Rain Country
Living frugal, natural, healthy, and as self sustainable as possible. Sharing what we do and what we have... View more
Different types of lids..
Different types of lids..
Thank you for post this. I have been struggling with tattler lids getting them to vacuum seal with my food saver. They seal, but over time they have been leaking for me.
Pros and Cons of Tattler, ForJars, and Superb Brand Canning Lids
Options for Vacuum Sealing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgUJ2sAJz0M Tattler Lids: https://www.reusablecanninglids.com/ ForJars Lids: https://forjars.co/ Superb Lids: https://www.superbsealing.com/
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