Heating water with a kelly kettle.
Heating water with a kelly kettle.
Posted by MartHale7 on December 9, 2022 at 4:11 pmThis morning a set myself a new record for boiling water with the kelly kettle. 5 cups of water from the tap to boiling in 3 min.
I am seriously impressed with what can be done with these.
AutumnDawn replied 2 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 18 Replies -
18 Replies
Yeah I use this to convert junk mail and cardboard to hot tea. Normally takes 8 min to boil the water.
I bought it online about 10 years ago, can’t remember where. But I went with the stainless steel base camp model.
I have a 60 seconds boiler. It only holds about 10 small cups, though. How much liquid capacity does it have?
5.5 cups the base camp I have. Yours runs off electricity right?
How many watts?
Nice find. I don’t like their symbol, it’s rather demonic. But hopefully it functions well. I’m very picky about roots. It’s good to know that’s available..I’ll keep my eyes open! Thanks again.
It has no such meaning, I am dragon from birth sign and I can be like a sweet angel.
Greet quality Petromax is, we have there https://www.petromax-shop.de/petromax_de/perkolator-perkomax-le28-aus-edelstahl.html , the big and small ones for coffee and tea. And a France Presse, from a different brand because I like Edelstahl.
Going to try this model to, think the big one.
Haha I don’t believe in that stuff anymore. Jesus opened my eyes and delivered me from such witchcraft.
Nothing personal. I have zero tolerance for anything ungodly. I live because of Christ. Not myself.
I will check out the other ones, again thank you and much appreciated. I stand my ground with the truth.
And stand united, if you ever come to Germany come over for a cup of coffee or tea and stay for a good home made meal!
Depends what your definition of “United” is, however, thank you for the offer. I don’t think I’ll be going to Germany anytime soon, but who knows other than the Almighty, alpha and omega all knowing Lord Most High Yeshua HAMASHIACH God bless you in Jesus’ mighty name Alleluia!
Only God knows and we will see, stay save and blessed.
That is really awesome. I’ll have to get one of these once I get my outdoor kitchen set up. Thanks letting me know they exist!
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