind is homeless people. Could you find where the homeless hang out in your area? They usually have a certain place. My thinking is that if those that are offered something is not grateful, then I will find someone that will. Just thinking outside the box.
Here’s another suggestion. Find out the shut-ins of your church and take them some. Most of the ones here are glad just to have someone visit., so plan to stay a few minutes. The wealth of knowledge you can gain from some will more than pay for it.
MemberSeptember 14, 2022 at 4:57 pm in reply to: Most Overlooked ITEM in PreparednessAmen! My Bible is high on my list as well. But I also try to follow what it says, to hid it in my heart. They can take what is paper, but they cant take it from my heart. I am amazed how.many times, when I’m in a situation without my paper copy, that someone will ask something and God brings a verse to mind for it.
We are the same way. No need to .make it easier on them.
I think it background. These things come almost second nature. Between my years watching g the internet grow up ( and no, I did not invent the internet that was what’s his face) to my service to this great, but in distress country (Both military and civilian.) I been thinking about ways I could help.others with their security systems but have not narrowed it do yet. Thanks for all you do for this new way of life.