Posted by Nanagoat on July 13, 2023 at 9:12 pm
Anybody hear anything about people getting called up?
KramitDreams replied 1 year, 7 months ago 15 Members · 19 Replies -
19 Replies
Heard a rumor that the IRR is being activated by the white house. Have been unable to confirm it though. Nothing so far about active reservists or NG.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment … Continue reading
Thanks to everyone for your help. Went to VBS and lost signal. Glad to be part of this group.
You beat me too it. Looks like it’s the Coasties first. Wonder where there going, besides Ukraine.
Wars make money. Thankfully I’m no longer IRR. Nor would I go if drafted. I will fight in the coming Civil War.
Monkey werks on youtube showed heavy military aircraft movement over the USA, heavier than normal. Not sure what is up.
Being called up in the IRR sucks anytime. I’ve had to retrain IRR folks called up. They might keep their jobs but it still hurts them. It can destroy a small business owner or someone who’s an owner/operator in trucking. The worst part is this a small window where benefits come into play and the gov is infamous for sending folks home a day shy of qualifying for such benefits. On some occasions they’ll wait a short time after discharge and call them up again.
Worse for officers. IRR for enlisted is typically 8yrs on the rolls. Officers however can be recalled for life.
What is the age range of IRR? Just curious if this is another attempt to get rid of the old..ya know like cough😒
I’m not sure to be honest. All I know is when leaving regular army or reserve you are placed into the IRR. Some go regular army then reserve then IRR. It use to be that IRR was supposed to train 2wks a year. That rarely occurred though. I was a reservist for 8yrs then 8yrs IRR and never did I do any drills in the IRR. I was out in my late 30’s. Guys that I met during Desert Storm whom were called up were in their late 30’s at the time. I believe there’s a cutoff date of 40 but I’m not 100%. More than likely the gov would look at individual health, training and time out more than age if there’s a crisis (fabricated or otherwise).
Get sick or have doctor say you have something wrong with you now so you can’t report to IRR! Screw’em!
Yes I heard Dan Bongino talking about 3000 troupes being sent to Finland since they were just admitted to NATO.
From a former member of all affected groups — if they were to call me up, then that could only mean they had exhausted all possible better options, in which case, I would be the last man standing and would thereby be authorized to negotiate a truce…
Seriously, if they are all the way down to calling up troops from the “spare-parts” Army, they are either desperate or un-serious about the goals of the intended mission.
In this case, I’m going with un-serious…
On the slightly brighter side, as opposed to embracing the suck somewhere in the sandbox, anyone called up to Finland, Germany or Poland can at least expect the availability of decent native beer & food without having to stop & clear IED’s along the way!
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