
  • “Progress”

    Posted by Mud on September 17, 2022 at 12:25 pm

    Remember when Congress tried to write a bill to protect transgender peoples? Congress tried to slip in that the bill made themselves a “protected class” also. That didn’t pass but it was amended to pass for the transgender community alone.

    1st of all, this is written law that creates inequality amongst the people. “We should all get the same treatment and play by the same rules”….Obviously

    Law is supposed to be interpreted in the “spirit in which the law was written”, meaning “in god we trust”. They writing laws using influence from the wrong god.

    So, my point is the progression of actions.

    Make transgenders a protected community, then a few months later…..

    Texas, the most conservative state…….Has drag queen shows in businesses for kids….And antifa shows up fully armed hoping that nobody notices the conspiracy between Antifa and Congress legislation.

    The time frame of events is not able to be ignored. The government is giving Antifa the tools to attack the population according to their own discretion. Please be advised.

    LoneWolf replied 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • LoneWolf

    September 17, 2022 at 12:52 pm

    They will stick out like a sore thumb in this parallel economy that we are creating here. On last night’s Livestream with @TagNBee , my utter despondency was cured by watching. And hearing how homesteaders are showing up at each other’s places, swapping chores, connecting!!! As some people are taking their kids to drag shows, we will reap what we sow with our kind! Have a blessed day mudman. Where is that podcast about the Venezuelan man you interviewed? Will you post it and tag me, pretty please? Love, kelly

    • Mud

      September 17, 2022 at 1:25 pm

      The podcast will take more time to put together.

      Right now we are communicating thru text instead of phone chat. He uses Whatsapp so nope…..He lives in a shelter and working on getting his 2nd job, taking care of his brother, etc etc

      I’m basically Q /A with him right now, brainstorming questions and writing them down. He knows the plan is to collab, podcast, gofundme or patreon for him. From what he told me so far, it’s a suspenseful documentary…………

      He doesn’t believe people will pay money to hear his story. It helps him, help them plan for the future. I’m trying to break it to him gently that the USA will soon be Venezuela without the free fuel.

      I will give 1 piece of advice, he said no name brand clothes are cheap in USA…..I bet crappy sandals are also,

      Latinos call them “chanclas”, youtube the word there’s memes.

      I would 2nd hand store a ton of name brand clothes cheap now, and store a ton of spare shoes to run or work in. Then collect chanclas to wear during times you want to save your shoes. Shoes are going to become a premium item, just like nails were used as currency in Cuba.

    • Mud

      September 19, 2022 at 8:09 am

      They snuck into the Safe-T Act No cash bail for “threats to public officials”.

      Why the fk would the government do that to themselves, when a few months ago they tried to classify themselves as a protected class?

      Now the Polit Bureau can harass the political opposition, get caught, and get out to do it all over again next week.

      The Government is probably planning on using Antifa like a dysfuctional Polit Bureau.

  • LoneWolf

    September 17, 2022 at 2:25 pm

    Copy That Mudman. A noble effort on your part! My hot stock tip of the day is: PASTURE some sheep, start fermenting some pasture sileage for winter 4 any pasture grazers. Highest fat content in their meat, milk, WOOL, bones, etc. and find ye a gal that can spin that yarn into clothing! Make cheese, yogurt, bone broth, and stew. (I’m not applying for this job) Wool will surpass gold/silver very soon. I.M.A: A former shepherdess, In a past life🐑💨💨💨💨💨💨

    • Mud

      September 17, 2022 at 2:38 pm

      Funny you say that, I gave seeds to one a while back.

  • LoneWolf

    September 17, 2022 at 2:44 pm

    you know a shepherdess??? Can you get her on the air with the homeless Venezuelan? That would be a cluster bomb of a podcast🐑💨💨💨

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