
  • Insurance

    Posted by soma_farms on September 5, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    This is scary interesting. I was told by another woman that vendors with me that State Farm had cheaper buisness insurance. She only pays like $22/month for a 2 million dollar policy and covers all her bees/hives, the honey, and all she sells with the honey (soaps, salves, jams, etc). I do a lot with herbal products so figured I could get the same rate but they said no, they wouldn’t give me a policy. I asked what the difference was because we both sell consumable and topical products and they told me that it’s because I’m a “farm” and they don’t do commercial. I laughed and said that although “farm” is in my name, I’m more like a homestead just trying to make a few bucks to help pay the bills. But nope, they said animals and all that they won’t cover. Bees are insects but still as alive as my livestock. Whatever, but it just made me think of recent events and events said to come. Anyone else experience this?

    soma_farms replied 1 year, 5 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Emil

    September 5, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    This is whats happening in Canada.

    I’m sure it’s in the works here also.

    • soma_farms

      September 6, 2023 at 1:59 am

      Yes, I heard of this! Awful! Another reason why not only do I sell products but I teach people of all ages too or at least point them in a direction of a book or YouTuber (Heidi, She is of the woods, etc.) that can further educate them. If this happens here, I guess it will come down my group/inner circle bartering for what we need or splitting the load (you make Burdock Root, I’ll make Wild Lettuce type of thing). And I’ll still teach! – Forever teaching life skills to anyone willing to lend their ears.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    September 5, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    For me, Insurance is a scam. The only insurance I’ve carried in the last 10 years is auto, because without it, no tags. I dropped Farm Bureau, after having been with them for over 20 years, with no claims when for a brief time they tried to pull this stunt where they said “if we have your auto or house, but not both we’ll drop you”.. so I dropped them. Oh, I did have health insurance, when I was employed as a nurse, because it was essentially free with my system (as long as I stayed in the system).

    • soma_farms

      September 6, 2023 at 1:48 am

      Yeah I agree with you but I worry about the sue-happy Karen’s of the world. I’m brand new and all of my feedback has been super positive but it’s buisness; you’re not going to please everyone. People have become so disconnected from their food, medicine, and everything that it scares me a bit and I hope these people don’t buy from me but I know they do because I had one lady prance (I don’t don’t even know what to call it) to get EGGS because my chickens free range

  • soma_farms

    September 6, 2023 at 1:41 am

    Right! LOL I was thinking that 🤣

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