mRNA jabs begin this month for cattle and pigs
mRNA jabs begin this month for cattle and pigs
Posted by Monkey1 on April 2, 2023 at 10:45 ammRNA is the beast that won’t go away. If they can’t get us to take the shot, just poison the food.
10/22 It was reported that Australian ranchers were being forced to inject with mRNA for Cv. In one event, it was reported 35 of 200 cattle died immediately. .<div>https://www.vaccinedeaths.com/2022-10-21-lethal-injections-cattle-die-mrna-vaccination.html
In USA cattle and swine will start receiving mRNA jabs this month.</div><div>https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/poisoning-of-our-food-begins-this-month-mrna-going-into-cows-and-pigs</div>
MartHale7 replied 1 year, 8 months ago 14 Members · 29 Replies -
29 Replies
For those of us who can’t raise our own meat, this is angering! I’m in the suburbs & livestock are forbidden in my town limits. There may come a time when people start going against city codes to be able to produce more food safely. The question is: would the spike proteins be destroyed by cooking- or not? No one knows, because the powers that shouldn’t be won’t safety test it first.
I already go against their ruling. We’re only allowed 6 poultry and no rooster, I have 8 +rooster. Now, I’m setting up to get myself some turkeys and later a dwarf goat. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
We do the same..lol. I’m more of the it’s better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission 😆
If you’re not allowed livestock and are unwilling to go against the rules, get some Quail and raise them indoors.
I you can find and local farmer that raises their live stock naturally! I haven’t purchased meat in the stores for a year now, I order mine from a local grass feed farmer.
Those millions with auto immune mediated disease would be in BIG TROUBLE if it did persist in the meat. This is terrifying!
I fall in that category. Looks like I’m not downsizing my pigs out of existence.
So many questions.
1) Can the mRNA be transferred by eating this meat?
2) Can the mRNA be transferred by mosquitoes?
3) Are we doomed to have our genetics changed?
All excellent questions. Don’t know the veracity of this source, but they do claim “yes” to your questions. https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-meat-supply-may-soon-widely-contaminated-mrna-proteins-from-biotech-vaccines/580498
As of yet, I haven’t found clear cut human studies showing that link on NIH/ PubMed searches; however, the incidence of hunters possibly infected by Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, elk, etc. in NA is an interesting read. Some of the more suspicious are claiming intentional game contamination to help move out alternative food sources. Here’s a resource: https://deerassociation.com/cwd/
CWD is a prion cousin to MadCow or Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis. This is a naked bit of Protein called a prion gets into the animal’s system, and much like spike protein, is replicated endlessly. Eventuality the load becomes too heavy, and the prions en masse change into the beta pleated form ( think ridges on tin roof.) This form causes overt disease. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-a-prion-specifica/
We know that raccoons and other carrion eating animals can become infected, but there’s debate about humans. Handling neurological tissues like brain, eyes, spinal cord are a mainline source. In humans, years ago surgical suites where multiple spinal surgeries were done were found to transfer it as normal instrument sterilization didn’t work. Also reported in humans from cornea transplants. The problem with prion diseases is that the symptoms may come 1-10 years after exposure. Hard to track the correlation, but ever vigilant governments waste no time taking out the farmer. Cue the British destruction of dairy herds in 1984 for BSE. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn91-bse-disaster-the-history/
This was caused by feeding rendered protein meal of diseased cattle back to cattle. Seems like a GI consumption link to me, but everyone hides behind the “trans- species barrier.” ( Not a gender reference!) Meaning some diseases transfer from one species to another while others don’t. Hopefully we won’t learn the answer from a Soylent Green link.
Interestingly in 1990 this BSE transfer question again raised it head. “The first hint that humans could be affected came in 1990, when a Siamese cat called Max fell ill with the feline version of BSE. That same year, scientists showed that the disease could be orally transmitted to mice.
The assumption that BSE could not cross the species barrier was proving increasingly uncertain. Despite this, the government assured the public that British beef was safe to eat, with agriculture minister John Gummer famously feeding his daughter a beefburger.”
Lots to learn, but at this juncture, if the mass producers/ government shills are pushing something, it’s probably not for our benefit.
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Lots of video documentation at one spot with article. Bill Gates talking about the use of mRNA etc. for cattle, etc. on videos. He states its a way to “overcome vaccine hesitancy.”
Pinball did a video on this topic yesterday.
Just like everything else…is it really happening and only a few know about it so the rest really can truthfully they don’t know? Or is it all a load of tosh to get us scared?
Either it’s true, we eat it and get sick…or it’s false, we don’t eat it and we go hungry and/or have to eat something else instead…..either way, They get what They want. Unless you raise your own, that is, because even buying local isn’t a guarantee. Do you know where your local farmer got their animals? Know what those animals and their parents have been given? Know what they are fed? Our egg guy’s chickens have all but stopped laying. He gets feed from the local mill but idk where the mill gets their stuff. And no, it’s not because it’s winter. He took steps to prevent that. And even if you do buy local, what about the occasional treat of going out to eat? Is that safe?
Things we are allowed to know about have already been happening. Some of it for a long time. Call me crazy *adjusts tin foil tiara* but I don’t trust them to not F with us in one way or another. Just my two cents. -
I just called a friend in the cattle business and he said he’s heard nothing about this. He’s at the auction most weeks, and most of the folks he spends time with are also producers. None of them have mentioned this. I’ll ask him to check with the USDA rep.
Wondering about if this survives the cooking process of the meat.
The long and short of it is no one in science community gives straight answers. If they know, they ain’t sayin’.
I know from medical studies on surgical instruments used for any type of neurological tissue that prions are not destroyed by normal sterilization which is high heat w steam under pressure. That would be most closely duplicated at home by a pressure canner process.
See above data on Mad Cow disease from old UK outbreak. I do not know the technical difference between how mRNA vaccines and prions might be transmitted via eating muscle tissue. Prions are definitely transmitted via brain and eyes consumption like Kuru. Papa New Guinea tribe got ill from eating brains of their deceased family. We also know of omnivores who eat carrion becoming infected with prions. Did they eat the neurological bits and not the muscle, who can say?
How the two operate is quite similar as both incorporate themselves into DNA and cause replication of aberrant proteins. Prion diseases are always debilitating and then fatal. Huntington’s disease in humans is an inherited form of prion. ( Makes one wonder about inheritance of spike proteins.) All prion diseases generally have gradual symptoms followed by a sudden decline or change leading to diagnosis. With the HD folks, it may take years for visible signs to occur. Just because you’re infected doesn’t mean there will be immediate signs so it may be difficult to pinpoint exposure to disease.
The govt. eliminated entire UK dairy herds on the threat it was passed via milk and meat. We also know jabbed humans have the spikes in their breast milk. Based on that type of data, I would guess the infection risk via eating would be same for mRNA proteins as prions. *Disclaimer as it’s an opinion. There are conflicting views on what should be straightforward info. For instance, no one will take an stand if Chronic Wasting Disease in deer passes to those who consume the meat or handle carcasses. CWD is a prion disease.
“Perhaps the most important question to hunters and families is whether CWD infected deer can be eaten. Can they? Well sure, but the CDC and other top health organizations have said loud and clear to NOT eat deer knowingly infected with CWD. With prevalence rates soaring in areas of Wisconsin and mountain states of Wyoming and Colorado, it’s safe to say consumption of CWD meat has happened. Bryan Richards claims “It’s very clear humans are exposed to disease associated prion protein from CWD, whether that will result in transmission of disease across the species barrier is an open question, we absolutely cannot say it will, we absolutely cannot say it won’t.” The human TSE form is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and has been contracted by humans eating cattle infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE, or mad cow disease.” https://www.bowhunting.com/blog/2018/10/26/are-cwd-deer-safe-to-eat/
Additional info from Dr McCullough-Cows milk exosomes given mRNA vaccine was successfully used to immunize mice via food.
I contacted Laura’s Lean Beef company to ask if they will allow mRNA in their beef. They sent me a very nice reply with this link: https://www.morningagclips.com/ncba-statement-correcting-internet-falsehoods-about-mrna-vaccines-in-cattle/
Hmmm…very carefully worded and very right now focused.
Just another piece…
Whole Cows website on the blog portion reads that pork has had mRNA since 2018.
Good questionn ! Tired of wasting minutes of my life on ghost stories!
Yes, some states are banning this being added to food. Denial is getting rid of the truth of their existence.
I could deni that nukes exist, but evidence shows they exist.
Many who were doing nuke tests with the military were not protected from the tests.
Good point. Always check.
Here’s a source about administrating this:
State of Missouri evidently looking to do bill to prevent it.
mRNA that’s been in use through Iowa State
mRNA Vaccine Development for Emerging Animal and Zoonotic Diseases
A positive spin on mRNA by Canadian Cattle Association
BREAKING NEWS: the lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH. WE MUST SUPPORT #Missouri #HB1169. It is LITERALLY the ONLY chance we have to prevent this… NO ONE knows the the… pic.twitter.com/OQ6ti0Xsww
— Tom Renz (@RenzTom) April 1, 2023
Sure thing, I am meeting this week with a friend to look at what meat sources we can get that do not have this injections. We are growing our own meat. I had a dream recently that I saw myself drying and vacuum sealing fish. I may be moving more in this direction.
I think that’s what we all need to do- look for local small sources that can turn down the rna in their animals. It feels like the noose is cinching shut on us! Contaminating our food, reducing food, and next they’ll reduce our fuel to travel (15 min cities) so we can’t get to places where food isn’t contaminated. I’m in the suburbs & unable to raise my own meat right now. And as Sojourner said, pray God protects us.
Don’t forget Obummer signed HR 4310 in 2012 making it legal for the government and msm to lie and propagandize citizens. It repealed the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 forbidding domestic propaganda.
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