What would you ask John Willis, Jack Spirko over coffee?

  • Squashmania

    December 16, 2022 at 12:17 am

    Jack: what new trends today are making you really interested in what permaculture can do for you?

    John: you mentioned that you sat back for an amount of time and didn’t work up to your potential. What caused this jump shift in thought paradigm and kicked you in the butt?

  • packrat

    March 9, 2023 at 1:33 am

    One of the more prosaic requests is what exactly Jack does with two big black trash cans to compost. My wife was already vague on the subject but ordered the two trash cans anyway. They are sitting in the living room, ready for drilling and some type of filling, but she didn’t take notes on which episode it was and they’ve been sitting there for weeks. If anyone remembers the episode #, or if Jack talks about it again in his rota, you might leave a directing comment below. Thanks.

    • NicoleSauce

      Community Leader
      March 10, 2023 at 3:02 pm

      I cant remember the episode but I think he puts pvc with holes drilled in it for aeration — will see if I can find out

    • Squashmania

      June 29, 2023 at 2:06 pm

      Jack calls it Johnson-Soo-ish compost. He cleans out his duck coop I think once or twice a year and makes enough compost for the year with the deep bedding that he mixes biochar in, as well as feeding it to the birds. He puts a layer of biochar when he adds new bedding and says the flies are dramatically less.

      Yes, he has a perforated pipe down the center for aeration. I know it can dry out easily in his climate, so that may be why he uses trashcans, so he can retain moisture better.

      Check out Jack on the survival pod last. He has over 3200 episodes and I’m sure you can do a search and find his method….it was on a recent episode S well.

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