Are there any

  • Are there any

    Posted by BiggKidd on November 28, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    Single females who want to live off grid and homestead but don’t have a place? I’m interested in teaming up with someone. Homesteading off grid is hard enough but making a go of it alone is really tough! Until recently I had my daughters here but they have both moved on now. I’ve got thirty+ acres in the piedmont region of Virginia. I’d like to find a partner and turn it into more of a working small farm that makes more than it costs to maintain or even better into a profitable business. My ideal candidate would be a single woman in her thirties or forties, kids are okay. It would be best if said person could provide their own living space IE: a camper or tiny home but that’s not a deal breaker. My daughters and I have been living here for close to 16 years but now it’s just me and I’m tired of trying to maintain much less move forward without any help at all. At this time I have Dexter cattle, AGH pigs and Nigerian dwarf goats. I had chickens but time and nature took their toll and now I need to get more.

    If you’re interested feel free to contact me here or by private message.

    MUST BE PRO 2A & 420 friendly

    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  BiggKidd.
    Verytas replied 11 months, 4 weeks ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Hanidu-Acres

    November 28, 2023 at 8:37 pm

    Best of luck!

  • MartHale7

    November 28, 2023 at 9:30 pm

    You might want to also look at There are many out there that like to live off grid.

  • Emil

    November 28, 2023 at 10:56 pm

    Be safe .

  • BiggKidd

    December 2, 2023 at 2:52 pm

    Thanks guys. I posted this a couple places but no worthy bites yet. I have had a few off the wall contacts but that’s it.

  • Hanidu-Acres

    December 2, 2023 at 3:12 pm

    Sorry to hear that. Some many singles on both sides grinding it out alone.

  • BiggKidd

    December 5, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    Looks like things are fixin to get a little more interesting around here. Tomorrow we go to meet a young lady who wants to try homesteading life off grid. I’ve arranged for a camper for her to stay in and I’m planning to let her use up to an acre for her own in exchange for helping me a day or two a week around the place. It may well be a huge mistake but sometimes ya just gotta take a chance! If this place is ever going to move forward from here I need help to make it happen.

  • BiggKidd

    December 7, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    We made the run to Richmond yesterday and met Lefty. Everything seemed okay so she came back with us. She had to sleep in the girls room last night, today we try and move her camper in place and start getting it setup. She started a Youtube channel about her new adventure I will get you guys a link if you want.

    It was cold as crap last night I’m glad she opted to stay upstairs for the night or she would have frozen, dropped to 24f overnight. I think her day yesterday wore her out as she’s still sleeping. I’ll be waking her up soon as it’s getting close to warm enough for me to work outside. Glad I was able to get a couple hours this morning.

    If enough of the parts have arrived for the water pump we also have to get that done.

    • Hanidu-Acres

      December 7, 2023 at 4:39 pm

      So far so good. Post us that link!

  • BiggKidd

    December 12, 2023 at 6:12 pm

    So far so good around here. Having technical difficulties getting any videos edited and posted, we just don’t have the bandwidth (phone hotspot) or knowledge. We are working on it as time allows.

  • BiggKidd

    February 6, 2024 at 2:05 am

    Lefty is gone. Turned out she has some problems she didn’t mention. The kind that require constant medication which she decided to stop taking and things went south. If she had been up front and more importantly stayed on her meds then it probably would have been okay. But as of yesterday she had to go in for treatment and is no longer welcome here. Things could have gone much worse but there were some very tense moments. I hope she can get back on the meds she needs and stay on them and wish her the best of luck in whatever she does next.

    • Hanidu-Acres

      February 6, 2024 at 1:22 pm

      It’s a bummer for you but she’s the one who REALLY lost out. So much she could have learned!!!!

      • BiggKidd

        February 6, 2024 at 7:44 pm

        She did learn a good bit in the time she was here. She wasn’t a bad person and was downright agreeable when she was under the influence of the proper medication. When she either stopped taking it or it worked it’s way out of her system that’s when things started going bad and just got worse as time moved forward.

      • faceflame36

        February 17, 2024 at 6:30 am

        I have epilepsy so I don’t know how scary how it must of been if it was something like that, cause if I miss a day of my pills even on accident I payed for it with 2 breakthrough seizures on Christmas, ruined it for my family 2 years ago but I’ve been better and setting an alarm every day

      • Verytas

        February 23, 2024 at 12:05 am

        Epilepsy is really tough. I’ve been helping people with a related condition: electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS). I say “related” because both involve as a mechanism irregular inter-ictal spikes in the brainwave. EMS could be considered chronic, sub-seizure neural activity. I don’t know whether you feel you need to avoid manmade, xenobiotic electromagnetism; but EMS people rather desperately need to do so. This means that, in off-grid situations, clearing out the transients – also called dirty electricity – from the wiring is essential. And this is why people with EMS often, ironically, have difficulty with off-grid AC, when it hasn’t been properly set up to filter from the circuit board the transients. The off-grid community needs to learn to filter dirty electricity before it enters the structure in which people will live.

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