Moving! Any Suggestions?

  • Moving! Any Suggestions?

    Posted by EricWithAnH on September 28, 2022 at 11:37 pm

    My wife and I are looking to move next summer and buy some land. We live outside of Cleveland, OH. She’s from California and wants a little more sunshine and a longer growing season.

    I like what the Free State Project did for New Hampshire. Billy from Perma Pastures joked about The Self Reliance Festival in Camden, and getting a group to move their for a homesteading city.

    Any suggestions for good liberty minded Homesteading towns? We’re open to most states if you can make a good argument.

    (posting this in multiple spots)

    HopefulbythegraceofGod4ever replied 1 year, 12 months ago 10 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Kjc3

    September 29, 2022 at 1:22 am

    Hey there, I’m also looking to move to get more land. I’m currently in an urban setting (asheville, NC)

    Billy from Perma Pastures Farm also lives in Western NC. I don’t know if you watch their channels but Justin Rhodes and Jason from Sow The Land live here too. It is really beautiful here so I would love to stay in the general area. I am unsure if we have more growing days than you in Ohio. I use to live in Nashville, TN for 20 or so years and I like western NC better. It gets SO hot in Nashville and is usually 10 degrees cooler here in WNC the summer. Right now i am looking in the Marshall, Mars Hill and Burnsville area but i feel time is of the essence and need to do it asap before things get to where it wont be possible. It would be great to live around like minded people.

    • Althesage

      September 29, 2022 at 2:11 pm

      Western Upstate SC could be worth a look.

      • Kjc3

        September 29, 2022 at 7:03 pm

        Thanks for the tip!

  • BiggKidd

    September 29, 2022 at 2:09 am

    South Central Va has a lot more homesteaders and preppers than I could have imagined just a few years ago. I really had no idea until I started meeting folks through a friend who goes to all the farm swaps, sales, auctions and such.

  • Sunstone

    October 20, 2022 at 7:32 am

    NH is not the bastion of freedom it once seemed to promise to be. I don’t know what happened up there but I think the libertarian movement got watered down or the liberal statists made a supreme effort to take back control. It’s still a bastion of *relative* freedom to people in nearby New England states (speaking as a former resident of one). But you can definitely do better, especially if you want a longer growing season.

    As a transplant to western NC (in the foothills), I have to say there’s a lot more of a homesteading movement here. Been here only 6 months and have found a lot of freedom-minded people, farmers, homeschoolers, and generally more open-minded people and less controlling government. Depends on what specifically you’re looking for of course, but your background and reasons for moving sound a lot like mine, so it might be worth looking into.

    I would also recommend this book, Strategic Relocation ( It’s got a guide to every state in the US and tells you about climate, environmental issues like air and water quality, government regulations, crime, population statistics, as well as detailed maps showing various hazards that a prepper/homesteader might want to avoid. We really tried to be thorough when planning our move and looked at every region, ruling most out based on climate, and then zeroed in on regulations and restrictions and a few other qualifiers to figure out the best place for us. It really depends on what’s important to you, so you need to have as much information as possible to make a good decision.

    • LoneWolf

      November 18, 2022 at 3:13 pm

      Im replying to an older thread, Sunstone, because I’m in Western NC, and also a libertarian. I noticed your book recommendation. I wonder if you have heard of KrisAnn Hall ( who teaches local sheriffs their constitutional duty. I’m trying to rehome 3 fine 5 month old laying hens, and give away many farm hand tools & non GMO seeds (thousands) I’ve had a house fire, can not find rental, and must move into motel in Asheville. I raised my hens from chicks, and have only fed them pasture, worms, grubs or organic lay mash. I cannot leave them in THE CITY. any thoughts?

      • Sunstone

        November 27, 2022 at 5:05 pm

        Sorry only just saw this – So sorry to hear about your house fire. That must be a devastating loss. I hope you’re able to get back on your feet soon and will be able to get some compensation through insurance…

        I haven’t heard of KrisAnn Hall but I will check out the link.

        if you’re still looking to rehome your hens I’d gladly take them. I’ve got a flock of about 30 plus a few ducks and turkeys. They’re semi-free range as we have a large fenced-in backyard (but some of the more wily ones jump the fence and forage in the surrounding fields). I feed them a homemade mix of fermented organic grains plus kitchen scraps and leftovers, and they get the rest off the land.

        I’d also be happy to take any farm tools and seeds you have…I do know a few other homesteaders so I could ask around if any of them want to take some, so that you’re not just giving everything to one person.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by  Sunstone.
        • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by  Sunstone.
  • HopefulbythegraceofGod4ever

    January 8, 2023 at 2:22 am

    Hello! We are from Ohio too! We have an opportunity to move near Lubbock Texas and I came on this forum to try and find advice on moving too! Can anyone help with suggestions on finding good safe homestead land on a small budget that is within a 30 min drive from Lubbock Texas? I’m hoping to find a Christian homestead/ prepper community out there if possible ♥️🙏🏼

    • BuffaloGal

      January 8, 2023 at 2:34 am

      Im about 2 hours north of Lubbock. I lived in a small community about 30 minutes from Lubbock when I was a kid.

      If I were looking for property, I would look between Levelland and Lubbock or I would look north towards Hale Center but that’s mostly because ofy familiarity. I don’t know how small of a population you are looking for. There are some communities that have several churches, a school, a post office and if you’re lucky they have a cafe. If you want larger, look for land near Abernathy, Nazareth, etc. I will promise you the trees are far amd few between. The land is flat… watch the dog run away for 5 days. The name Levelland should give you a clue. 😂. I promise, it’s nothing like Ohio. I have lived south of Toledo so I have a true comparison. I’m sorry I’m not more help.

      • HopefulbythegraceofGod4ever

        January 8, 2023 at 4:12 am

        Thank you for the advice ☺️ just looking on Zillow there’s not much out there , and yes I see no trees on any property that is for sale.

      • BuffaloGal

        January 8, 2023 at 5:15 am

        I’m not trying too get personal so don’t answer anything you don’t want to. Is there a specific reason Lubbock? …or did Lubbock just sound like a good place?

        A lot of that area is cotton and wheat country, or it used to be. It’s a harsh area. I remember watching the wheat field across the street get beaten down by hail one night and the next morning he was scheduled to harvest. There’s almost always wind.

        I’m not trying to scare you, I just don’t know what you do know about the area. I love the people from/in this area. They make up for so many shortcomings.

      • BuffaloGal

        January 8, 2023 at 5:22 am

        I would suggest typing in your search engine:

        Farm and ranch real estate _____ county

        Here are the counties around the Lubbock area:

        • Hale County (north)
        • Crosby County (east)
        • Lynn County (south)
        • Hockley County (west)
        • Lamb County (northwest)
        • Terry County (southwest)
        • Garza County (southeast)
        • Floyd County (northeast)
      • HopefulbythegraceofGod4ever

        January 8, 2023 at 1:14 pm

        Thank you! I will check these counties out, we are flexible in the location in Texas, the only reason we were leaning towards Lubbock is that there is an amazing doctor I’ve been listening to his radio show for years now, we would love to get set up with him as our family doctor , but if we can’t find a good place to move close by we are willing to travel there longer distance if we have to.

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