Freedom Ranger Hatchery
Freedom Ranger Hatchery
I was wondering if anyone else received an order from Freedom Ranger Hatchery recently. I got my order of meat chicks in about a week about and just received a letter in the mail from my state saying they have to be quarantined for 21 days because of an alleged avian flu outbreak. I have all healthy chicks and have not even lost any. Curious if others are getting the same or if anyone has gotten something like this. Did anything come of it? I have already called the hatchery and am waiting for a call back.
Update: The hatchery called me back and explained the situation which is that there have been outbreaks in that state (PA) and they are just on the outside boundaries of one of the outbreak so they have to apply for additional licenses to ship (another way to ding food the industry). So every state is treating it differently. Mine is requiring quarantine for 21 days apparently (huge eye roll). He mentioned that the flu cannot survive the temperature of the incubator OR the temperature you have to keep your brooder at for the chicks to survive. So for anyone panicking, there ya go! No worries. Still curious about others
This discussion was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
This discussion was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
This discussion was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
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