Ways to become more free
Tagged: batteries, ways to be free
Ways to become more free
FortWallCox replied 1 year, 7 months ago 34 Members · 78 Replies
We just got a few ibc containers. Have to rinse them out, connect(do not know how yet) them together and connect to gutter system. Too bad we did not fet them a few days before the rain tonight.
I have said this many times but I think water should be at the top of the list.
100% agree. We have troughs for animals and a few small catch barrels, but this should help us out a lot.
When I bought this place, I was an ignorant. Suburbanite. I had no idea the hydrogen dioxide goldmine I fell into. Not nearly as elaborate as your house, but the basement ceiling is an imposing nest of copper pipes. There is a 15K gallon cistern of rain water off the roof on one end under the garage (,totally hidden) and a well at the other end of the house and a quarter acre pond behind that drains into a state scenic waterway a 15 min. walk from the back property line.
currently we aren’t FREE from the system we are tied into municipal water and sewer but I have 2 fifteen gallon water containers and a dozen or so ceramic filters and two distilling setups that i can use to distill water
Don’t forget drinking distilled water can strip needed minerals out of your body.
Water has been my primary concern. I have been trying to find used food grade IBC totes for the garden without success. They are all fertilizer and herbicide. I did find that they make liners for them that are really affordable, but they are for reuse of food grade IBC’s. I did manage to get my hands on a few 55-gallon plastic barrels.
I also saw a video from Arkansas Prepper with some really neat ideas I hadn’t seen before. B Lynn check his video for gutter hookup. Love his clean out system. DIY Rain Barrel System Explained – YouTube.
You could use the first barrel from his system and tie that into your tote. Lots of videos on IBC connectors and adapters from folks right here on freesteading.
I found this maybe it will help,
I don’t know what state you are in However a simple google search gave me several options for south Carolina
- This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by mousehouse.
I definitely want to check that out. I’ve been looking for IBC totes for my preps for a while (new ones are expensive) and I’ve seen many different uses for them too. From storing water for household and garden/animal watering to making an outdoor shower setup. Someone mentioned checking CL and/or Fakebook marketplace for used ones.
Thanks. I am in Louisiana, but no one is ever selling them here on that site.
nice! I’m on such a steep hill, I wouldn’t even have to build it that high!
There are various methods of connecting totes – a quick search on youtube turned up a slew of videos showing how different individuals got’er done . . . I just searched ‘connecting IBC totes’.
This reminds me of a story, many may have heard a version of:
Once a man was sitting under a tree, fishing with a pole.
Up walks one known for being “successful” in the community. He asks the man why he is fishing with only one pole, rather than 2 or more.
The fisherman responds “why would I want to do that?”
“Well, to catch more fish of course”
“And why would I do that”
“with more fish, you could sell some and buy a net”
“and why would I do that”
“to catch even more fish, sell them, and buy a net”“and why would I do that”
“Och! to catch even more fish, sell them, and buy boats”
and so it went until he had would have a fleet of boats and fishermen working for him.Finally, the successful man said, “all this, so that you can relax and do what you wish!”
To which the fisherman said.. “but I’m doing that now”
Until I read Toni’s post I would have had food at the top of my list. Food ensured my kids’ survival and I didn’t want any store dictating that. So I began gardening, to cut grocery costs was able to put more money towards my car payment. I made friends with people who had fruit trees that would let me come pick what I wanted. I would can and freeze it all with jars I got at an estate sale for ten cents a jar. That was how I began my journey and I’ve never looked back. Even all these years later, my neighbor brings me her free range organic turkey carcass every holiday so I can boil it down and can broth. So while I wanted no debt, I knew I had to tackle food first to achieve that goal.
1. Thought
2. Food
3. Debt
4. Energy
5. Water
I would add networking with like minded people to the list. (Using this site for example) It is very hard to stand alone. By that I mean it is hard to be an expert at gardening, carpentry, pluming, herbal medicine, raising animals, hunting, etc. So be expert at some items and trade with others who are expert in other areas that you are not expert. I am an introvert by nature, however I do have select neighbors and friends with the same independent nature that I have. For example I have a large garden and about 30 fruit and nut trees. I have a neighbor with chickens, my son in law hunts, so I trade food from my garden with them for eggs, deer meat, etc. I also have what I call online friends. People I have not met in person that are basically freesteaders that I trade ideas with and learn from.
Nope no way, because it is not for (our) freedom Having the governme(s) not behind or on your side but against, is a whole different ballgame.
Just going to hug pets and plant flowers.
It does take a mental change to decide to live free. There are lots of things you gain, and also lots of things you give up. Those considerations are different at different stages of your life, too. A young couple with no children are very free, and so is an old person on their own. A young couple with children have different things to consider. If you are middle aged with older children, or middle aged without children … taking care of family members or having no dependents … with health problems, or with good health … liking to work with your hands, or being without mechanical aptitude … having experience or having no experience … being raised urban or raised rural … these all play into it. Anybody can finally make the decision to live free, but there is quite a bit more change and adjustment for some people than others, and probably the majority of people will never get there, or even want to.
I worked in that direction for years, but didn’t make the full jump. I earned the living, my husband was much older than me and didn’t have the bug, and we had a semi-rural place that I liked. But when I was widowed and on my own, the jump to leave it and start out new and free was very easy. It didn’t take any internal debate or external arguments, and I have no regrets.
i am just begging this journey
i have a small solar setup for medical equipment
i have my own gas and electric meters installed [yes is is legal here in the UK [contrary to what others say] as i have thoroughly checked out the law
super fun fact
electricity can non be stolen
p4 oxford dictionary of law 10th ed 2022 states
Abstraction of electricity
in Lowe v Blease [1975] crim LR 513 it was held that electricity could not be stolen as it is not property within the meaning of section 4 Theft act 1968
i have a few local sources whereby i can get 12v car batteries anywhere from £10 ~ £40
i have paraffin lamps and stove and can get used-engine-oil free and paraffin for around £8 a UK gallon
being mentally and spiritually free is the biggest way to be free, free of fear and worry and stress anxiety and depression etc
We are in Southern IL, about an hour east of STL. Where did you say you were? I never thought of Kansas for land if/when we leave IL. Always thought it was wide open. Just remember the drive to Colorado. Lol. We are looking for land for homesteading. Open area, water/creeks/wood for milling/land for animals. I know you said northern Kansas somewhere with rolling hills and woods. Is that just in Northern Kansas? It ready to pull the trigger just yet, but just wanting to see where/what would work best for our needs. Thanks!
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