


About You

About You

My wife and I homesteaded in NH when we were young and raising our kids.
Then got away from it and move a few times– Then in Upstate SC we began to garden in a small backyard with some raised beds. Then we yearned to get some land and go back into really homesteading again. In 2019 at 65 years old-both of us- we bought 6 1/2 acres in northwest SC -we are in the woods!
We have been very busy taming the place, rebuilding the home, adding a greenhouse to an outbuilding, putting together a Solar system on the greenhouse- Standalone system. Also we installed three Huglekultures and put another area to add’l gardens next to the chickens and near our grapevines- BTW – just nearing the end of the homebuilding and getting more toward homesteading…… had started to share our endeavors- lately not been updating- we’ll see.


South Carolina

Work Experience

Job Title

Bodyshop Manager for years

